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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by ignatius

  1. there's a lot of great things about plastic and its uses but it's gone so far beyond the necessary to the lazy convenience of a thing. we certainly have backed ourselves into a corner or were articulated into a corner. or both. petroleum is what makes many types of plastic possible. there are alternatives for many products.. paper, cans, glass.. but yeah.. countless things where it makes absolutely no sense for it to be in any thing other than plastic. all kinds of medical devices etc. but there's so many things that are just stupid. and there are things that are only slighty more expensive in non-plastic form.. coffee cup lids etc.. and the prices would come down if those things were scaled up. single use plastics are such a huge issue. take out containers and all the various disposable things. of course business won't do what's 'right' unless public opinion sways them and it doesn't effect their bottom lines which is why legislation is the key to making it happen and holding people accountable. commercial fishing nets and gear are actually the largest waste material in the oceans... but i don't think they break down in the same way as plastics??? i don't know.. there's new composites emerging made from all kinds of natural materials that break down a lot quicker and aren't toxic. truly biodegradable. though i'm sure they're not suitable for all situations. regardless, at some point, 'economically viable' won't be the measuring stick and it won't matter. maybe plasma gasification will one day hit the sweet spot and generate net energy by turning all the human garbage into gas. there's some docs about plastics and the industry around it and how it works but i can't think of the names right now???? edit: also regarding forcing plastic on us.. i'm thinking about things planned to be made poorly out of plastic so they wear out and the consumer has to buy another one. and all the little ways people get their cut of a thing because someone makes a plastic back that goes into a thing that is wrapped into another plastic thing.. packaging.
  2. direct link to Future Music interview: https://www.musicradar.com/news/mike-paradinas-interview ? ?
  3. it's everywhere. everywhere. everywhere. more and more plastic is made all the time. wrapping shit in plastic... plastic BBs for airsoftguns that get shot everywhere... plastic wrapped fruit... and on and on.. humanity is insanity. if there's ever a reckoning i hope we through the industrial assholes who keep forcing plastic onto everything into volcanos.
  4. yeah.. florida hasn't done itself any favors. been trampled by right then far right aholes for a long while now.
  5. if you research the company he was CEO of before he got into politics there's lot's of medicare fraud. he bilked medicare for millions as amatter of company policy. total fucking crook and hateful piece of shit. he hates poor people and anyone who needs public assistance etc but he's the guy who made millions scamming medicare. there's video of him when governor of florida bragging abou thow hard they made it to get unemployment benefits and how there's lonly like 60,000 people in the entire state who managed to get benefits..
  6. if you want to read some marketing tech bro's advice for musicians adn be sick.. here ya go... fuck this guy and his micro moments. long thread. i hope he falls down a well.
  7. interesting read. so much to think about. thanks for the link and translation
  8. nice! just scanned it quickly. immediate add to the bandcamp wishlist for next bandcamp purchases. really nice tracks.
  9. https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_r8wevx7hmu1v59k6n_720.mp4https://va.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_r8xxgeroX21tztwf6.mp4
  10. i have no idea what young people do. seems some get into some things and buy vinyl. etc. i don't know.. really. streaming etc is probably what happens most. lot's of passive listeners. people must be into music still but seems people would rather stare at their phones than listen to stuff. content content content. but then there's all kinds of people selling vinyl on line on bandcamp and other places.. releasing and selling.. i have no idea who makes what kind of money. mumble rap and shit like that i guess and bad pop and bad country pop will always be popular. the last few guests on SNL were uh.. interesting.. i think there's like 5 dua lipa's. i don't know how people like jimmy fallon keep up with new artists and are able to have conversations w/them when they're guests on his show. have seen his show a couple times w/musical guests and had no idea who the person was. hadn't heard of them before. and here's jimmy chatting away about their "amazing new album" which is usually just bad.
  11. they should put an asterisk on the menu that says "this dish has nothing to do with Vlad Putin you fuckwit moron"
  12. putin fired 1000 of his personal staff because he's afraid of being poisoned. he's insulated in a bubble and no one can get near him really.. not w/o some kind of attack that sacrifices the attacker. i'd be surprised if someone takes him out that way or if he's seized in a coup or something.. it'll be interesting and scary to see what happens as this slogs on and how desperate he becomes and if/when people around him see him as too dangerous or deranged to go on leading the country. but stalin had everyone scared of him. he had guards shot who came into his quarters after he was faking a heart attack and screaming.. the guards were so scared that when he did finally have a stroke and piss himself making all kinds of noises in his rooms.. the guards stayed outside because they didn't want to get shot. putin currently has tight control of russia and all his fucking cops are arresting a lot of people every day. his latest talks about 'doing a cleansing of russia' are nuts.
  13. https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/03/17/putin-allegedly-orders-arrest-of-top-military-chief/
  14. have read various things about how the same type of software that creates deepfakes is used to spot them. so, i think they're working on how to make algorithms work 'both ways' for lack of a better technical description.. but plenty of times i'm sure the damage by a deepfake will be done before a thing can be verified. hopefully it will become standard to authenticate things like this before committing to airing them on official channels etc.
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