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Everything posted by Schlitze

  1. lol, he may challenge the dead Jacko after all sales are registered and made official. Wacko'll still win overall, if only by a coupla vinyls. Narrow magin, Jacko won by having an album cover which wasn't a receipt.
  2. Wow, you jumped the gun a little, KUM We only just have the track lengths for the normal CD. Kumming a little too hard there, Bun.
  3. The Institute sounds like a fucking abomination with these fake SF hipster douche's. Fuck that. Hooker on Davie, i will check out, sounds like she's having a bad day. Checked it out on imdb, pretty hard to obtain a DVD of this.
  4. worst post in this thread so far Yes it was a very shit post.
  5. Sabotage 6.5/10 If it wasn't for the multiple plot holes this could have been an 7.1 Nicely acted piece with some hard-ass DEA beasts talkin dirty. These guys are real redneck filth like in Joe & Out of the Furnace. Trying to hold them together is Ahrnolt, the boss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f5SmGRs6ZQ8 With Ahrnolt on form like this, seeing the third act slip away in the way it did was disheartening. Ending was dumb, y'all. Dang, dawg.
  6. Awesome forum modification.
  7. That latest Donervan effort was pretty awesome.
  8. You could get one those images and use it as an avatar.
  9. Oh god, how long do i gotta wait to see The Babadook. Hot diggity dang.
  10. It's the same four people who always post comment replies to status updates. They are products of their environment.

    1. Friendly Foil
    2. Uniret



      so are we all


    3. triachus


      I tinkered on your avatar. You are a product of ME.

  11. The episode of Hannibal where Fred Chilton is framed as The Chesapeake Ripper is some of the best TV I've seen in a long time. Poor Abel Gideon.
  12. I'm on bladelores @ 6:46, my speaker tweeters are whispering sweet nothings to me.
  13. I feel I've been neglecting Ae of late, so i came back to Exai tonight just to listen to Fleure. Not skipped one track since. It's hard to explain. Exai
  14. Stop pirating torrents The Counsellor - Strange film where the script, acting and direction were out of sync with each other. Is this a new style of filmmaking? No idea - 6/10 Homefront - Enjoyed this one. Sly is an underrated writer and it was good to see him hand over the reins to some actors other than himself. Statham is a family man with a daughter to protect, Franco is the menacing meth-dealing with an appetite for hard anal. Set in some place in backwater America where the police turn a blind eye to home made meth labs. Cool film - 7.5/10 I'm halfway through The Act Of Killing (Directors Cut) - Long/10
  15. Depression is being trapped in the idiot realm of the Aphex Twin subforum (It's now just the same 5 people posting, it's woeful, ghastly)
  16. Schlitze

    tac Lacora

    Just cranked it at loud volume on a marantz amp.. It's immense
  17. easy. by remaking it. here is something else they will fuck up (guaranteed) They didn't even seem to try with the Robocop remake. They must have known that what they were doing wasn't good while they were filming it. That scene of Murphy's death that I talked about in my post, i cannot believe that got approved during the script development stage. With regards to the Videodrome remake, yes, one cannot imagine them getting that right in any way. They'll try to be clever and apply the themes to the modern day no doubt, and in doing so rip the soul out of it. Th'drome (and the Suspiria remake) appear to be on ice at the moment with no names attached, so remake boffins will just have to whet their appetite with the forthcoming Poltergeist remake from the director of 'Monster House'.
  18. You've got your Maverick and Mother Goose... but you need the Iceman
  19. Scratched cornea. Pretty uncomfortable. I was up all night with the sensation that i had something stuck in my eye, like a bit of grit or something, couldn't sleep so spent hours trying to rinse it out to no avail, got it checked out today and they said it's a cornea abrasion. Must have got some grit in the eye while cycling and then rubbed the eye cos of my hay fever or something. The eye is very red, closed over and extremely sensitive to light so I have an eye patch. They said it'll heal itself in 48 hours or so. So i'm at home with all the curtains closed wearing sunglasses, vampire style. Even the glare of the TV is pretty harsh.
  20. I was pretty depressed after seeing how bad the Robocop remake was. How could they get it so wrong. How can they shove all the political/moral/science stuff down the viewers throat like that (those dumbass segments with Samuel Jackson lengthy speeches about the pro's and cons and letting robots loose on the street, what the hell?). And in the original, the torture and death of Murphy by Clarence Boddiker and his gang was a pivotal moment in the film. We get the emotional impact of his prolonged death and then the brilliantly constructed metamorphosis into machine, culminating in a POV shot from Robocop's visor as the team put the finishing touches on him then unveil him. In this remake we get him going out to check his car and a bomb goes off blasting him a full one metre and landing awkwardly onto the steps leading up to his front door. It's hard to think of anything any more lame. But they must have been proud of the scene as it's replayed over and over, each time i was like ''wow, he's lying in a really unnatural position on those steps. I don't think anyone would land like that after a little bomb. He looks like he's resting''
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