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posted in the social media thread but guess it fits here mo betta

this guy argues for open source Ai so we can see the code and know what's going on. interesting thoughts on Ai tutors in the futre for kids.. basically raising kids.. argument now is about alignment and who gets to align the Ai w/it's world view/biases. ugh scary shit. 


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On 2/18/2024 at 11:59 AM, Satans Little Helper said:

spatial computing? is that the new apple thing? if so: lol...as if

It's any VR tech, but yeah apple uses the term for their fancy ski goggles.

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4 hours ago, Nebraska said:



I mean I get why it's historically problematic, but I do so love how fucking triggered the MAGAts are.

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SAN FRANCISCO, Feb 21 (Reuters) - Social media platform Reddit has struck a deal with Google (GOOGL.O), to make its content available for training the search engine giant's artificial intelligence models, three people familiar with the matter said.

The contract with Alphabet-owned Google is worth about $60 million per year, according to one of the sources.




OpenAI CEO Sam Altman will be in a position to make millions after Reddit goes public, thanks to a series of bets on the online discussion board company that go back to 2014. Altman holds 9.2% of voting power ahead of Reddit’s initial public offering, according to information in the company’s prospectus.



so sam altman will make bank by banking on scrubbing user data from reddit to train his Ai models to make more bank. 

anyone notice how "we're" the ones getting scrubbed from that equation?

Edited by Nebraska
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What do you mean? You want to be paid for using Reddit? Or do you want a fee from companies training LLMs on reddit data for creating content? 
i would like monetary compensation from the companies training LLMs. technically, im educating their machines for them, otherwise:


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there are people arguing that at a minimum users of sites should have to opt in to having their data scraped.. or be able to opt out.. others argue for things like "data banks" which collect our data on our behalf and then license it. 

the horse is pretty much out of the barn though for us.. but perhaps future generations? but then it won't matter because the Ai will be trained and 'trusted' and normalized and it'll be teaching kids via tablet tutors and shit. 


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2 hours ago, ignatius said:

there are people arguing that at a minimum users of sites should have to opt in to having their data scraped.. or be able to opt out.. others argue for things like "data banks" which collect our data on our behalf and then license it. 

the horse is pretty much out of the barn though for us.. but perhaps future generations? but then it won't matter because the Ai will be trained and 'trusted' and normalized and it'll be teaching kids via tablet tutors and shit. 


Out of curiosity: what would you argue?

Personally, I couldn’t give a rats ass about LLM’s being trained on everything/anything I put on the internet. The internet is a public space. I put it there knowing it’s beyond my control what happens with it. And I find it funny how people are driven by the “Company X is making money from the stuff I put on the internet, they should pay me “ and that it would actually help if they got some money for it. For shits and giggles you should calculate your % of the total dataset LLMs are trained on. OpenAI should pay you less than a cent. Good luck with that.

Note: I haven’t actually made the calculations, but it’s a safe bet that the data of a single individual is meaningless when compared to the whole.

Note2: im not an artist putting work on the internet. And therefore, I don’t put value on anything I put on the internet. Imo, that doesn’t change when a company makes money from LLM’s. My online presence is just as useless now as it was 10 years ago.

I understand there’s a bunch of people around here who are artists and who put their work online. There’s a different argument to be made there. And a valid one. But I don’t think that same argument should also apply to the nonsense I put online. Such as this post. Or anything on reddit. Seriously? 

out of curiosity: how many of you use wikipedia without contributions? How many use free online mail like gmail of hotmail for free? If you want openai/google and the likes to pay you, you might consider paying them back for all the other stuff you’ve been using for free.

Edited by Satans Little Helper
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1 hour ago, Satans Little Helper said:

Out of curiosity: what would you argue?

Personally, I couldn’t give a rats ass about LLM’s being trained on everything/anything I put on the internet. The internet is a public space. I put it there knowing it’s beyond my control what happens with it. And I find it funny how people are driven by the “Company X is making money from the stuff I put on the internet, they should pay me “ and that it would actually help if they got some money for it. For shits and giggles you should calculate your % of the total dataset LLMs are trained on. OpenAI should pay you less than a cent. Good luck with that.

Note: I haven’t actually made the calculations, but it’s a safe bet that the data of a single individual is meaningless when compared to the whole.

Note2: im not an artist putting work on the internet. And therefore, I don’t put value on anything I put on the internet. Imo, that doesn’t change when a company makes money from LLM’s. My online presence is just as useless now as it was 10 years ago.

