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2 hours ago, trying to be less rude said:

biden's fucking great

lol wut

you probably know that the majority on here are going to vote for him this November, because we have no other fucking choice. the joking on here is not going to sway anyone into voting for the orange shit stain. same with Jon Stewart, or anyone else making fun of the obvious low hanging fruit - that Biden's a pretty old dude to be president. it is factual that once a human passes oh about 80 years old, they begin to decline mentally.

it's not just Biden though, it's all the old fuckers in US politics. they are hanging on way too long. this is a legit issue. why can't they step down and pass the torch to the next generation, use their stature and experience as an opportunity to mentor the younger crop? 


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The “Biden is great” narrative only works because the bar is set pretty low. 
the infrastructure bill is huge and is one thing more people should point to but it’s not an instant kind of thing. It will roll out over ten years or whatever so various politicians will take credit for anything good that comes from it over the next decade. 

saying Biden is great is like that website during Obama’s administration. “What’s Obama done” that listed all the things his administration did and every time someone clicked on it it refreshed with a different accomplishment 

Biden should argue his record but no one will care. They’ll point to scandals (real or fake it won’t matter) and inflation the economy wars etc. and they’ll measure him against some imaginary ideal that would never get elected to local city council let alone the presidency. They live in a make believe world where the president is a woke mastermind always on the right side of every issue who falls on his sword for his principles. 
its bullshit. The president is a manager who sometimes gets to have long lasting impact but mostly just wants to stay in power for the sake of it. 


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10 hours ago, ignatius said:

edit: srsly man.. get ahold of yourself. don't panic. a handful of people here on watmm making jokes and having opinions/discussions and sharing memes isn't going to amplify any narrative in a way that changes anything in the wider world of american presidential/electoral politics.

sometimes the mongol horde kills everyone in your village. people don't want to think things will fall apart but it happens. there are futures where trump wins and futures from there include bad ones. we get there with all these unhelpful takes about biden. 

repetition  is proven to result in a higher likelihood of people believing something. to churn out influence, you need get your narrative in as many places as possible. the way to do that is to get people to spread it for you, to design the most viral narrative possible, that makes people feel righteous or enlightened to post. get the posters to post your narrative. 

activists know influence is possible, they know the ground game where election results can be impacted. people who deal in this see messaging, see narrative seeding and see deceit, all designed for election results. 

you're here publishing on the internet where multitudes read and claiming to not have influence. i'm trying to highlight that we're in a new world where individuals have more responsibility for helping each-other in a hostile info space. 

honestly these are insane times and people don't realize what's happening. the conversation gets stuck but it can be moved. 

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18 minutes ago, trying to be less rude said:

you're here publishing on the internet

i made one hair sniffing joke to like 17 people. maybe 2 of them laughed. all 17 people forgot about it immediately and went on w/whatever they were doing. 

and yeah.. everyone knows what's possible and that trump could win and he'll go scorched earth on anyone he perceives wronged him and the project 2025 people are lined up to give him gasoline to keep the fire going and get their way. 

we all know this. you freaking out about it isn't helping anyone. if you want to freak out that's fine.. go for it.. but remember where you are. this isn't twitter or facebook.. this is an town square of a different kind. 

you can go on and wag your finger about how every interaction is loaded with possibilities and making one hair sniffing joke here at WATMM is costing biden votes or furthering a narrative but i disagree. 

as someone already said.. the americans here who vote are, for the most part, going to vote for biden and one or two people will write in Bob Dole or something.. but either way.. WATMM is not deciding the election. 

the undecided voter masses.. the middle class white women.. aren't hanging out here or having WATMM show up in their search results on google when they look for "biden is a hair sniffer" or whatever. 

on social media.. if i make a post about politics you can bet it's hard left or it's a meme about the bible getting jesus' name wrong and his name is really josh because yeshua = joshua. but whatever.. 

if you're so upset about the narratives running away on you and things getting out of control.. go put on a big sandwich board sign with your positive message about biden and go stand at a busy intersection. 

