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not watching any of that DNC stuff. it's not like some politician is gonna come out and do the political speech equivalent of jimi jendrix  playing the star spangled banner.

also, fcking boring.. 

but also, i'll be glad when it's all over. fckn trump been dominating the news cycle for fucking ever. i don't want to die w/that asshole still in the news. i went to shit/piss/puke on his grave one day. 

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Joe Biden has approved a new US nuclear strategy to prepare for possible coordinated nuclear confrontations with Russia, China and North Korea, according to a New York Times report published on Tuesday.

The deterrent policy takes into account a rapid build-up of China’s nuclear arsenal, which will rival the size and diversity of the US and Russian stockpiles over the next decade, and comes as Russian president Vladimir Putin of Russia has threatened to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine.


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27 minutes ago, ignatius said:

not watching any of that DNC stuff. it's not like some politician is gonna come out and do the political speech equivalent of jimi jendrix  playing the star spangled banner

barry obama tonight. interested to see kamala on thursday. i'm at saturation but i'd like to catch those 2. barry's a philosopher king and he's been laying low, lushening up new formulations.   


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25 minutes ago, may be rude said:

barry obama tonight. interested to see kamala on thursday. i'm at saturation but i'd like to catch those 2. barry's a philosopher king and he's been laying low, lushening up new formulations.   


one or both of those guys will give a speech that is too fucking long. 

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51 minutes ago, decibal cooper said:

bit slow on the uptake, that shit's been cooking for some time.

probably had some plans in the background for a while tho, just making a public thing of it for suppression purposes, as well as justifying pumping more of our tax dollars into 'national security/military defense'

26 minutes ago, ignatius said:

one or both of those guys will give a speech that is too fucking long. 

won't beat Trump's 1.5 hr rambling mess at the RNC this year (so i heard i didn't watch more than like 30 seconds lol)

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5 minutes ago, auxien said:

won't beat Trump's 1.5 hr rambling mess at the RNC this year (so i heard i didn't watch more than like 30 seconds lol)

ha. i'm sure. i mean, that guy is certifiably nuts and broken. 

that being said.. last time, clinton spoke for fucking ever it seemed like. he's a smart guy.. smarter now that he's not in office.. i think in hindsight he'd have made different choices.. so wouldn't we all.. anyway.. he's probably going to have something thought provoking to say or at least smart.. as will Obama. they are going to do their best to fire people up and remind them of whatever it is they should be motivated by. i have a low tolerance for all that these days and generally limited bandwidth for things i should be paying attention to and investing time in. 


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17 minutes ago, auxien said:

bit slow on the uptake, that shit's been cooking for some time.

probably had some plans in the background for a while tho, just making a public thing of it for suppression purposes, as well as justifying pumping more of our tax dollars into 'national security/military defense'

article said that biden announced this publicly in March, about 6 months ago, and the plan that is alluded to in article is still classified, and it sounds like it might be strategic planning for strikes, not just buildup and revamping of our arsenal. I get where you are coming from, though. I am starting to sound like the boy who cried wolf when it comes to nuclear escalation, but still would be much preferable if all parties, including china and russia, were still talking publicly about disarmament and downgrading their arsenals, especially with 2 main current conflicts likely to flare up. Bogs my mind too that this is not (and most likely will not be) discussed at length in this current election cycle. Americans either completely tuned out when it comes to foreign policy or so pumped full of propaganda that no real discussion seems likely. 

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16 hours ago, ignatius said:

one or both of those guys will give a speech that is too fucking long. 

ha I tuned in just to hear Obama's speech. thought it was entertaining, but yeah I switched off before it ended. these conventions are nothing more than high school pep rallies on steroids.

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17 hours ago, ignatius said:

jimi jendrix


and yeah the dnc dog & pony show is barf city. I've stayed away from it but a few people in my house were literally clapping at the TV last night lol :facepalm:



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1 hour ago, luke viia said:


and yeah the dnc dog & pony show is barf city. I've stayed away from it but a few people in my house were literally clapping at the TV last night lol :facepalm:



i vote for harm reduction even if it's only domestically.. and also, local elections.. but i do remind myself that george carlin had some thoughts... even if i don't 100% get on board w/all this it's valid.


