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Everything posted by zero

  1. this could easily be a clip used in a PSA. something along the lines of: "this is what happens to your brain when you spend your entire life lying. when your whole career is based off a lie. when you've lied to everyone around you for so long, you can no longer keep track of the lies. you no longer have the mental ability to answer simple questions, due to the fact you can no longer distinguish reality from fiction. you will eventually end up like this man."
  2. are people really still that obsessed with them? I don't tread too far outside of watmm for my insider info. using this sub-forum as somewhat of a gauge, I assumed everyone had carried on with their lives. I mean it's similar to asking when is the next jesus going to show up on the planet. there's no way for anyone to know.
  3. straight outta the trump playbook. take a simple question and twist it toward a totally juvenile direction. note the youngun right behind her. total class right there. morality? ethics? those died a long time ago. USA! USA!
  4. no Billy no! please stop this. https://consequence.net/2022/09/smashing-pumpkins-rock-opera-atum/ Get ready for a ton of new music from Smashing Pumpkins. The Billy Corgan-led outfit has announced a new 33-song rock opera called ATUM, which is billed as the sequel to 1995’s Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness and 2000’s Machina/Machine of God. ATUM (pronounced “autumn”) will be unveiled over the course of three acts released 11 weeks apart. Act 1 will arrive on November 15th, with Act 2 following on January 31st and Act 3 coming on April 21st. A box set containing all three acts plus 10 additional bonus tracks will also be released on April 21st. that preview song is absolute crap. I wrote guitar licks like that when I was like 14 and didn't know any better. the track titles are kinda hilarious in a way. it's like he knows he's peaked and is consciously trying to rip himself off. the mojo has left the building, Billy.
  5. I've lost faith in so much of it tbh. the whole trump show has been a massive eye opener, to say the least. seems at this point the trump hangover is in full swing, like waking up after a massive bender... like you guys have indicated - will anything happen to him? I honestly don't think so. the American people are ultimately at fault, for letting themselves believe in all his lies, resulting in him getting elected in the first place. don't want to hear dems or whatever other side are at fault as well, because end of the day, there is right and there is wrong. so much of the trump show falls in the "wrong" category, it is simply mind boggling. if any other person in this position acted the way he did, then they would be fired, or possibly killed, depending on what country you're in. I really try to not even think about it as much as I once did, because it is all out of my control. yeah I can vote dem and show up for local elections, but end of the day - this whole mess is not going to go away easily, nor end well I'm afraid. more people will end up getting massively fucked over due to the rigging that has gone on by the republican party, all in support of this con man. if trump gets indicted, charged, and serves some BS house arrest at mar-a-lago, he'll still come back around. team R will continue to rally around him, and it will reinforce all the nut jobs belief he is some sort of savior. the only way this potentially fizzles out is with him completely gone (wink wink), and then the minions below him tear each other apart vying for power. maybe then the R party has a come to jesus moment, and makes some half assed attempt in moving back toward the "right" category. will be interesting to see what becomes of Adam Kizinger, and any momentum he can build in battling back the R crazy train. if we are going to be stuck with this 2 party system, then it has to balance out at some point...can't keep going on the R vs. D gridlocks and expect any real progress. as much as we can dream up some other system of governance here, it will take a massive sea change to ever implement this. hey, who the hell knows, maybe something like this does come about naturally, out of necessity due to the fact what we have now is clearly not working as intended.
  6. um, no? don't tease us man...from reading the FWP problems thread, you'd know most people that post here can hardly get a decent night's sleep at all!
  7. this concept album approach, cover art, etc. remind me of Drexciya... or maybe it's a throwback to like how this genre of music (IDM!) sorta was when it was in its infancy back in the late '80s/early '90s. like the early Detroit techno stuff, B-12, all that, which were directly referencing a lot of sci-fi tropes. not like this is important....the preview track is awesome, and can't wait to hear the whole thing!
  8. that's what they do in Ruskieland when speaking ill of Vlad or any of the mafiosos running the show. also Thailand has had that shit on lock for more than a century now:
  9. I remember reading that back then and being like daaaamn, little harsh no? to be fair, it's not exactly a great album/comp/whatever, but IIRC there are a few bangers on it (haven't given it a whirl in probably 15yrs). P4k definitely came out guns blazing on that one.
  10. queen alive = mostly respected queen dead = internet people start piling on, bashing her next week = meh, whatever. on to the next headline. all forgotten.
  11. nice analysis man. this is one of those movies that I can't believe I'd never really heard much about it before. I've now read more about it, and apparently it is like one of Nicholson's personal faves of his work. yeah Nicholson was probably not easy to get along with during that era. I read some sort of backstory of Nicholson vs. the studios led it to not get as much distribution as hoped, and kept it out of the DVD market until like the early 2000's.
  12. media honing in on it after a disgusting tragedy is what's up. the shooting sadly could've taken place in virtually any city in the US these days. there's always been latino gang shit in Tejas. had this gang shooting occurred before the mass shooting it wouldn't have gotten national attention. now that town is under a microscope, and in some ways rightfully so because of the ineptitude of law enforcement and leadership there. but media is going to turn it into a mad max wild west lawless shithole, on a one way death spiral down the shitter. I can confirm there are like normal people living there, trying to make it in this rigged game known as life.
  13. think you answered your own question!
  14. yeah I've too seen this term "quiet quitting" pop up in internet articles out there. it's totally relatable, and "they" seem to be tying this phenomenon to the pandemic, or at least another side effect from it. fwiw, our company too is having issues similar to what you've described. but there was another factor at play not exactly related to the pandemic, which could explain a lot of performance / management issues going on right now where I work. but yeah, the remote work thing IMO has perhaps led into a sea change shift in worker mentality...like the pendulum shifted toward the worker vs. management during, and now after the pandemic. or maybe the global fear of death that everyone experienced back in like 2020 shook enough heads out there to get people to wake up and see the forest for the trees. like there's other things more important in life than sitting at a fucking desk all day being frustrated at your job.
