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Amen Lare

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Everything posted by Amen Lare

  1. In an hour, frère https://time.is/GMT
  2. Amen Lare

    th red a

    I never did such a thread, my hypothesis is after huge elseq/NTS uploads the experience of a single track subjectively diminished, sort of accelerated inflation happened. The track is beautiful, was my second favourite from the very start (first being M4 Lema), mainly for exquisite sprawling bass. The synth lines felt nice but a bit weary because of its enclosed tightness. After some time and thanks to PLUS (and bonuses, too) broadening the acoustic context and soothing expectations, i am feeling slightly warmer towards SIGN and this track definitely shines the brightest. It's actually cool that the most weary track becomes the most wear-resistant of all. I believe "th red a" hints at "thread" just like that, it really feels as a thread
  3. It's not fair and you're right in noticing and your nickname is cool, yet we should be more specific in such cases as feministic/left-liberal view of the world is dominating the minds, so no generalized common sense discussion is possible as it's immediately viewed as macho/sexist etc. Just a matter of opinion fashion. So, your example is chick got way more attention to her social media post than you would with the same sort of material. And i guess it has little to do with music in this case and more with attention allocation in social media -- yeah, chicks get way more attention when they're young for biological factors. Say there's approx the same amount of women and men, and, broadly speaking, men age 14-70 will be on a lookout for women age 12-35 approx for baby manufacturing appeal, the higher the age distance the less intersection but you get the math. And this sort of lookout is way more deep than looking out for a cool track from fellow peniser. Where i suggest you to find fairness is you will get the same treatment throughout your life and chicks have more narrow window of getting attention. When she's like 50, it's unlikely she will have this kind of advantage over you. Be safe!
  4. Bandcamp mostly lately, use their app for keeping up with subscriptions (i subscribe to pages even if not buying), really appreciate the artist-to-fans messaging there -- it's still empty enough to be attentive. Dig the deserted ecosystem (sorta focused myspace/soundcloud hybrid) and hope they'd built on it, tho maybe these are the best days already. I listen to the purchased stuff thru files on the computa. Occasionally use youtube. Thanks for asking!
  5. Perhaps magical and divine are not synonymistic? Note that magic is much more fashionable word nowadays. I believe the problem with the scientific view, broadly speaking, arises when it goes full reductionism (there's no free will and we're all basically sophisticated automatons etc), in that moment the science forgets its foundational limits. Here's a rarely consistent argument about those limits https://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/2012/03/reading-rosenberg-part-viii.html
  6. It's immoral and done in poor taste in this context, cheap physical claim of the surreal (but that's kinda the whole genre). Winky micro-shock for a little "artsy" buzz/self-reflection to those familiar with such gore and unnecessary visual corruption to those unfamiliar.
  7. Absolutely zero, they literally didn't want anybody hear it -- this black labeled nothing with Thom Yorke's whining all over it -- stupid internet unexpectedly got its claws on it.
  8. I'm more surprised everyone praise it here, i find his sound aesthetics flavourless, full & wide & gigantic etc. sound is a usual trope for every conventional producer. That said, i enjoy only very occasional tracks of his, so i'm still curious to listen, but continually find it too bland. Espace Fourier is cool tho aside from generic production (Kraftwerk being far more peculiar)
  9. No offense to your eloquence and reputation, you didn't present your case convincingly to go download some stuff somewhere, people even rarely download local attachments. The thread is well past its prime as well. It's healthier for morale to stick to jaded embeddeds
  10. Pretty spooky, wonder if these familiar (compression?) artifacts are part of the actual track, like when you try to make ultra-quiet stuff loud enough to hear. Maybe accidental audio
  11. He's talking about a "first" (suggesting second) release 18-to-24 month prior to the interview which is from September of 2001. This one's catalogue number seem a bit off to that timeline, tho fb09 and fb15 are also missing in discogs list, so perhaps something was there as well
  12. Church Andrews & Matt Davies "NEIGHBOURS" Grischa Lichtenberger "KAMILHAN, il y a péril en la demeure"
  13. Anybody bothered to figure out which release is he talking about? fals.ch archive is pretty well-documented and most of the 1999-2000 catalogue is up on bandcamp now, and i don't see anything suspicious of being Ae/Gescom in disguise. These artists are usually properly attributed and known by other activity no matter how half-assed/seemingly anonymous their aliases may look.
  14. You're not alone (what's with dramatism), i don't get the opposition, your opinion is pretty reasonable. The threadstarter (Nil) mentioned Gabor Lazar and Second Woman which were both heavily Mark Fell/SND-borrowing in a lot of their stuff (Lazar went another direction since). I wouldn't say this is a copycat release as it has enough deviations, i think the two Figur tracks (2, 4) give the wrong impression
  15. ICASEA gotta be founders of the label, which is Alex Peverett (one half of Team Doyobi and some other projects) & Tom Knapp (SDEM), both previously in Mortal & Chemist duo
  16. Ae even called him the favourite electronic artist at the time of AI, so the link is there They also invited him to their curated ATP festival in 2003. Here's a couple of tracks they played in marathons (recommend this Sacred Machine LP) This one was even confused by people as unreleased Ae in recent mixlr chat (low bitrate blurs sound design) and Sean Anthony had to specify
  17. You're reading words not text
  18. Welcome back It's rarely mentioned Baby Ford was far better after the minimalist turn, mid 90s to early 00s, pure class. Of acid house he wasn't a pioneer, just a competent import with pop sensibility. I think Ae mentioned Fordtrax (1988) among the favourite tracks on AI compilation debut, i would say that track's still non-cheesy unlike the rest of that era
  19. Donald Fart Draft78 D Fart 78 Strange way to glorify the Supreme Leader, but everybody got their quirks i guess
  20. I don't love it, just enjoy: it constantly transforms in a pretty busy rhythm, making way for cool details here and there. The bouncy-reflecting quasi-percussional part starting from 04:52 makes it high level composition, otherwise the elements are a bit standard. TM1 open sounds unremarkable to me, it mostly follows the same "acid trancey" type of idle, but i like the ending where only the pretty stuff remains, it's a nice closure.
  21. ??? Lame pop song on an extremely shitty show, is this success in this world
  22. Hey, fellow Trump supporters, just stopping by to say hi to all 0 of you in this magnificent circlejerk thread
  23. I would agree if not for that stunning 04:50 introduced rotary/shivering part in X4 that just keeps singing its own song. It makes the track blossom despite some sorta usual stylistic moves
  24. Why are you doing this second AAA, wasn't the first one more than enough (i'm against spoiling that legendary move)
  25. PLUS certainly. It isn't shaping as an album at all and the SIGN-style offcuts feel way weaker than their siblings, yet the highlights are a little plentier on PLUS for my taste. The best track stays M4 Lema with closest competition coming from ecol4 and X4
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