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it's surprising the cops didn't shoot more people on jan 6th. i know at certain points it would've meant they got charged and overwhelmed but more than one cop was knocked out. i guess they have their rules of engagement or whatever. only squeezed off the one round when the idiots were close enough to the congress people and VP to be a problem.  


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Perhaps the actions of individual officers should be studied and given as an example of a successful strategy, after the abject failure of their bosses to properly prepare for the crowd that they knew might show up that day.

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1 hour ago, randomsummer said:

I'm not downplaying it at all.  What I meant was, there was no concerted, shared plan. Maybe a handful of rogue actors had plans to get Pence or Pelosi, but the vast majority just broke in and wandered around the building. Imagine if they would've all been more organized...

agreed. there wasn't a shared plan spread across large amounts of individuals that set foot in there. if they had all been instructed in some coordinated manner with clear instruction as to who needs to do what exactly, then it would have been total chaos. I don't even want to imagine what that would've looked like. and that's when military intervention steps in, and you have untold number of casualties...and then the country implodes. 

we do know that there were groups (e.g. proud boys) that did have a coordinated plan to take hostages, in some sort of effort to get the election overturned, and trump re-elected. but even that would have backfired. you start taking hostages and public opinion is going to sway pretty quickly on this endeavor. the horn wearing dudes and the rest of the crackadoodle tourists would have been cleared out, and then it's the suicidal idiots taking hostages vs. a shit ton of highly trained law enforcement/military dudes, and I'd take a guess who would come out on top. if they did kill a hostage out of desperation, then yeah, that would have almost surely ended the R support for the trump train...or at least I'd hope so. 

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here's what I predict will happen to donald - nothing. the trial will get dragged out, charges will be slapped on everyone but donald. he will get away with it all (again), sludging along his merry way, hurtling wildly toward a 2nd term. the R's will win both houses in November, and the political shenanigans in this country will continue, until every sane person in this country has completely and totally lost their fuckin minds... 

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On 8/10/2022 at 10:56 PM, ignatius said:

the IRS is increasing staff because there's something like $1 trillion in uncollected taxes and also wealthy people have tax attorneys and auditing them takes a lot of resources and time. 

imagine thinking we should let the owning class control the means of production and get this money to begin with.  clearly it should all be concentrated into the hands of the proletariat and taxed at 100%.  then we don't need the IRS

Edited by ilqx hermolia xpli
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3 hours ago, Nebraska said:

capitalism to the end yo

The Capitol police and security should just let this bitch walk alone. She’s so tough, let her defend herself in public, all 5 foot 3 inches of her.

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4 hours ago, Nebraska said:

capitalism to the end yo

super edgy editing featuring digital effects added. stern sounding voice overs using clear and distinguished sounding voices. stuttering orchestral stabs utilizing timpani kettle drum effects. this is how they brainwash them... 


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3 hours ago, Nebraska said:


haven't seen truth.social truths being used in an official capacity so this "could be" the first time. though not counting on it

there's no way donald is the one writing any of these "truths." the tone / grammar / spelling are all far different from when he was typing characters out on his twitter device. my guess is that piece of shit stephen miller is the one writing this crap for his master.

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22 hours ago, Nebraska said:

@zero it's him. he's been trying truth his way out of this mess all weekend. also:



ok that one is him for sure. it is rambling, incoherent, obvious spelling error...the donald we all know and love! but compare that post to the one posted above it, and you can see the difference in punctuation and tone. I'm guessing one of his handlers jumps on his account from time to time, in order to make him appear less batshit than he really is.

not like any of this is really important though. he could be just mashing down random keys all at once, and his horde of brainwashed maga fiends would still lap it up. view him as the chosen one, set to lead the US back on top AGAIN!!!!

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