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may be rude

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by may be rude

  1. there are like 6 threads on that manchester show. in this one i posted the way to easily rip the hq audio from the facebook broadcast of it, which included a different audiotrack that i thought was better. though idk if yt has been updated since then. i seem to recall that the youtube audio was updated before that. each time it was a better mix, kind of seemed like richard had adjusted the mix a couple times. same thing happened with the printworks one once or twice, new and improved audio track was replaced in the video. you guys don't have to be as into it as i am but i have enjoyed that 22 minute segment on drives a number of times. recently i revisited it and it seemed like a section had opened up for me and it all sounded different. i tried breaking it into distinct tracks at one point, but i think i found that it seemed like a 22 minute composition. maybe the 6 minute part at the beginning could be sliced off, if anything, but the latter 16 minutes i concluded were pretty definitely all one prepared live composition. i reached that conclusion based on 2 things. 1 is the version from a week earlier in london, printworks. parts from the london verson appear in the manchester version but in different places and done differently. the london one is explicitly labeled in an official tracklist as mini-live-set pt 1-4. the manchester one doesn't have an official tracklist but we can conclude by the parts from mini live set in london that it is the manchester mini-live-set. so comparing those 2 provides a lot of insight. london is jazzier and manchester is more epic. the other premise of my analysis is that you can find instruments from later in earlier parts, as a way to try to gauge if any sections are truly separate. it's cool that he reworked an 11 minute piece into a 22 minute piece in a week and that we get to see that process. maybe he live-performed some unreleased songs, integrating them into the longer performance?
  2. the amount of people salivating over this is amazing. the odds of it ever being released are very slim though, considering it was done live for this particular performance ? it is released as youtube. seems like maybe a 22 minute live composition?
  3. if they.want to start releasing patches then i think that could be cool.
  4. wasn't this your avatar before this release, @brian trageskin ?
  5. ^ nice! here's a great shot of that galactic center... the bright zone apparently is the Sag A complex https://arxiv.org/pdf/2201.10541.pdf and here's a nyt about the thing https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/31/science/milky-way.html
  6. this thread is for discussing and posting music by ΠΕΡΑ ΣΤΑ ΟΡΗ apparently pera sta ori is the person behind WITHHOLD01 https://www.discogs.com/artist/5729210-Pera-Sta-Ori d&b, idm
  7. the preview track is exciting! makes me think to this part of the bwe interview i think i originally interpretted that as meaning those 3 eps would be all new stuff. but those 3 eps seem to have old stuff? as though he meant it the other way? would be interested to know what people think. he's referring to epi-log, alepoch, and the kids are ai. i think those include old songs, like from the initial sc dump, and he meant those eps mark the end of that mode of releases (for a while). i don't think there have been any real releases, since those, aside from some individual tracks in a few places, and the royal wavetable melodies that was released for NYP when covid hit, and which bwe describes as "A bunch of bits and bobs from a while back." i think we may be about to get a first release of purely new bwe stuff, and it's 17-tracks
  8. weather today: 1000 degrees fahrenheit and overcast with acid clouds seems like a b&w image. venus has a yellow tint visible with the naked eye from earth speaking of the weather, the 1000 degrees is not caused only by proximity to the sun. the temperature is much hotter than the proximity to the sun alone would cause. the leading astronomical understanding is that the planet, in the past, underwent severe climate change. atmospheres are a major factor in temperature and climate. venus's atmosphere is 96% co2. i really think we are actually underestimating the risk of climate change. you set a complex system in motion and you don't know where it's going to go. if we could get some of that sweet galactic alien wisdom, i think they would tell us to not fuck up our atmosphere and climate systems.
  9. that clip is just the very end of the 17 minute mini live set that begins the 2019 manchester show. it's not technically named mini live set for manchester, but it is recognizably a reworked version of the section that is labeled "mini live set" on the official 2019 printworks youtube. printworks was about a week before the manchester show. both versions are great. manchester i posted above. here's printworks to answer your question, yeah i think i hear live drum input
  10. it's from richard's manchester 2019 youtube. idk how to split the tracks but it's from like a 6 minute section of new stuff about an hour in.
  11. hype oh hey looks like an LP, with a CD. cool. only bwe's 2nd full-length, though he did like 10 eps.
  12. you act like the two can't both be true. false dichotomy. anti-capitalism/pro-socialism can both be a centuries old economic tradition, and be an info op designed to sabotage american dems
  13. anti-capitalist/pro-socialist movement is an info op to sabotage dems
  14. believers of verification need to go hard and save the others from cults. there's no other way out.
  15. for those getting their news from watmm, i should report about the recent, big development. yet another line of attack from trump circle, to maintain power. 7 forged elector documents were submitted in 7 swing states biden won. all clearly using the same text formatting and content. apparently local republicans were put up to submitting the forged documents so that there would be dueling slates of electors, thereby helping pence to just not count those states. hard to see zoomed out but they undeniably come from a single source. they even use the same, idiosyncratic, repeating star character as a dividing line. we don't know yet who orchestrated it but the eastman (trump lawyer) memo (about ways to keep trump in power) coincidentally describes the exact scenario. rangappa did a thread maddow has been covering the story as it has been breaking over the last week
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