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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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this is all very confusing - so Kanye West is a commie...?

Political ideology is like an NES game: if you go far enough left you come out on the far-right




kanye is a Kanyeist

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Alex Jones denying a conspiracy theory?




Lol, watch him go back on Trump completely in a year. Remember when he was saying shit about how the presidents are chosen before the campaigns even begin and how the police are all illuminati satanists who like to arrest people for fun and how the Putin is literally satan and is going to nuke the world on Y2K? I can't wait

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Kanye was invited to Trump Tower to distract from Russian stuff, his conflicts of interest, liabilities, and pitfalls of his international business, and his appointment of Rex Tillerson. Trump cancelled a meeting dealing with those conflicts of interest to continue appointing his cabinet or so he says. He has time to meet with Kanye West though. 

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makes me chuckle a tiny bit. i hope this thumbing the nose at the president elect becomes a thing





Department of Energy Tells Trump to Go Screw Himself


Last week, Donald Trump’s transition team asked the Department of Energy for a list of staff and contractors who have worked on policies around climate change. The move was unusual and led to speculation that the Trump team was looking to purge the agency of people who accept the established science on climate change. Well, the Department of Energy is responding. And it more or less is telling Trump to go screw himself.


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this is all very confusing - so Kanye West is a commie...?

Political ideology is like an NES game: if you go far enough left you come out on the far-right




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next level russian hacking: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/dec/14/dnc-hillary-clinton-emails-hacked-russia-aide-typo-investigation-finds


now that is some l337 shit 





Hell0 uzer. Your accøunt is cømprømised. Plz chånge nøw. ThX, Øbama


this whole thing is a sad joke that is playing out for way too long

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There's nothing more punk than buddying up with corrupt deceitful nationalist authoritarians. That's what *real* hip-hop is all about.


This was Public Enemy's message, right? Hug the system?






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