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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by toaoaoad

  1. From what I've read, your best shot at an accurate test reading is 5 days after the exposure (assuming you know when it was). My friend was horribly sick for a day before getting a positive test reading the following day. So it's pretty hard to stay on top of this thing. I think during a time like right now when it's spreading in huge numbers again, it's wise to just keep a mask on and act like you or anyone could have it, as we were doing in the beginning. Yay
  2. People who find Confield challenging: What is challenging about it? I found Draft way more challenging. At the time it struck me as being really contrived. I grew to love it of course but it was a lot more difficult to get into. Confield just felt natural and still does.
  3. To me it's an album, not just because it's album-length but also because it's really cohesive, great flow, has all the qualities of a good "album" imo. Again I wasn't around to see it released as two seperate EPs (not sure if this happened at all in North America actually..?) so it just came into my hands as an hour-long album that was called an EP for reasons unknown to me at the time. And it beats them all.
  4. Sean pls make a "tuba" patch similar to the clarinet one we saw in those clips, pls thx
  5. I finally listened to it all the way through... yeah maybe I'm a shit fan lol but honestly had never made it through the whole thing before. It really doesn't need to be an hour long does it? Half an hour would be cool. But I was on a long bus trip and it seemed like a good time to take the plunge. I drifted into a half asleep state several times and at times it just sounded like white noise in that state. Kinda cool. What a lame ending though lol
  6. There's a lot of it going around right now. Four days ago I went out for dinner with a friend, and she woke up the next morning feeling like hell, didn't test positive right away but did the next day. Has every symptom etc, says it's the sickest she's ever been. She had it in the spring and is up to date on all vaccines. I somehow seem to have dodged it despite having had a close visit with her for a couple hours in a loud restaurant. Have been vigilant and watching for symptoms. I did feel particularly tired and run down about two days later but was also traveling (yes I wore a mask everywhere), so it could have just been burnout, and so far I'm still testing negative and have felt fine. tldr who the fuck knows with this thing? Healthy people with all the available protections still get horribly ill, some people get directly exposed to it and don't get sick at all. We need to stop acting like we understand this thing cause we really still don't.
  7. They have two afaik, Mings Feaner and The Faex Has Decimated. Both are excellent so if you're missing one you should rectify that asap EDIT whaddaya know they actually have 3, "the Voynich Manuscript" from 2016 as well
  8. It seems I'm one of few who didn't find Confield difficult at all when I first heard it. In 2001 I was about two years into ae fandom. My first love was LP5 then I had collected Incunabula, Tri Rep++ and EP7. I LOVED EP7 and caned it all summer in '01. So when I heard Confield that fall it was exactly what I wanted to hear and made perfect sense to me. Bine and Lentic were a bit challenging I guess but overall I loved the album from the start. I didn't pick up Chiastic Slide until later on so I guess it suffered from that, since it sounds like most people who voted for it were around when it came out. I can see how it was groundbreaking at the time but I was coming at it backwards. I do really like the album tho, it has strong winter/snow associations for me and I play it a lot this time of year. I can see comparing the two on the basis that they are both very strong as full-album start-to-finish experiences. Chiastic is more rough around the edges and unified by lots of "crunchy" sounds, while Confield is more of a mixed bag unified by its "organic" qualities. Overall I just find it to be the more colourful and interesting of the two, and has aged better too.
  9. How is confield losing, very disappointed in all of you
  10. Why these two particular albums pitted against each other? Apples and oranges.
  11. Some old stuff as in ... old unreleased ae?
  12. How does it feel to waste that much time?
  13. These are real tho. They are unreleased and have no title.
  14. Thanks for the shoutout but unfortunately I wasn't very adventurous this year either. Off the top of my head, I enjoyed the Vladislav Delay/Ripatti Deluxe new releases this year. Just recently checked out the new Jan St Werner collab but it was kinda meh/ more of a listening exercise than something I'd enjoy regularly. Still haven't even given a proper listen to the new FSOL (I suspect I will probably enjoy it tho) or the new Bjork (probably will be a chore lol). Enjoyed about half of Magic Pony Ride. Loved the Ae Helsinki set, and Hanalgig gets an honourable mention for what it is. Other than that, it's been catch-up with the odd thing from recent years - was playing that Barker album a fair bit in the spring. Nothing else springs to mind. I find that at this stage in my life I mostly go back to old comfortable things if I want to listen to music at all. Also haven't released (or really even completed) any stuff of my own since 2020. Womp
  15. Can't stop listening to that clarinet track, definitely one of the freshest sounds from them in awhile. I could believe it's a sound they created out of tuned feedback etc, but it has so many nuanced qualities of a real squeaking clarinet, that's pretty fuckin impressive if so. Could just as likely be sample manipulation ? I could be wrong, bear in mind I have no idea what I'm looking at in these vids Either way these tracks are sick and I can't wait to hear more! ?
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