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5 hours ago, zero said:

so pretty sure he's talking out his ass as usual...

yeah he does do that a lot, he's like an evil genius when it comes to manipulating public opinion. His background is interesting: two masters degrees, military, finance sector, serving as acting director for an earth science research center, and then his work in media. Methinks he is someone to keep an eye on. 

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12 minutes ago, darreichungsform said:

Why isn't there a legal maximum of private property?

If there is a minimum wage and a calculatable subsistence minimum, why isn't there a maximum?

Hoomans having too much causes as many problems as hoomans having too little

Because the ones who have too much have more power to form and shape the laws and regulations.

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Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is preparing to file paperwork to qualify for the Democratic presidential primary in Alabama, ahead of a Friday deadline. The move would be a first step toward a national campaign, though Bloomberg has not made a final decision to run.


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yeah, not super excited at this. I don't see him as having a better chance than any of the others candidates at beating donnie. I'm sure the dems were secretly hoping there'd be someone else jumping in last minute as their wild card, although I have no clue who that'd be at this point.

"Look! Who's that masked white knight galloping in to defeat the orange villain and save the day? It's......Michael Bloomberg"

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The second best result to Trump getting destroyed by anyone would be Democrats fielding some other centrist standard cookie cutter candidate and getting destroyed again by Trump.

Its win win win

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the only thing bloomberg will achieve is warren winning over biden in the primaries. its mostly biden supporters that might switch to bloomberg, ive been told.

although, the take from 538 is interesting as well


it seems likelier that Bloomberg will affect the race primarily because of the effect he will have on other candidates. For example, he could cause Biden to slip in the polls by chipping away at his moderate base or throw cold water on the ascent of South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg. He could also turn voters away from Warren or Sen. Bernie Sanders by becoming the designated attack dog against progressive policies. Or he could fail to make much of an impact at all, leaving the current state of the race unchanged.

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40 minutes ago, goDel said:

the only thing bloomberg will achieve is warren winning over biden in the primaries. its mostly biden supporters that might switch to bloomberg, ive been told.

One of my buddies has friends who work for Politico, and they say that Biden has hardly purchased any digital real estate for advertising his campaign, and it seems to them like he's not really competitively in the race long term. Bloomberg is most likely positioned to win over independents in a way that Buttigieg and Warren are not. The main thing seems to be support from the financial sector and big business wing of the democratic party. They obviously hate Warren, and it seems like Buttigieg wants to take the corporate tax rate back up to 35%, which I can't imagine that they like. Buttigieg also will most likely have trouble gaining traction with black voters. He's had issues with this in his own representative district which will obviously be elevated in the identity-politics frenzy which will unfortunately probably start ratcheting up come election time. Bloomberg also owns a newspaper, so there's that. None of this seems like an exciting prospect to me, just more of the same. It would obviously be beneficial for the country imo to get Trump out of the office, but it could mean more of the status quo and mismanagement that contributed in Trump becoming president in the first place. Just my two cents. 

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I'm not familiar with him, but looks like the dems have another latecomer joining the race today - former Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick:


I'd wager that the right-wing attack dogs pounce on the lowest hanging fruit, and will soon be shouting that he's Obama's surrogate...

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What a stupid blunder. Now you know Trump will just say he's going to legalize it, since he lies all the time anyway. It's the secret weapon any Dem candidate has against the Republicans, fucking use it already. 

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Trump doesn't need to say anything about legalising drugs. He might as well double down on strengthening drugs laws even more. The only thing Trump needs is demoralised Dems not voting. Which seems like an easy task, if you ask me.

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1 hour ago, goDel said:

Trump doesn't need to say anything about legalising drugs. He might as well double down on strengthening drugs laws even more. The only thing Trump needs is demoralised Dems not voting. Which seems like an easy task, if you ask me.

so true. if biden gets the nomination he could very well lose. lot's of people will hold their nose and vote for him but a lot of people will just write the whole thing off and stay home. 

biden sucks at this. he had his day and wasn't that great then. got yanked out of relative obscurity to be VP for super popular obama... now he's shitting the bed every other day and babbling often enough that he sounds like a machine breaking down mid sentence.

fuck. i hope he doesn't get the nomination.  young people need to come out and vote. 

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The fucked up thing is that it's quite possible people will be more turned off by Bernie or Warren. Biden would have been much better off if he didn't say this, though. 

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7 hours ago, Candiru said:

The fucked up thing is that it's quite possible people will be more turned off by Bernie or Warren. Biden would have been much better off if he didn't say this, though. 

Well, you can already see it in this thread. On the Dem side people tend to vote for different reasons than people on the GOP side. Did a lot of people who voted for Trump like him, or did they vote for him for that Supreme Court vacancy? A lot of conservatives hated Trump but voted for him anyways. On the Dem side however...sure there are progressives voting for a moderate who they don't like, but my guess is, relatively speaking less so than on the Gop side. They rather not vote, than vote for a moderate with a couple of different ideas.

If it's smart, I'll leave open.

From the looks of it, the Dems will not be able to vote for the candidate they are in "love" with. There is no new Obama. 

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