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@ignatius it was an example that served the point i was making about how deceptive narratives are designed so that people are motivated to post them. i thought you wouldn't mind. you know i'm doing gonzo here. it was more about the biden-is-old narrative than hair sniffing. it was so weird to see jon stewart owning biden for being old like he had no idea what he was doing. i'm trying to explain what's going on because it's just a new world. now this republican special counsel did a hit job on biden while finding no proof of criminality, and i am just aware that the game is now, not october. influence is a cone. put a compelling argument in someone's mind today, and it stays there for the next 9 months and becomes part of the way that person sees things, and aspects get transmitted on to subsequent people. i was putting a donk on things and trying to draw people into this aspect of the situation, because i think we're only just starting to appreciate exactly how the societal configurations are transforming. there's a dark-money-fueled cult ready to tip the us military into authoritarian hands.

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8 hours ago, zero said:

lol wut

you probably know that the majority on here are going to vote for him this November, because we have no other fucking choice. the joking on here is not going to sway anyone into voting for the orange shit stain. same with Jon Stewart, or anyone else making fun of the obvious low hanging fruit - that Biden's a pretty old dude to be president. it is factual that once a human passes oh about 80 years old, they begin to decline mentally.

it's not just Biden though, it's all the old fuckers in US politics. they are hanging on way too long. this is a legit issue. why can't they step down and pass the torch to the next generation, use their stature and experience as an opportunity to mentor the younger crop? 


Boomers seem to have a hard time accepting they are aging rapidly and nearing the end of their lifespan. Look how many dye their hair, and refuse to move out of the workforce to make room for Gen X and Millennials. They were the first generation to be directly marketed to by advertisers and content creators, maybe that keeps them from accepting irrelevance, plus society is changing faster than they can adjust to. 

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1 minute ago, Rubin Farr said:

Boomers seem to have a hard time accepting they are aging rapidly and nearing the end of their lifespan. Look how many dye their hair, and refuse to move out of the workforce to make room for Gen X and Millennials. They were the first generation to be directly marketed to by advertisers and content creators, maybe that keeps them from accepting irrelevance, plus society is changing faster than they can adjust to. 

I think living longer and the economics of it have an effect too. People not feeling like they can retire because they can’t afford it because they might outlive their money.  I know a lot of gen x people who think “retirement? Wtf is that?” Sarcasm because they don’t have the funds. People will inevitably work longer and longer as the dystopian world and climate change kicks in over the coming decade. I guess some of that depends on climate models and politics.

a lot of people are currently living in their retirement plan and will sell it and hope to parachute into some place cheaper. 

but there is also a huge number of boomers who retired well. I’m guessing it’s different in different cities/states. 

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10 hours ago, ignatius said:

I think living longer and the economics of it have an effect too. People not feeling like they can retire because they can’t afford it because they might outlive their money.  

this is true. economics are a big part. the unofficial retirement age of 67 doesn't seem to apply as much anymore in the work force. there's also the fact that technological advancements in health care & medicine have kept boomers going mentally and physically more so than previous generations. a lot of folks in their 70's look and act a lot younger than their parents or grandparents generation.

but politicians are public servants making decisions that can have massive impacts on the population. and for that I think it is wise to have them retire at a certain point, and not have 90 year olds serving as president or in Congress. I also think there should be mental competency tests implemented for politicians, just the same way they are given to a private sector executive level position. if a person wants to get a job as some executive at a company, they are put through some serious interviews and testing to make sure they aren't going to make stupid decisions that could have major financial impact. but politicians? as we've seen in the past 10-15 years, you can be completely and totally old or insane, and still become a congressman, or president! the founding fathers didn't game plan out that one day humans would all be addicted to internet devices in their hands, feeding their heads with social media bullshit. this IMO has led to the current low brow political shit show we are sadly all too familiar with.