I understand there’s a bunch of people around here who are artists and who put their work online. There’s a different argument to be made there. And a valid one. But I don’t think that same argument should also apply to the nonsense I put online. Such as this post. Or anything on reddit. Seriously? 

out of curiosity: how many of you use wikipedia without contributions? How many use free online mail like gmail of hotmail for free? If you want openai/google and the likes to pay you, you might consider paying them back for all the other stuff you’ve been using for free.

I think a lot of the people concerned are thinking about the future and what it might look like with big tech, corporations, social media being like now but more so. Able know everything about everyone and tap into that with some kind of ai at the helm to manipulate people en masse.  Or whatever. I’m not sure what they all think. But other people think that hardcore privacy is going to put uk/eu at a disadvantage because the ai will be developed by other countries with less strict data privacy controls. So, they say it will be a vast technology deficit for those countries.  

using what stuff for free? Most of the tech and internet ground floor was developed with tax payer dollars. Ive paid for subscriptions (still do) Ive watched plenty of ads, bought plenty of devices and paid for plenty of over priced internet service to access these services. Ain’t none of this shit “free”. 
I’m not particularly worried about anything I put online but do use ad blockers and turn off tracking/snooping/cookies in some places to limit the creepy feeling of be pursued by ad bots or whatever.  Also, like to know when some site I gave my email to is going to sell it along with any data they collect. 

regarding the future, that dude in the Hagens video expects that some people who do something well, anything, will be higher priority targets for ai to model so then that can be used in some way. So, things could get pretty weird and likely will be weird regardless of what happens. There’s a heavy dose of tech optimism in some of what he says but if things do go in an exponential curve with how ai advances then all bets are off on these things having limitations 

and the idea of “free” is a bit weird to think. I mean we’re being marketed to anytime we go anywhere on line. Also, these companies are the largest most wealthy and influential companies to ever exist. They’re doing fine. They have enough to pay some kind of data tax or submit to some kind of oversight or guard rails and not make the people obsessed with infinite growth be too butthurt

Edited by ignatius
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9 minutes ago, ignatius said:

using what stuff for free? Most of the tech and internet ground floor was developed with tax payer dollars. Ive paid for subscriptions (still do) Ive watched plenty of ads, bought plenty of devices and paid for plenty of over priced internet service to access these services. Ain’t none of this shit “free”. 
I’m not particularly worried about anything I put online but do use ad blockers and turn off tracking/snooping/cookies in some places to limit the creepy feeling of be pursued by ad bots or whatever.  Also, like to know when some site I gave my email to is going to sell it along with any data they collect. 

and the idea of “free” is a bit weird to think. I mean we’re being marketed to anytime we go anywhere on line. Also, these companies are the largest most wealthy and influential companies to ever exist. They’re doing fine. They have enough to pay some kind of data tax or submit to some kind of oversight or guard rails and not make the people obsessed with infinite growth be too butthurt


Regarding those big companies: let them pay taxes fairly. If we all do, the circle goes round nicely. We all benefit.

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1 minute ago, Satans Little Helper said:


Regarding those big companies: let them pay taxes fairly. If we all do, the circle goes round nicely. We all benefit.

If only. They’re so big they buy up other companies. They’ve captured politics to make change near impossible. Getting them to undo income inequality or anything not self serving is more than just an uphill climb. 

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8 hours ago, ignatius said:

If only. They’re so big they buy up other companies. They’ve captured politics to make change near impossible. Getting them to undo income inequality or anything not self serving is more than just an uphill climb. 

That's the political reality in the US. A lot of folks - too many - don't want that to happen. That's not just the anti-tax lobby. Or big companies. Or their size. That's almost half the country supporting the anti-tax/american dream nonsense. Perhaps more than half the country. If American voters would support EU style policies, the world would be a different place.

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1 minute ago, Satans Little Helper said:

That's the political reality in the US. A lot of folks - too many - don't want that to happen. That's not just the anti-tax lobby. Or big companies. Or their size. That's almost half the country supporting the anti-tax/american dream nonsense. Perhaps more than half the country. If American voters would support EU style policies, the world would be a different place.

america certainly would. but there's a thick wall of stupidity and toxic masculine FREEDOM culture in the way. a lot of people generally don't understand how things work at the basic level and hear 'raise taxes' and think it's about them. and there's this saying:

“John Steinbeck once said that socialism never took root in America because the poor see themselves not as an exploited proletariat but as temporarily embarrassed millionaires.” 

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