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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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Well, I'd say your development is massively more influential on your behavior and personality than the minutia of your lifestyle (e.g. How you sit and how long you sit)


Look, I'm not trying to boil his personality all down to a single factor, but what is certain is that when people are screwed up and anti-social (e.g. Wanting to do away with social democracy because it's impeding your income), it's not a complete mystery as to how they got that way...dysfunctional socialization is what gives us school shooters, sexual sadists and serial killers (yes I think he's that bad...given the power he would do massive harm)

Edited by LimpyLoo
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Autism assessment is mostly done by seeing how someone talks and reacts to someone else, evident by this thread.

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Well, I'd say your development is massively more influential on your behavior and personality than the minutia of your lifestyle (e.g. How you sit and how long you sit)


Look, I'm not trying to boil his personality all down to a single factor, but what is certain is that when people are screwed up and anti-social (e.g. Wanting to do away with social democracy because it's impeding your income), it's not a complete mystery as to how they got that way...dysfunctional socialization is what gives us school shooters, sexual sadists and serial killers (yes I think he's that bad...given the power he would do massive harm)


But I wasn't even commenting on his behavior. I referenced a factor influencing his motor movements. 

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Well, I'd say your development is massively more influential on your behavior and personality than the minutia of your lifestyle (e.g. How you sit and how long you sit)


Look, I'm not trying to boil his personality all down to a single factor, but what is certain is that when people are screwed up and anti-social (e.g. Wanting to do away with social democracy because it's impeding your income), it's not a complete mystery as to how they got that way...dysfunctional socialization is what gives us school shooters, sexual sadists and serial killers (yes I think he's that bad...given the power he would do massive harm)

But I wasn't even commenting on his behavior. I referenced a factor influencing his motor movements.

How are motor movements not behavior?

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Well, I'd say your development is massively more influential on your behavior and personality than the minutia of your lifestyle (e.g. How you sit and how long you sit)


Look, I'm not trying to boil his personality all down to a single factor, but what is certain is that when people are screwed up and anti-social (e.g. Wanting to do away with social democracy because it's impeding your income), it's not a complete mystery as to how they got that way...dysfunctional socialization is what gives us school shooters, sexual sadists and serial killers (yes I think he's that bad...given the power he would do massive harm)

But I wasn't even commenting on his behavior. I referenced a factor influencing his motor movements.

How are motor movements not behavior?



because i'm literally talking about the way his body works mechanically. I don't want to go on a long monologue to explain my position to you to be honest. You're being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative.

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Bringing the manufacturing back to US would be a short time fix. Next the jobs will be eaten by increasing automation. Think fully automatic factories with a single human watching over it.

The thing is, moving manufacturing away from the USA is a natural behavior, because our income levels have risen so much. We outsource to other countries that are cheaper, and then when they've moved through the industrial revolution, think China, they begin doing the same thing. This is a natural process that occurs that is extremely beneficial to the entire planet, higher income countries get cheap products and country by country we move into the 1st world together. If you were to bring manufacturing back to the USA without major subsidies and government incentives then you either have to remove minimum wage, which is a regression in quality of life for blue collar workers, or you will have extremely expensive products. If products are too expensive it hurts the lower classes also.


There isn't a solution that bypasses government intervention in either case other than removing regulations altogether.

True. From what I've seen, parts of Africa and various small countries in Asia/etc are being prepped for the next wave as much of India and China move up the ladder.


Also I wonder how often Trump mocks Thiel's awkward walk and mannerisms. You know he does.

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The only thing that will save the working class from obsolescence when the automated revolution truly kicks into gear may be the total elimination of what we see as a market based system today. It won't happen, obviously. The wealthy and powerful won't be too keen on giving either up. But let's be unrealistic and say they would - would a system like that possibly last more than a few years? Decades even? Who knows.

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Guest bitroast

Of course he was being a hypocritical asshole but to be totally fair, he was talking about a story where people were actually being hurt.


hurt by muskets?  :cerious:

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The only thing that will save the working class from obsolescence when the automated revolution truly kicks into gear may be the total elimination of what we see as a market based system today. It won't happen, obviously. The wealthy and powerful won't be too keen on giving either up. But let's be unrealistic and say they would - would a system like that possibly last more than a few years? Decades even? Who knows.

That will be a motherfucking Reckoning imo ymmv pta pb&j cia killed jfk lol ur doa dui is aok all the girlies in the club want my dna like csi on cbs byopp.


It's like, either we embrace something resembling socialism or there's gonna be like 70% unemployment worldwide and eventually cash money dolla dolla bills y'all will become near-worthless and we'll all be [bleep].