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19 hours ago, ignatius said:

not watching any of that DNC stuff. it's not like some politician is gonna come out and do the political speech equivalent of jimi jendrix  playing the star spangled banner.

also, fcking boring.. 

but also, i'll be glad when it's all over. fckn trump been dominating the news cycle for fucking ever. i don't want to die w/that asshole still in the news. i went to shit/piss/puke on his grave one day. 

Michelle Obama was good 👍 

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a short clip contrasting the two roll calls

I'm under no illusions about us politics but it would be nice to see Trump lose. And if he'd lost to Biden it would have been somewhat boring, like it would have been a sortof boring relief. But if he loses to Harris then thats going to be really quite interesting.

edit: bonus video of Obama's subtle gag delivery


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I don't understand why they need to take in Michelle and Barack Obama and doing a big thing of it! 

Is like "Okey Kamala is not popular enough.. Take in some super stars from the past and tell them what side they really should vote for" 


All the way again lol 

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@cern any political party anywhere in the world would roll out past leaders to endorse the new ones. Like they used to roll out Thatcher at the Tory conferences in the UK to endorse whomever the new Tory leader was. The reason the republican conference didn't roll out GWB to endorse Trump is presumably because GWB refused to do so. The Dems would be crazy not to get the Obamas out on that stage


edit: bonus thread I saw today with an aussie questioning what Obama's legacy is, the ensuing discussion was pretty interesting


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2 hours ago, Crazing said:

Can u fking imagine if after all this bombast if trump still won? Damn that would be craaaaayyyyyzeeee!!!

I still think it possible and maybe even likely that he ends up winning. Dems no doubt have a lot of money on their side and can use it for marketing and pr, but their main pitch still seems to be that people should only vote for her so that trump remains out of office and catch phrases about how the democrats are going to 'create jobs' and 'be for the middle class' - harris still has not done any extended interviews, press conferences, town halls, or talked at length at all with voters or journalists off the cuff in an unscripted way, and when she eventually does, whether it is in debates or actual interviews, it has the chance to go really bad for her, especially if the journalists are doing their job and asking tough questions and calling her out when she does not explain her position or offer details. It's hard to believe that journalists will do this too, because they do not even really care at all up to now that she is running for president and not talking to journalists and doing extended interviews so that voters clearly know her position. All of this can definitely play into trump's hands in the coming months. Of course I can be very wrong about this, but there are a lot of foreign and domestic crises happening right now, and I think that the reason that she is being kept out of the public eye unscripted is because she most likely will not handle it well, like she will be seen as pandering or not really knowing what she is talking about.

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7 minutes ago, decibal cooper said:

I think that the reason that she is being kept out of the public eye unscripted is because she most likely will not handle it well, like she will be seen as pandering or not really knowing what she is talking about.

genuinely curious, why do you think that? is it because of memes of her being somewhat loopy? I mean she was a District Attorney, Senator, and is the current VP. there's no way she would not be well versed enough politically to answer some hard questions from the press.

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9 minutes ago, zero said:

genuinely curious, why do you think that? is it because of memes of her being somewhat loopy? I mean she was a District Attorney, Senator, and is the current VP. there's no way she would not be well versed enough politically to answer some hard questions from the press.

I think it because she has not done any unscripted interviews with journalists, press conferences, or town halls with voters since becoming the nominee, feel like i was pretty clear about this in my last post. Everything so far has been prepackaged or teleprompter speeches.  not only has she not answered tough questions but she has not explained at length what her thoughts are in detail, with proposed policy solutions, to the many foreign and domestic crises that america confronts. she is the nominee, there needs to be more substance than just 'what do you mean she has no policies, she is just going to be a continuation of biden.' my position is that there needs to be more, something like a positive vision for the future with practical solutions to the many problems facing america, in order to motivate voters.

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she's been proceeding effectively, her numbers are showing that. not subjecting herself to a press conference is understandable, as "the press" includes several extremely malicious outlets that are psychologically abusing the public by separating them from reality with tricks that would freak out orwell in a bad trip. she's done press gaggles and may do a press conference if she decides to but it's not obligatory and given the unusual circumstances it wouldn't be surprising if she didn't. she's had a month, and a lot to do, and she's done it very well. trump has no platform except ending elections, terminating the constitution, letting putin take ukraine, letting netanyahu do whatever he wants, and abusing doj. 

guessing we'll get more details on policy positions from her big dnc speech tomorrow (thursday). 

here's the dem party platform which should be expected to remain the same or mostly the same now that she heads the ticket https://democrats.org/where-we-stand/party-platform/ 

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