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Herr Jan

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Everything posted by Herr Jan

  1. Because it isn't Aphex. It is someone who is also on watmm. There are at least two other threads on here about that account, and there is enough talking about it going on.
  2. Considering the track was made between 1994 and 1996 I wouldn't bet on it. Can't listen right now, but I'm quite sure it isn't. Afaik Luke never sampled Aphex tunes before (in released stuff). No Reality is from Back on Time which came out in 2012. Did he release some older tracks on that album, or were you thinking of Drum n Bass for Papa? I already had it in 2011 though :) and yes, it's 100% old stuff. It was promoted as such when it was released + he mentions it in that interview from yesterday: I really loved the 2011 Ninja Tunes release—but that was all old music, right? Ancient. '94-6.
  3. Considering the track was made between 1994 and 1996 I wouldn't bet on it. Can't listen right now, but I'm quite sure it isn't. Afaik Luke never sampled Aphex tunes before (in released stuff).
  4. New in depth interview on RA: http://www.residentadvisor.net/feature.aspx?2457 He (Aphex) wound up everyone who was there with a mentally hardcore set, and I had to go on at 10:30 and play funk. People were chanting, "Fuck off! This is shit." That was the worst set of my life, a whole group of people chanting: "Fuck off Wagon Christ, we want Aphex Twin." He stitched me right up.
  5. ^ I've missed these posts. This starry-eyed afx-track fan is checking them out now! Loving the Guardian Angel + Oby Onyioha tracks already. Also, these tracks have been on repeat for hours at work today:
  6. Very cool :) This is going to be a great experiment, thanks for the great work xf! Agreed about more votes in any case, somewhere 10 and 20 would be fair for 220+ tracks.
  7. New Seaside Houz Boys track and it is really, really tasty. Comparison with Disco Rout has already been made (melody-wise I guess). Hope this release lands soon!
  8. There are too much good tracks in this dump I already semi-forgot about (only because of sheer quantity), only to stumble upon them by accident and find out how good it is. Like this one just now: https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/37-bicycle-wheel Oh shit, the SOSW 2 playlist
  9. It says "This video is not available" for the other tracks. Why? That automated music streaming thing for YouTube isn't available (yet) for a lot of countries. Only the UK and US already have it I think? And wasn't it supposed to have it behind a YouTube subscription paywall too in the end?
  10. Same here, glad to see this work out instead of getting some halfassed work without Lynch (not to mention the actors dropping out if he wasn't in). I assume Lynch leaving in the first place was more of a negotiation tactic for him then a purposefully created hype machine, and at least it payed off with even more episodes than the 9 originally planned. Bring it on I say.
  11. go, man, go! i'm serious too... this should be done right away. Go! Much better idea than trying to make a poll on here. I tried a few months ago when there were less than half the amount of tracks there are now and it took forever, then it decided not to bother remembering anything I'd entered in the poll when I went to preview the post. Total ball bag Also that quote is the best news ever Hoping Richard will reach out for some input on it first though, a maximum amount of votes / tracks or any other possible factors. Maybe best to wait for that, but your approach seems perfect xf!
  12. This album (with Morgan Ågren on drums!) is a mates all time fave so I hád to check it out. Just heard it for the first time, absolutely mental.
  13. Haha, well this was unexpected. Just when I linked to that thread where a lot of people gave reasoning for not doing it: iirc mostly because lack of input from Richard or Warp, so this changes a lot... Let's set it up then? Logistically it will be a pain to put 200+ tracks in a poll in watmm (I think there is a limit too?), but maybe Joyrex or someone has a way around it? It should be publically accessible with maybe a maximum amount of favo'ing?
  14. No biggie, not everyone is constantly f5'ing watmm next to the soundcloud :) I'm absolutely loving the last few tracks. Phonge into 5 7z has a very smooth transition, like someone said in the comments there, it's like a noisy intro. 24 ems-alias mgroove is one of my recent faves, full of MFM goodness and nostalgia. D14 - 26 Soahcie2 sounds like dirty ol' Bunker Records electro for some reason, should be way longer. Pretend Analog Extmix 2b though, man... Also, remember when someone posted that 1/427 (or something similar) in the tags of that Aphex Twin soundcloud track and everyone joked about at it being the start?
  15. Was already proposed, I think there's very good arguments in the thread why it shouldn't: http://forum.watmm.com/topic/86696-would-you-be-willing-to-pay-for-a-physical-release-of-the-soundcloud-tracks/
  16. Strange... Haven't heard this but skimming through the set you can hear a lot of trademark Vibert tracks and sample bits, but there's definitely something off. I'll just add the info to the file about it being fake. Thanks for the correction :)! Also, yeah that Blade Runner track!
  17. https://soundcloud.com/user18081971/pretend-analog-extmix-2b
  18. Fresh Occult Orientated Crime ambient gig uploaded: I was planning to go to this, they gave away 100 free tickets but they were all claimed after a few minutes so I had to skip it :( would've been great in such a museum.
  19. https://soundcloud.com/richarddjames/comments on Diskhat ALL Prepared1mixed [snr2mix] @morelockd: That is your projection, it was actually named 26 remixes for cash by Rob Mitchell RIP from Warp records because I met all the people from record companies etc in various streets around london and exchanged the DAT's for cash, so they wouldn't know my bank details or address. I've actually recieved more hate as I've become more well known, I didn't get any to start with.
  20. Grant posted them this morning in the colundi group on facebook :) there's talk of a new place to buy, an old village somewhere in Portugal, so maybe that's what they've been waiting for to come up with these. Or not, just thinking out loud!
  21. I thought Phlid 2 sounded the same as the version I had from the original tape. What differences did you notice from the original ? Yeah, you're right, I stand corrected. Assumed it because of the title (Phlid 2) and because he's been uploading more alternate versions of tracks this week. I also couldn't remember the last part (with the pads) in the original, haven't heard it in years.
  22. Brilliant wake-up call again, 8 new tracks. I'll never get used to it :) currently rocking 24 ems-alias mgroove on repeat before listening to the others, fucking amazing track! Never thought Phlid would have different versions, seemed like just a fun one-off track. This one's actually better too!
  23. https://soundcloud.com/heavytassen/01-radio-fenriz-two-may-2015
  24. Nah atypic is pretty close imo. Most of the dump is pre-1996 stuff, with the occassional odd one out. For example, he uploaded T13 / T8 with the noyzelab interview stuff and described it as one of his most recent tracks. Afaik the cottage tracks are Analord-era or later, not sure. The Vibert remix is definitely done somewhere in 2006. I do have my doubts about tigercubdelay. I'm convinced that 179 brk 2 is made in the Drukqs era. Dead giveaway is 1:52 and onwards. Still not sure about Notting Hill Bus although I guess it's somewhere in the late 90's. Are there more recent-sounding ones?
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