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1 hour ago, zero said:

as we've seen in the past 10-15 years,

a lot longer than that really. strom thurmond for example. real piece of shit that guy. jessie helms too.. so many old af pieces of shit hung around way too long. 


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1 hour ago, ignatius said:

a lot longer than that really. strom thurmond for example. real piece of shit that guy. jessie helms too.. so many old af pieces of shit hung around way too long. 


yeah. a lot of immorality in politics throughout the ages. but regarding the mental competency thing I was mentioning, the trump era really did open up the flood gates for legit crazy people to enter into politics. more or less legitimized elected officials getting away with acting like spoiled brat assholes. they used to at least try and hide it before. now they flaunt it, all to try and own the other side.

I think if there was a way to weed the crazies out before they even have the chance to run for office, then this would make total sense. but this would also mean the politicians have to start policing themselves. and they know that if there were mental competency tests, or psychological assessments, so many of them would not pass. the age thing too. if 70 years old were the cut off, then bye bye to a lot of them. including Grandpa Joe. they all want to keep hanging on.

1 hour ago, auxien said:

Biden old.

the man's a walking corpse


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1 hour ago, zero said:

yeah. a lot of immorality in politics throughout the ages. but regarding the mental competency thing I was mentioning, the trump era really did open up the flood gates for legit crazy people to enter into politics. more or less legitimized elected officials getting away with acting like spoiled brat assholes. they used to at least try and hide it before. now they flaunt it, all to try and own the other side.

I think if there was a way to weed the crazies out before they even have the chance to run for office, then this would make total sense. but this would also mean the politicians have to start policing themselves. and they know that if there were mental competency tests, or psychological assessments, so many of them would not pass. the age thing too. if 70 years old were the cut off, then bye bye to a lot of them. including Grandpa Joe. they all want to keep hanging on.

the man's a walking corpse


and yet we're still so much better off w/him than w/the big orange one. 

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blown away by the insight that biden is old


scorcese is also 81 and killers of the flower moon is a masterpiece. i love how it focuses on deeply immoral and manipulative deceit, and people who are tricked by people they trust. it even demonstrates how to manipulate someone into being an accomplice. i notice many familiar tricks employed by deniro's character, like persuasion with fallacies such as the Fallacy of Inevitability. 


see 23:05 for a perfect rebuttal of fools saying things like biden should step down. we would get kamala or newsom, who perform worse in swing states. 


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27 minutes ago, trying to be less rude said:

blown away by the insight that biden is old

fun fact: Biden older than he was when i first posted about it. fascinating! i’m glad you appreciate the high quality journalism WATMM provides!



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WASHINGTON, Feb 15 (Reuters) - The U.S. special counsel leading a criminal probe into Joe Biden's son said a former FBI informant was charged with lying about the president and Hunter Biden's involvement in business dealings with Ukrainian energy company Burisma Holdings.

The indictment unsealed on Thursday appeared to deal a blow to the Republican accusations that the U.S. president profited from his son's business in Ukraine.


so much for the year-long right wing investigation in joe biden's illegal activities including the "smoking gun" republicans thought could send "the big guy" to prison

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On 2/1/2024 at 9:48 AM, MaartenVC said:


$83.3 million (to carroll) + 355 Million (to NYC) + $4 million ($2million / deformed "son") + $1 million (paid by allen weisselberg former trump org. executive) plus whatever he owes rudeboi who's currently in the hole for $148 million.

now it's time to liquidate RNC funds

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21 hours ago, Rubin Farr said:

It’s like a Seinfeld routine, a circular word salad. Somehow he managed to cram “Gina!” in there as well. 😆 


he's really hitting the accordion hard there. 


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I’ve wanted to do this for a long time. I have some incredible people that work with me on things and they came up with this ... and I think it’s gonna be a big success.

We’re going to turn this country around fast. We’re going to turn it around. And we’re going to remember the young people, and we’re going to remember Sneaker Con.



Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

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