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Hugh Mughnus

Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by Hugh Mughnus

  1. Yeah! I thought maybe it was just me - but even when someone wants to hang out now it’s like... “want to come over at 1) this time and 2) we will do this 3) and this 4) and eat this” like it’s all got to be 100% planned out. I guess as adults we have to be more efficient with our time or something? ?
  2. This is why I still buy vinyl. I miss the blockbuster experience tbh? Going to the video store with whatever family I had, choosing a movie and committing to it.
  3. hes alive though thankfully. rare sighting of burger babe this year have you seen this man - General Banter - We Are The Music Makers Forums (watmm.com)
  4. I mean, yeah that stands for pretty much anyone in any given situation right? =P Choose your own adventure
  5. I'm not sure which is worse - the original or remix. =/ Edit: I think the original might actually be better tbh. Reminds me of the uziq vs the auteurs release notes - seems like autechre was so bored with the original material they put basically 0 effort into the remix.
  6. Omg bcm thank fuck, so happy you posted I was legitimately worried about you. Irl worried. Dank gawrd you’re ok lol
  7. Thank you! Me and Wifey were wondering where those samples were from - I think it's our favorite track off the album. If we had to choose lol.
  8. So far so good!! Thank you. Haven't developed any symptoms thus far. Doesn't appear to have been any transmissions between staff at my work, even those that were in close contact with the workers that tested positive. About 8 employees got tested and they all came back negative. ?
  9. yaaaaaaaaaaaas the production quality on this one is crazy, the bass on some tracks (such as same ol' recording) can be skull crushing lol
  10. Yeah it’s basically a crapshoot lol. Rolls the ? *
  11. You being a dingus? I’ll almost certainly die if I get covid lol I mean there will be a ton less of contentless posts around here but yeah ? Or is that sincere advice?
  12. Thank you - actually I didn’t think of getting a head start on potential infection with some vitamins. I’m definitely vitamin d deficient so I should start on that at least. I’ve got some vitamin c/zinc gummies here too. Fingers crossed I don’t need any of that tbh but just in case I think I’ll start a bit of a regimen.
  13. A common saying I’ve heard recently is that you’re the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with most often. I guess that’s the same as “you are who you hang out with” or whatever.
  14. Sadly I can’t seem to view it in my iOS browser - says I need to download the Reddit app lol. We were hoping to watch it for dessert as we just finished dinner ?
  15. For sure - so far me and my gf have no symptoms and I wouldn’t expect any for a while. I’m worried but there’s not much I can do right? We have very intensive sanitizing and other measures for covid at work so I’m probably ok...
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