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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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during the 2016 campaign i thought the media could have annihilated trump at any point, but he was good for their ratings. they were covering his shit all the time because it got ratings, and they would cover only one thing at a time. whatever the latest thing was. they never did a comprehensive overview, listing all the reasons why he was a ridiculous choice for a president. they only just covered that one last thing, so all the not-really-paying-attention voters would only see a few isolated topics, and they may fall for trump's pitches, amplified by the incredible coverage and viewership.


the play was always to have the talking heads debate "is trump right" so that was the message always being put forward, when, really, they knew trump was always full of shit.


imagine if the media had never treated him as a tenable president. the media has a lot of weight in elections. they weren't trying to get him in there, but they were trying to keep him in the running. they thought he was going to lose the general election, but then everyone was surprised by the historic discrepancies between polling-based projections and vote counts.

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Either way, Dems take majority control the House on Thursday. Although having that old corporate shilling bat Pelosi as Speaker is guaranteed at this point. As much as most of us (here) want Donnie out of the picture, I'm not optimistic about the current Democratic leadership.

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during the 2016 campaign i thought the media could have annihilated trump at any point, but he was good for their ratings. they were covering his shit all the time because it got ratings, and they would cover only one thing at a time. whatever the latest thing was. they never did a comprehensive overview, listing all the reasons why he was a ridiculous choice for a president. they only just covered that one last thing, so all the not-really-paying-attention voters would only see a few isolated topics, and they may fall for trump's pitches, amplified by the incredible coverage and viewership.


the play was always to have the talking heads debate "is trump right" so that was the message always being put forward, when, really, they knew trump was always full of shit.


imagine if the media had never treated him as a tenable president. the media has a lot of weight in elections. they weren't trying to get him in there, but they were trying to keep him in the running. they thought he was going to lose the general election, but then everyone was surprised by the historic discrepancies between polling-based projections and vote counts.


This can not be overstated. For all the MAGAtards' cries about the media being unfair to Trump for covering all the stupid things he says and does, that New York Times exposé about his inheritance from his father/tax fraud could have come out in fucking 2015... or any time really. Not to mention any investigative journalism digging into his decades long ties to organized crime. Their "fair minded" approach was at first about ratings. How many times did you see a headline or even a full article about: Trump says this(obvious bullshit) and zero fact checking or correcting the record? Now I think it's all about an unwillingness to admit they are partially responsible for getting us into this shit. Even MSNBC has a few morons that carry water for him, appearing critical of him when they need to, but skeptical of all the wrong things. Fawning over Edward Snowden is the biggest clue(*cough*Chris Hayes*cough*)

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i guess Putin has a list of demands... 


Putin tells Trump that Moscow is ready for talks on an ‘extensive agenda’




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i guess Putin has a list of demands... 


Putin tells Trump that Moscow is ready for talks on an ‘extensive agenda’





I guess we should all start learning Russian in preparation for our new leader.



please rename thread to "Now that Elizabeth Warrens running for president" ;D


This is going to be so embarrassing. I wonder what new insults our mentally ill toddler will have in store for her.

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stupid watergate is amazing.. trump approved this cash for the republican house because they said it would be useful to investigate hillary.. and trump kept saying there would be a "redwave" at the midterms.. flol.. idiot. now pelosi has big dollars to hire the big shot lawyer for the dems. 


Trump approved extra $129M to help House investigate Hillary. Now Pelosi has it.




this is the guy pelosi hired.. 40-year Department of Justice veteran attorney Douglas N. Letter as general counsel for the House of Representatives.






also.. ART OF THE DEAL!!!  master negotiator.. 


Source: Trump tells Schumer he can't accept Dems' offer because he'd 'look foolish'




which is the same thing he said to the president of mexico when he was trying to get them to pay for the wall.. 


"You have a very big mark on our back, Mr. President, regarding who pays for the wall," Pena Nieto said. "My position has been and will continue to be very firm saying that Mexico cannot pay for that wall."
Trump responded, "But you cannot say that to the press. The press is going to go with that, and I cannot live with that. You cannot say that to the press, because I cannot negotiate under those circumstances."
He went on, "But the fact is we are both in a little bit of a political bind, because I have to have Mexico pay for the wall. I have to."




jesus this guy is so fucking weird and stupid and psychologically up his own ass.  i hope the whole family gets rolled up and humiliated... indict them all. 


also there's this bullshit... 




Steinberg wrote that Trump's "abysmal" approval ratings and a "forthcoming recession" will lead to Trump making a deal to resign from the Oval Office to avoid any likely criminal charges made against him and his family.


More and more companies are confirming that President Trump’s trade war is slowing down the global economy.



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There's chum in the waters.


The former Senate majority leader Harry Reid on President Trump


“Trump is an interesting person. He is not immoral but is amoral. Amoral is when you shoot someone in the head, it doesn’t make a difference. No conscience.” There was a hint of grudging respect in Reid’s tone, which he seemed to catch and correct. “I think he is without question the worst president we’ve ever had,” he said. “We’ve had some bad ones, and there’s not even a close second to him.” He added: “He’ll lie. He’ll cheat. You can’t reason with him.”


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WTF is he even saying. All these GOP lemons loyal to and including Trump are incapable of coherent dialogue or reason. Hell, ol' Rudy can't even spell Mueller's last name correctly. Rot brains.


The irony is how Puritanical the GOP make themselves out to be.

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Actually the most confusing tweet I recall seeing.  I feel like I'm going senile when I read that.



i need smelling salts once a day.  these fucks are sliding into maggot brain right before our eyes. 


edit: btw one of the top comments for that tweet is gold. 


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