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Now That Trump's President... (not any more!)


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it's amazing how many pro trumpers there are on youtube leaving messages.. seem alot more of them than people against him.... 


anyways if you want to get in a fight...

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it's amazing how many pro trumpers there are on youtube leaving messages.. seem alot more of them than people against him.... 


anyways if you want to get in a fight...


A lot of the ones on reddit are actually paid Russians. I'm sure many of the youtube comments are too. His actual base at this point isn't all that big. Hence the low approval rating. 

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it's amazing how many pro trumpers there are on youtube leaving messages.. seem alot more of them than people against him.... 


anyways if you want to get in a fight...


A lot of the ones on reddit are actually paid Russians. I'm sure many of the youtube comments are too. His actual base at this point isn't all that big. Hence the low approval rating. 



It will be interesting to see how this develops - no more Hilary bashing because the election is over, the honeymoon period will end for the less enthusiastic supporters...as time goes one can only hope people wise up and realize he's not draining the swamp but filling it with more shit.

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it's amazing how many pro trumpers there are on youtube leaving messages.. seem alot more of them than people against him.... 


anyways if you want to get in a fight...


A lot of the ones on reddit are actually paid Russians. I'm sure many of the youtube comments are too. His actual base at this point isn't all that big. Hence the low approval rating. 



It will be interesting to see how this develops - no more Hilary bashing because the election is over, the honeymoon period will end for the less enthusiastic supporters...as time goes one can only hope people wise up and realize he's not draining the swamp but filling it with more shit.



I hope our intelligence agencies (along with those of our allies, because they are also involved) drop the fucking hammer sooner than that.

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it's amazing how many pro trumpers there are on youtube leaving messages.. seem alot more of them than people against him.... 


anyways if you want to get in a fight...


A lot of the ones on reddit are actually paid Russians. I'm sure many of the youtube comments are too. His actual base at this point isn't all that big. Hence the low approval rating. 


to be fair i think there are a large amount of mostly <25 year old males who don't really understand politics or how the world works but fucking hate the 'globalists', the 'feminazis', BLM and the 'liberal agenda' because it appeals to their prejudices. 


a huge amount of young trump supporters aren't even 18 yet. they're just confused and angry teenagers. 


EDIT: and BLM of course. 



also they think they hate "redistribution of wealth" even though no idea what it means.  i think they are often unaware of their own prejudices as well. there's some level of uninformed decision making as well. not that everyone w/all the same information would make the same decision but there's a lack of informed decision making. there are a lot of reasonable and logical people out there who just don't have all the data to make a decision so they go w/the feelings and the fox news or the MSNBC or whatever it is that speaks to what they already feel and disregard in depth news coverage and real reporting where there's a one or two hour program on one issue that explains the nuance and complexity of it.. or even just says "here's what happened.. this is what this person did.. this is what this other person did" because they're afraid to be 'wrong' or change their own mind as that would make them 'weak' so they just keep piling on the bad data and confirmation bias/echo chamber. 

Edited by ignatius
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the pomp, pageantry & madness of the inauguration reminded me of these moments from cinema





"what do you think of that, allies, acquaintances & foreign/domestic problem makers?":




the collective psychosis enveloping the Republican administration, CIA & Pentagon results in a disastrous disassociative structural breakdown:




"GCHQ here, what? The Americans launched pre-emptive nuclear strikes on Chinese military atolls? Three minutes ago?"







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Good one! First 242 I ever heard. :)

bruh get digging, Front 242 are great



I forgot to say I first heard it when it was new back in 1988. :)



I'm pretty sure psn was reminiscing.




Anyway,  80s music is becoming super relevant again, from cold war themed thrash metal and new romantics to totalitarian tinged EBM and snarky hardcore/punk.

