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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by o00o

  1. o00o

    Now Reading

    They are all sold out here I was lucky to find a collection online and don’t have to wait 3 weeks for a restock.
  2. The release sounds awesome but why does the cover artwork look like a bad version of these photoshop brush templates you can buy online
  3. I didn’t read the books so maybe that’s the difference
  4. Just finished 3 body problem. I would recommend it. It’s better then the trailer suggests
  5. The also just made a blog post about their hyperrealistic voice cloner: https://openai.com/blog/navigating-the-challenges-and-opportunities-of-synthetic-voices
  6. Vision Of A Psychedelic Africa by African Head Charge
  7. The techno-scene that was emerging right after the pandemic with a big psychedelic gush is on rapid change again currently. I wonder where it leads
  8. o00o

    AI Art

    beeple was lucky to build hype in a time where it was not possible to create very similar art with 2 clicks. Its fascinating how much his current Instagram now looks like generic ai art. maybe its because it mostly looks like random assets thrown on a pile until you get some kind of banksyesque level of pop culture critique that everyone can relate to but nobody is really offended by. this really made me go down a rabbit hole. looks like he is also racist now?
  9. I agree to an extent but in this example the patient is explicitly asking if its ok to take some medications that could cause her an allergic reaction. so its acting like some kind of doctor. Will the same AI answer if the patient lies on the floor with an allergic shock asking questions to see if the condition is serious enough to justify the costs of a real doctor
  10. this shit looks strait out of black mirror https://gizmodo.com/nvidia-wants-replace-nurses-with-ai-1851347917 who is even responsible if the AI is suggesting you something incorrect and you get seriously ill from over / under dosing the medication. This is 10 times worth than outsourcing it to a nearshore telemarketing agency. It basically says your health is so worthless to us that we do not even care to have a human talk to you over the phone. this soulless avatar trained on 2 PDFs is all you get.
  11. In the vast, cold expanse of space, where the stars are the only witnesses to the eternal struggle for supremacy, the creation of Red Matter by a rival set of engineers marked a new era in cosmic engineering. Unlike the divine aspirations of the so-called space Jesus engineers from Prometheus, these engineers harbored no illusions of benevolence. Their ambition was clear and unclouded by morality: to harness the very fabric of the universe to their will. And in their quest for dominance, they gave rise to the Romulans, a race as cunning as they were ruthless, masters of subterfuge and manipulation. But the universe, in its infinite complexity, had already set the stage for a far more terrifying alliance. The Alien and the Borg Queen, two of the most fearsome entities to ever scourge the galaxy, had seen the potential in combining their strengths. The Alien, with its unparalleled adaptability and ferocity, and the Borg Queen, with her cold, calculating intelligence and technological supremacy, were on the verge of creating something unimaginable: Alien-Borg Drone hybrids. These hybrids were the epitome of perfection in the art of war. With the Alien's biological adaptability and the Borg's technological enhancements, they were virtually unstoppable. Their hive mind allowed for flawless coordination, making their attacks devastatingly efficient. Their bodies, a grotesque fusion of organic and mechanical, were capable of self-repair and could adapt to any environment, making them equally formidable in the vacuum of space as on the surface of a planet. The creation of these hybrids signaled a new age of darkness for the galaxy. Entire civilizations fell in their wake, unable to mount a defense against an enemy that could assimilate and adapt to any strategy thrown against them. Resistance, as the Borg Queen so eloquently put it, was futile. Yet, in the face of this seemingly insurmountable threat, a spark of hope emerged. A coalition of the galaxy's most brilliant minds, including those who had once believed in the sanctity of creation as envisaged by the space Jesus engineers, began to gather. Realizing that their differences paled in comparison to the threat at hand, they united their knowledge and resources in a desperate attempt to find a weakness in the Alien-Borg hybrids. Their efforts led them to the very heart of the galaxy, where ancient civilizations had once harnessed the power of black holes. Here, hidden in the remnants of these long-gone societies, they discovered the existence of a substance even more potent than Red Matter: the White Singularity. Unlike Red Matter, which could create or manipulate black holes, the White Singularity had the potential to unravel the very fabric of the Borg's technological enhancements, rendering them susceptible to attack. As the coalition worked feverishly to weaponize the White Singularity, they knew that the fate of the galaxy hung in the balance. The final confrontation, when it came, would be fought not just with weapons, but with the very principles that defined them: the belief in the sanctity of life, the value of diversity, and the indomitable spirit of resistance. In the cold, merciless expanse of space, where the struggle for survival knows no bounds, the ultimate battle between creation and destruction, between unity and assimilation, was about to begin.
  12. This sounds really nice. I think they should have worked together earlier their sound benefits from each others input
  13. this DJ set they did was really bad. I don't have any hopes
  14. hehe these give me strong bangface vibes
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