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New Test For Hidden Hearing Loss


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Also a good test for the effect of extreme dithering on terrible mp3 compression !


Was the last thing he said "People are going home?"

Aye I think so. Funnily enough I couldn't get the one before that, something like 'roll the plane'
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Just recently I had seen an ear doctor and had a hearing test. I scored in the top 99%.

is there a difference between 16kbps and 1411kbps?



Yes, it's 1,395,000 bits.



Just recently I had seen an ear doctor and had a hearing test. I scored in the top 99%.

No, he said: 'I thought you'd clogged your ears with cement'




Nuh uh. It was rubber cement.

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 I only picked up random words from 1:35 to the end. Not sure what that means. It can't be good. On 1:33 I had to rewind it a few times before I understood it.

I've had hearing trouble as long as I can remember when there's a lot of background noise. And sometimes, it's like that goes away and I get super hearing. Maybe something else is going on?

Is there an article that goes along this?

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This isn't anything new... I've been slightly hard of hearing since I was born, and this is  somewhat similar to a common test I often had to do with the audiologist.

When I used go to the audiologist more often, she'd put me in a soundproof booth with headphones on. Then they would test each ear individually by playing white/pink noise in only the left or right ear. The noise would gradually increase in volume as I was asked to repeat back various, simillar sounding words. I.E: "ball, fall, call" and other various words. It was meant to see how well you picked up consonant sounds at various noise levels. For example, T's and S's are generally pronounced in higher frequencies.


It's an interesting test, and the way they do it it's damn near impossible to fake answers. If you can't hear it, or misheard it you're gonna get it wrong. I also remember the soundproof both made my tinnitus go crazy, but that's also part of what they can test with it.

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i don't get this test, it's like try hearing this over a jet engine oh what you couldn't hear it that's because ur deaf lmao


My thoughts exactly. What does this test prove? I don't get it.

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i don't get this test, it's like try hearing this over a jet engine oh what you couldn't hear it that's because ur deaf lmao


My thoughts exactly. What does this test prove? I don't get it.


It's a certain type of hearing loss called 'sensorineural deafness'. Obviously back in the day it wasn't merzbow tracks over mp3s though but filtering out background noise (chatter etc.) whilst trying to make out people talking to you
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i don't get this test, it's like try hearing this over a jet engine oh what you couldn't hear it that's because ur deaf lmao


My thoughts exactly. What does this test prove? I don't get it.


Your ability to discern sounds and make sense of them.


There's always lots of information out there that your senses have to focus on and sift through to get to the bit that makes sense to you or that you need.

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i don't get this test, it's like try hearing this over a jet engine oh what you couldn't hear it that's because ur deaf lmao

It's about selective hearing, which is more difficult to maintain, and may actually only be an acquired skill in the upper end of the spectrum. I could only hear it because they repeat the same phrases from earlier.

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i don't get this test, it's like try hearing this over a jet engine oh what you couldn't hear it that's because ur deaf lmao


My thoughts exactly. What does this test prove? I don't get it.


It's a certain type of hearing loss called 'sensorineural deafness'. Obviously back in the day it wasn't merzbow tracks over mp3s though but filtering out background noise (chatter etc.) whilst trying to make out people talking to you




But that doesn't have anything to do with the quality of your hearing. It's about your mind's ability to discern these things. It's more of a neurological disorder than a hearing disorder.

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