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the Democrats are guilty of complacency, just like certain sectors of British & EU politics have been


they couldnt seem to see Bernie as a viable candidate in key realms of that system, HC looked like some pre-ordained legacy heiress and thats from a fairly neutral perspective


the media vomitorium spews debates about supposed liberal failures to address identity politics, globalism, cunts @ Davos etc, but the 2008 crash has cemented something in the collective psyche of large sections of certain nations & an 8year digestion incubus of diarrhea being sprayed at election/voting times is in full effect


T May wont last long and Trump is surely a 1 term president @ best if he doesnt get monsooned in assassination frenzies

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Trump wanted tanks, missiles, and other military vehicles in the parade but the Pentagon nixed it.




“They were legit thinking Red Square/North Korea-style parade,” a member of Trump’s transition team told The Huffington Post.





He got a flyby he wanted nonetheless, first since Truman's 1949 inauguration.

I'm sure members of the Trump team love to troll the huffpo. And the Huffpo will obviously do themselves a disservice by actually falling for that.

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^That's a good point, this is one of those content farmed stories the more I read about it that's got a lot of spin. The flyby did happen though (the USAF sent a F-35 as well, the JSF Trump has criticized a lot, maybe they were trolling him slightly or at least making a point) Once source, 100s of repeated news articles from various outlets.


That said I'm not sure how competent the Trump team is at 'trolling' - the whole new administration is so hyperbolic and contradictory to begin with. A yes man or woman talking about how a parade of tanks would be 'yuge' and 'the best' because Trump said it offhand seems pretty believable.

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the pomp, pageantry & madness of the inauguration reminded me of these moments from cinema





"what do you think of that, allies, acquaintances & foreign/domestic problem makers?":




the collective psychosis enveloping the Republican administration, CIA & Pentagon results in a disastrous disassociative structural breakdown:




"GCHQ here, what? The Americans launched pre-emptive nuclear strikes on Chinese military atolls? Three minutes ago?"









I retract my use of the word pageantry earlier. As I said earlier I appreciate the tradition and "rites" of the process in the US of one president transferring to another, and it's cool it's done after a peaceful election and not some royal death. The fact that it's in a cold shitty month makes it a bit more somber by default as well. I don't get the concerts or other fanfare bullshit, I suppose I just cling to the fact that in 4 years or earlier, hopefully, Trump will be waving goodbye as a liberal steps in.

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Probably too early, but my money's already on Tulsi Gabbard as 46th. Iraq war vet, opposes belligerent foreign policy and arming terrorist groups, believes climate change is a real threat, attended the Standing Rock protests in early December, and is a close political ally to Bernie Sanders, just to name a few. Pretty much Trump's polar opposite.

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i just realized its literally, objectively whiter




The only problem with the comparison is that it's unclear if they were taken at the same time.



the picture of obama's inauguration was taken at 11am ET. one thing to note is that it was actually colder on january 20th 2009 than it was on january 20th 2017. during obama's inauguration it was around 17F and 28F whereas during trump's inauguration it was about 43F and 50F.


to be fair though, i think A LOT of people turned up for obama's inauguration because it was pretty historic: first black president of the united states. i think a lot less people turned up during his second term swearing in (although i doubt they were as few as trump's crowd).


i think the contentious nature of the election mixed with the fact that trump is the most unpopular president in the history of the united states gave him that low(ish?) turnout. one thing i gotta give trump though is that he hasn't changed one bit. at no point has he gone "fuck, maybe i should start being serious and less of an ass and perhaps try and figure some of this out". i think in trump's mind, he's still running against hillary considering he kept bringing her up last night during the ball/dance shindig. 


btw: where do trump supporters get their "news" from? i can't seem to find any articles that support the claim below. it's like, they just made it up



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disclosure of Trump in watersports whoring vid in the coming weeks aka bodily fluids start WW3/Dr Strangelove parallels just get worse


oh well, despite the money worship, materialism, narcissism n everyfin, good luck Merka

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nice nazi salute at 1:40, before he goes into thumbs up mode.

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