I mean, not to mention that once the class hierarchy becomes too steep for anyone to claw up even a millimeter, that's when serious upheaval begins. Once the underclass no longer feel like 'the system' offers legitimate opportunities, they will happily tear it down.

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Just look at Peter Thiel's physical awkwardness (literally just watch him walk out onto the stage):





That is a person who has not learned how to navigate the social world with his body.

Yeah that dude is up there on the autism spectrum.

Hahahahaha! I have no idea who he is but I love his walk!

The eccentric investor from HBO's Silicon Valley season 1 is supposedly based off him.


I don't fall too much but I do kind of appreciate his win against Gawker in court.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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this is only partly true. Reagan would have a morning meeting then take a nap. then maybe have a short press conference or some other obligation then that was that. 


i had a teacher who was in the whitehouse press cor for reagan then bush. he said reagan had to have his naps. didn't work very hard. he would make a decision based on the meetings then  delegate to other people.  My teacher said Bush Sr. worked pretty hard.. was up and on the job at 7am everyday and worked all day and often into the night.. i guess former naval pilots and CIA chiefs have some grit to them.. still jerk but at least he was on the job. 


trump can find people he trusts and then let them bring him stuff when it needs the attentions of the president. depending on how much he wants to micromanage and be a control freak on certain things will determine his actual work load. GWB played lot's of golf and cleared lot's of brush down on the ranch in texas and cheney ran shit. 


so, if trump wants to be the guy he portrayed himself as that's one thing.. but if he wants to continue on his lush life he can find a way to do that and still be president. 



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Obamas Q&A made me feel better too. Trump has a lot of work ahead to be presidential, and we should all hope for the best. He has an oppurtunity to do ok by lierally not being himself. Shit like his Bannon hiring and his inceneriary comments will bite him in the ass.


Sent from my SM-G920V using Tapatalk

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this is only partly true. Reagan would have a morning meeting then take a nap. then maybe have a short press conference or some other obligation then that was that. 


i had a teacher who was in the whitehouse press cor for reagan then bush. he said reagan had to have his naps. didn't work very hard. he would make a decision based on the meetings then  delegate to other people.  My teacher said Bush Sr. worked pretty hard.. was up and on the job at 7am everyday and worked all day and often into the night.. i guess former naval pilots and CIA chiefs have some grit to them.. still jerk but at least he was on the job. 


trump can find people he trusts and then let them bring him stuff when it needs the attentions of the president. depending on how much he wants to micromanage and be a control freak on certain things will determine his actual work load. GWB played lot's of golf and cleared lot's of brush down on the ranch in texas and cheney ran shit. 


so, if trump wants to be the guy he portrayed himself as that's one thing.. but if he wants to continue on his lush life he can find a way to do that and still be president. 





Trump apparently wakes up at 5 am every morning, and doesn't even drink. I don't think he is necessarily opposed to working hard. It's just that I don't think he is the type of person that wants to do the work. He wants to direct the action and delegate, and that's not an uncommon trait in a leader or manager. A lot of these types are looking at bigger picture stuff and thinking rather than focusing on minutiae. 

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The Black activists in my town are using the same old guaranteed-not-to-work rhetorical approaches and as someone who wants to see them succeed, it's very very frustrating.


Shaming people doesn't work.

Throwing people's whiteness in their face doesn't work.


I can't say anything, as I would undoubtedly get shouted down for tone policing and whitesplaining by the two activists in question.


So I'm just calmly advocating that people actually *listen* to others,

show them radical respect (especially if you despise their views),

and speak to the highest moral version of the person you're talking to, as if you're trying to snake-charm their empathy and humanity (which yes, is in there somewhere).


But that's gonna sound like "hey black people, show these white supremacists some respect, will ya?!?" so FML innit

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"The White Flight of Derek Black" and that episode of Love And Radio where the black dude befriended a Klansman should be the playbook here*



*if the goal is changing hearts and minds and not merely winning a tribalist tug-of-war

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I was standing outside during a Napalm Death show and this girl walks by and says "look at all these white people". Well, it is a metal show in Boston.


Towards the end of the show, a couple of obvious Trump supporters were trying to heckle the band.



Both sides of the extreme are stupid. Trump made half of America hate the other half. Truly presidential.

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For those who want an extended break from Donald J Trump and have google chrome, the Trump Blocker extension is awesome. 

I am 160% tired of politics at the moment and my mood going south because of politics at the moment, so I wish there was a 'politics' blocker at the moment. 

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