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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BobDobalina

  1. U.S. sprinter and Women's 100m Trials winner Sha'Carri Richardson has been DQ'd after testing positive for marijuana. And will miss the Olympics. https://www.bbc.com/sport/athletics/57692193 This hurts my brain and there are not enough Picards in the local intergalactic group
  2. BobDobalina

    Second Peng

    I'll pass that on to myself from 13 years ago thanks He says nah this still slaps (this after I explained to him what slaps meant) He was also like hey, this type of layered mixing is literally Rob Hall's modus-fucking-calling-fucking-card-fucking-operandi, so we ride or die, and then pushed the barrel of his bop gun straight to my temple. gonk casual my friend
  3. Um, that's not what u posted yesterday in the LTM Nice Dicks thread ?
  4. RIP Gift. This album was one of the best of its time and will live on as a testament to his genius and spirit.
  5. It definitely/defiantly did not say pre-order when I first visited this morning. Reckon they must've fixed the glitch as you suspect.
  6. Soz I was just going off the sample track. I thought the others were listenable but apparently not I also might have to walk back that comment about the album being available for download now, will know for sure when I try to buy it this evening from heimcomputer. It definitely doesn't say anything about a pre-order, nor are they unwilling to take payment.
  7. 1. n00b 2. Aphex Twins 3. Flahblub 4. Unfixed Burger 5. 128kbps MP3 6. Funboy 7. Funboy Plus 8. Chicken Tendies 9. Soggy Neckbeard 10. Lvsh M8 11. 117,342,644 Confirmed Kills 12. Shitpost Self-smeller 13. Ultra Limited Cassette 14. Supreme Dingus
  8. Pretty sure the grey dots were just a reflection of your post count, like you'd get another one when you'd hit a milestone number of posts like 100, 2K, 10K, etc. They got harder to get the further you got on, hence the aura of prestige that would come with a sixth or even seventh dot. but hey what do I know I'm just a Elite Forum Grand Wizard Sergeant-at-Large (43/42) with a 100 Pizzazz badge
  9. This looks and sounds badass. For all my fellow digital vinyl cyberpunks out there, it would appear that this is out now! Oh and what a sassy cocktease putting up 15 ltd white labels too
  10. F this great Noob Reset, bring back the grey dots!
  11. MF Danes putting the fuckin feels back in football
  12. Good luck Inglan It's France tho innit What a happy coincidence that I'm on vacation all of next week!
  13. ♫ Buh-buh buh bow boW ♫ ♫ (boobity buu) ♫
  14. Love Thundercat. Saw him at Newport Jazz Festival 2019 and dude tore shit up!
  15. This thread is being commandeered by the hip house gang
  16. Yeah, pls let us know if there are any updates w.r.t. the digital vinyls too! ?
  17. QFT++. Add mixology to the dude's list of talents, fantastic blending and pacing throughout. Do these ever ooze out into the dark web? The beeb's player had a good laugh at my weak attempts to capture the stream via offliberty, browser plugins, etc. I also vaguely recall some artists have put up their essential mix to soundcloud after it's streaming run comes to a close.
  18. I used to think so also til my sister sent me this meme. Warning: totally SFW but cannot be unseen.
  19. ...are what we'll all be wearing by the time the Bois release something new -
  20. ^Ja it's great, just dripping with that PassedMeBy/WeStayTogether used tractor oil sludge, which I think(?) is what he set out to do (and on the whole delivered on) with this album. Haven't gotten to checking his latest yet, everything about points to more Mrs. Robinson jams for Banana Republic change rooms. I know that many a watmmer can't get enough of it (understandable, it can be quite good) though apparently I can.
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