  15. my take as well. never paid too much attention to the royals, but the speeches I heard from her seemed genuine. it's just refreshing to hear a public figure at that level not getting drug down into all the toxic mud slinging and finger pointing the rest of the political shit show loves to partake in. any messaging of positivity is far preferable to the rest of the shouting out there.
  16. re: electronic books. I tried that maybe around 10 years ago. read a few on a tablet. then I realized that this is not the way I want to enjoy this medium, by spending more hours starring at a screen. the tactile sensation and physical action of holding a book, page turning, and repeat, NOT starring at a screen, are important factors for me. funnily enough though I do enjoy reading comics on a tablet more so than the physical medium. perhaps the digital factor adds to the artwork, can present it more attractively or something. I dunno.
  17. ha! that explains a lot! (upside down pizza in tinfoil oven never forget where tf is ding luv ya tim j ?) yeah suppose I should've indicated non-fiction books. but reading what I said again does come across as sorta elitist, which wasn't my intent. the act of reading in and of itself isn't what I was thinking, more so reading stuff that can help broaden a person's horizons, get them thinking on subjects they may have not know too much about before. like gaining wisdom, that sorta thing. I guess what spawned that comment is the fact that I rarely see books in peoples houses any more. or at least the people I've encountered over the past years. book shelves are still there in like the older generation's houses, but I don't see them as often in people in their 30's/40's. it's all just people starring at phones. again, just a pointless thought. yeah that's what I was intending to say. the content is what counts. but I do sometimes think that a book has had time to be edited, with the author re-wording and creating a cohesive narrative that is possibly easier to gain knowledge from. like for thousands of years books were the way humans passed along knowledge from one generation to the next. youtube videos containing factual info are great and all, and of course can be edited as well...just the fact remains that in institutions of higher education, it is still books that dominate the academic landscape. no clue if youtube videos are used in classes now to pass along knowledge to students. been a minute now since I was in university.
  18. I think one of the reasons society feels so fucked up right now is because nobody reads books any more. books are how we know virtually everything regarding our history on this planet. actions and events recorded and edited in text. reading internet all day has really done a number on a bunch of people's brains. so much bullshit online, nonsense designed to pit people against each other. another reason I think society feels off at this present time is the phenomenon that everyone's free time must be occupied by starring at a screen. like don't people know how to sit and do nothing any more? don't y'all remember before internet how much time people spent literally sitting and waiting, doing nothing, just thinking? there is something to be said for those moments spent in mindlessness...like sometimes it takes a minute to think on things in order to see them clearly. it seems that this activity doesn't occur as much as it used to. it is all largely fast paced reactive decision making against something viewed as antagonistic. what happened to utilizing logic in making a decision? game planning shit out? I don't know...so many of these fucking people I deal with out there are all running around scamming each other, a bunch of fucking liars. hard not to let that get to a person at times.
  19. I'm starting to wonder if something's wrong with me. I can barely bring myself to watch any modern movie. like I sift through a lot of titles I hardly recognize on the streaming apps, with some so-and-so actor I do recognize the name of, and it all seems like generic glossy crap. the ones I have watched are all forgettable, like it barely made an impact. I don't want to sound like some elitist film snob, because I'm nowhere close to this. but I really think that there are so many great "classic" films that are deserving of a watch or re-watch, rather than most of the newish stuff out there...or maybe it's that I'm getting old and want to watch something that helps me escape from modern reality. anyway, I really liked this one. this is a totally reflective, almost spiritual film not big on dialogue with some excellent 1970's European cinematography. Nicholson is so sublime in this, almost acting monk-like...not anywhere close to his maniacal side we all know him for.
  20. IMO people who despise social media are mostly the type of people who don't fall for scams. people who look the other way when everyone else is starring at those bright shiny objects designed to draw everyone's attention to it. if you ask me, social media is all totally fake, not reality. and the fact that the zuck's of the world are hoping to bring more and more people into this fold, and trap them in some alternate world they can't easily escape from and buy more useless shit is beyond fucked up. that's why I will stick to posting anonymously on obscure internet forums, because this is about as far into the la-la land social media world as I want to get.
  21. people aren't mean, they are nice. they turn mean when they get constant amounts of hatred and lies thrown at them on a daily basis.
  22. joined in 2004. posted as handsplatter back then. whenever the forum went down in 2005 I left. was working a long hour shit job back then and didn't have much free time to do internet stuff. there were also no mobile devices with fast internet back then like there are now. rejoined in 2006 because I was drunk one night and wanted to comment on something. then I didn't really post too much until I got sucked back a few years back, thanks to all the political threads that popped up on here whenever dumbo became president. I go in phases with electronic music. sometimes I hardly listen to it and sometimes it's all I listen to. I'm of the opinion that the best of this genre was all created back in the '90s/early 00s. I still have a lot of this stuff on CD, and listen to those when I need a nostalgia fix. whatever was in the air/water back then that led to this spark in creative explosion left this planet awhile back. I don't think there's been anything close to the scene that Richard, Luke, & all the brothers happened upon in the '90s. there's been a lot of shit music dumped out there thanks to internet. I've kinda hit a point where I stop looking for new stuff. yeah I suppose I fall into the category of grumpy middle aged dude shaking fists at the sky.
  23. ^ easy fix. change "TRUTH" to "BULLSHIT" then he can skirt around that nasty trademark nonsense.
  24. not to de-rail into ye territory...but kinda sounds a bit like this guy:
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