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who cares about being mean online? it's meaningless. why is the berniebro issue in the news at all? The primary is a competition. It's not about who is nicest. The berniebro narrative only works if bernie were getting eaten alive in results. but he's not.

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1 minute ago, dr lopez said:

who cares about being mean online? it's meaningless. why is the MAGA Asshole/NeoNazi support issue in the news at all? The primary is a competition. It's not about who is nicest. The MAGA Asshole/NeoNazi narrative only works if Trump were getting eaten alive in results. but he's not.


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when the general election comes along just vote for whichever candidate believes climate change is real and also won't put kids in cages.. and doesn't want to let betsy devos turn public education into privatized shitshow she can grift off. 

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9 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

who cares about being mean online? it's meaningless. why is the berniebro issue in the news at all? The primary is a competition. It's not about who is nicest. The berniebro narrative only works if bernie were getting eaten alive in results. but he's not.

The media don't user the Bernie Bros thing all that much anymore. However they do still insinuate that toxic men make up a massive chunk of his party:



i generally like Bernie. would rather him than half the others, and certainly would rather him than Trump

It's hard to believe you when you say this. The only positive thing I've seen you say about Bernie is that he has a good shot at winning and that you like him. But when talking about the actual subject I haven't seen you say anything good about him so I can't blame dr lopez for thinking that at all. The only reason I know you like him is because you have said as much, but I can't think of any other reason. However if you never said that you like him, I'd have plenty of reasons to assume you dislike him.

btw I tend to not read long posts that don't pertain to me. And don't take it the wrong way, even though we disagree politically it's not a big deal. Even the people most like me politcally will disagree with me on 1 in 5 issues (guesstimate)

Edited by Brisbot
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1 hour ago, Brisbot said:

Finally some interesting results. Bernie performed a tiny bit better than in 2016 with previous caucuses, but with Nevada he's finally showing how his popularity has grown:

yeah reading a bit about this now, big turnout from Latinos in the state, which is a good tide for him going forward if it continues. apparently his campaign has been pushing California hard as well (and with that many delegates at stake that's a necessary thing). https://www.vox.com/2020/2/22/21147131/bernie-sanders-nevada-caucuses-democratic-winner-2020

curious if he gets turnout in the African American/black communities as much as among the Latino community, as that's almost necessary for anyone to get actual turnout come the general. 

Edited by auxien
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3 minutes ago, auxien said:

eah reading a bit about this now, big turnout from Latinos in the state, which is a good tide for him going forward if it continues. apparently his campaign has been pushing California hard as well (and with that many delegates at stake that's a necessary thing). https://www.vox.com/2020/2/22/21147131/bernie-sanders-nevada-caucuses-democratic-winner-2020

curious how he gets turnout in the African American/black communities as much as among the Latino community, as that's almost necessary for anyone to get actual turnout come the general. 

btw talking about political leanings, not that he is doing well with the vote which you have stated as such a number of times. What would you describe yourself as politically? And yes I know your last post isn't a reply to my last one.

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13 minutes ago, dr lopez said:

dude. MAGAs are preaching white supremacy and racism. I'm saying I want everyone to have healthcare and 15 dollar minimum wage if you can't figure out the difference i think you need to take 5.

if you're being a fucking aggressive cunt online i don't really care if you're a NeoNazi, a Berniebro, a Warren-stan, a member of PETA, a pathetic incel, or whatever, you're a fucking cunt online. 99% of all of those aggressive online cunts are meek pussies when not behind their keyboards so i honestly can't much make a distinction until they're offline. 

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1 hour ago, auxien said:


i generally like Bernie. would rather him than half the others, and certainly would rather him than Trump

^i'd still rather Warren tho.

that said, this shit definitely still aint over. Bernie's definitely in a better position after tonight but when you're running in the Dem primary and your two most powerful supporters are Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, well, gotta start looking sideways at some things. not sure most people are smart enough for that tbh

Sometimes when you post I can't tell whether you're serious.  I'm starting to think you're serious.  Jesus.

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22 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

The media don't user the Bernie Bros thing all that much anymore. However they do still insinuate that toxic men make up a massive chunk of his party:


It's hard to believe you when you say this. The only positive thing I've seen you say about Bernie is that he has a good shot at winning and that you like him. But when talking about the actual subject I haven't seen you say anything good about him so I can't blame dr lopez for thinking that at all. The only reason I know you like him is because you have said as much, but I can't think of any other reason. However if you never said that you like him, I'd have plenty of reasons to assume you dislike him.

btw I tend to not read long posts that don't pertain to me. And don't take it the wrong way, even though we disagree politically it's not a big deal. Even the people most like me politcally will disagree with me on 1 in 5 issues (guesstimate)

Warren and Bernie are 90-95% the same on issues. probably the closest to each other of any two of the Dem candidates. if you like one, you like the other (whether or not many will admit it). i've made plenty clear that i prefer Warren, so to me it's pretty obvious 'why' i like Bernie: it's the issues. 

what i don't like is a lot of the stuff around Bernie, including even his own personal attitude and approach. i don't like many of his decisions regarding running, his campaign's messaging, his own personal ego crowding out his reason at various points, lots of other stuff....but i also see it's pretty clear that he would stick very closely to his beliefs and values and politics and hold true to them as much as any president could be expected to, and since i agree with most of those values and politics i'd prefer him as president to others. it's sort of a 'i don't like him but i like what he would do' thing.

no issues disagreeing with anyone here personally. i'll disagree all day and be totally cool with anyone basically, it's just how you (the general you, not the Brisbot-specific you) go about acceptance of facts and reality in regards to the things you're basing your opinions on that bothers me. 

28 minutes ago, Brisbot said:

btw talking about political leanings, not that he is doing well with the vote which you have stated as such a number of times. What would you describe yourself as politically? 

i don't even know tbh. independent i guess, in my state i'm technically listed as 'no party' which makes more sense to me. i'll go with whatever party/candidate seems best. i like the idea of political parties in general but without a diversity of them available, settling for basically one of three or four (or, realistically, just two) doesn't jibe with me really. so until there's some more options, i'll abstain from participating in the party system, i guess? never given it too much thought really.

i'm definitely liberal on lots of stuff and generally agree with Democrats on many things but i won't really claim them as their actions very often do not sync up with their words. and i don't just mean they had to hedge on some stuff as part of a compromise, just that they're straight up lying 50% of the time and that's really only slightly better than lying 75% of the time like the Republicans.

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23 minutes ago, auxien said:

if you're being a fucking aggressive cunt online i don't really care if you're a NeoNazi, a Berniebro, a Warren-stan, a member of PETA, a pathetic incel, or whatever, you're a fucking cunt online. 99% of all of those aggressive online cunts are meek pussies when not behind their keyboards so i honestly can't much make a distinction until they're offline. 

pretty agressive post there buster

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3 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

Sometimes when you post I can't tell whether you're serious.  I'm starting to think you're serious.  Jesus.


2 minutes ago, Zeffolia said:

pretty agressive post there buster

glad that irony wasn't lost

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11 minutes ago, goDel said:

Bran? Because of the similarities the 2020 elections have with the 8th season of Game Of Thrones, I guess


don't  remind us of those final seasons. 

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