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Knob Twiddlers
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Everything posted by BobDobalina

  1. Nah makes sense totally, Confield is just the deepest of 'chre dives and (IMO) one really needs to be in a certain headspace to appreciates it. I went w/ Chaistic cuz it's where it all "clicked," yadayada, &c. and it's a close second favorite to LP5 which if you look behind you is busting thru the fucking drywall. And Nvane. key nell m88s. The bros squeezed the entire heat death of the universe into the 2nd half, mental
  2. This page is brutalist danke, d-sho, qub
  3. I don't like them either, but have gradually accepted them as a necessary evil in knockout competitions when there has to be a winner. If they've slugged it out for 120+ minutes and there's still no winner, then yeah the reward for both teams is a complete crapshoot. The psyops, nerves and dumb luck of it all is amusing in a way. Ordinary league football has draws (ties) which are IMO a completely acceptable outcome, esp. when nowadays for league table (standings) both teams come away with only 1/3 of the spoils rather than splitting it. I'm old enough to remember when the NHL had ties. They'd play a 5 minute OT and neither team would try since they'd both be satisfied taking the point.
  4. Yeeeeeah I just introduced the flacs to my virgin ears, lush AF. Would willingly hook B1 to my veins if possible. Love this project and whatever forces are behind it
  5. I do this every night with your son Cya in the 2nDD world homie
  6. (Edit)s are in... and... they're compact! And my mans, still eschewing stereophonics! Now Darren (pls) summon lopez with the haterade and the cycle will be complete
  7. Yeah that what has me confused, I'd'a though this kinda fuckery would be a major turnoff around here but apparently not so much. I'm with @cern on this one, Echospace are f'n sketchy. Way before the outright scamming I caught them gaming their release ratings on Discogs, everything they put out was getting like a 4.91 / 5 or something which made no sense. Turns out they had a bunch of lackeys who'd rate all 5 "versions" of a particular release (the vinyl, the promo, the wav, the mp3...) as 5/5.
  8. WATMM halp a'member a'member, was it Modell or Hitchell that sold a bunch of pre-orders on bandcamp and failed to deliver the goods? I don't recall how that panned out other than the A+ meme @prdctvsm honored it with And TBH, at some point a while back all of the Deepchord started to become a lil samey. Not bad, just the same (albeit lush) playbook. Curious whether this one has any new angles to offer.
  9. Aw hell yeah. I never gave in to listening to the rip of this on yt, so it's gonna be like opening a present guaranteed to be ?
  10. Thanks for this, I was almost about to plunk down for this album but also realized there's a lot of back material of his I've yet to hear. Where would u recommend to dive into releases instead?
  11. Currently this 7-minute epic, dunno why it gets looked over so often when it's one of the best things they ever made.
  12. Sorry but I already have a low tolerance for audiophiles, and even smaller one for those who zealously enjoy fixing the unbroken burger, so feel free to draw the Venn diagram however you want. I prefer just to cane Autechre, and this set slaps.
  13. To each hir own, but I'll never understand the urge to twiddle knobs after the 'chre have put their stamp on it. Into the fan fiction bin it goes with stereo differences, 45>33 versions and lush nulls Wonder if this clown even stopped to consider for a second that whatever "sounds much better" (to him) might not apply to others, might just have something to do with the playback system/environment, or that his mastering abilities might not be superior to whoever did it for Shah/Raj-approved release.
  14. All aboard for the shit show!
  15. Ayyy, comment made fully aware of this. Unless there's a critical mass of fanbois running shit-hot IDM pirate radio from their mom's basements (and pressed for time at that, lol), I don't get the point for (edit)s on an Actress EP. Bro is just padding the runtime with 53% new footage.
  16. Yeah totally digging this, stoked for some proper Actress But srsly fuck is the point of having an track and also track (edit) on a fucking digital release tho?
  17. Just gonna drop this here cuz it's a 90s trip-hop jam, fits the bill, and that baseline still slaps It's straight 4/4 as its should be, and not gonna spoiler (cuz I ain't no snitch), but the thing they do leading into the bridge (~2:08 >) - and then <pregnant pause> out of it - is so fffresh
  18. None of the appliances here have an OOF setting this large I already get enough tail in the old folks home, these would just put me over the top
  19. I need a new pair of [dj] kicks and I just learned both of my go-tos for like the past 20 years - Onitsuka Tiger Ultimate 81, Saucony Jazz Low Pro - have been discontinued. I just want fucking easy sneakers, FucKk
  20. Jeez, RIP. Just saw him on YT like a week ago - he was a judge on Jimmy Kimmel's annual (clickbaitish) bellyflop contest - and I honestly thought he looked pretty good.
  21. + Now let me just sign these other 5 documents" "3, sir"
  22. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/6589-the-singles-collection-03-05/ What I vaguely recall is that he had some preexisting beef with Pitchfork (probably over something said in an earlier P73 review), so they decided to go full diarrhea on whatever he put out next. Also that cringe achilles/tortoise autechre one.
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