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Everything posted by NI64

  1. Reading the liner notes I was shocked to learn it was recorded live in one take. Such an amazing solo
  2. Weird timing on the bump, I just ordered a copy of the original LP on Friday! Anxiously awaiting its arrival. ?
  3. Anyone in the US have their copy yet? I ordered direct from Squarepusher.net and it doesn't look like its shipped yet
  4. Just popping in to say I just got the deluxe versions in the mail the other day and, having never heard any of the other remasters, I gotta say they sound phenomenal. Plus the packaging, art, inner sleeves, all is excellent. Definitely worth the price. AND they're taking preorders for a second pressing in October. So if you were on the fence the first time around, I'd pull the trigger on the next batch.
  5. Yeah those sound great. Im actually the opposite - I'm all for remasters, even if they're 'unnecessary'. Best case scenario - Breathes new life into music you already love, makes you listen in a new way, notice new things, etc. Worst case scenario - you don't care for it and just stick with the original. I guess I just don't really see the negatives.
  6. NI64


    Also, I can't recall - were Vicsynth or the NTS Mix announced when Be Up A Hello went up for Pre-order? Still got a dimly lit candle held up that maybe we'll see a bonus track or two down the line.
  7. NI64


    A little disappointed, but will still have to get. On the positive side - the remaster sounds good on the Bleep samples! Just compared the Deep Fried Pizza sample to the mp3 I have from the Japan CD, and the drums sounds much more crisp. Whole track sounds a bit less fuzzy than before. Or maybe I'm just crazy.
  8. NI64


    FMWT was one of the first records I ever bought, and I would still instabuy it again if they reissued it. So much nostalgia for that one, every track is fantastic.
  9. Yeah I can't really get caught up in any of the "hype" until there's actually something concrete and official out there, but I can say I would 1000x over prefer a release of Old Tunes-esque samples/remixes over a new Geogaddi or Tomorrow's Harvest. Fun BoC is best BoC.
  10. The both say fully analog cut. So it's just a mildly different type of gatefold sleeve? How deluxe!
  11. Can anyone explain the difference between the regular vinyl and DELUXE vinyl? The price is exactly the same and it looks like the photos are identical haha. Is this a troll?
  12. Took me a little while to get into Tobacco, but now I'm addicted! (Sorry, couldn't resist) Anyways this track is a fucking jam :
  13. NI64


    Oh I've never heard his voice before - he's definitely the one talking in 'Astronomical Guidepost'. Very distinct speech pattern
  14. Rack, tin foil, baking paper, grill, metal pan...does nobody own a pizza stone?? Those things are fantastic
  15. Yeah he's slipped by my radar thus far, but after getting back in PBO from the recent thread I'm excited to keep chillin in that world for a bit
  16. NI64


    That was incredible. I almost thought it was official at the very beginning. I've never seen whatever Jason Alexander had that wig on for.
  17. Just listened to my copy. Sounds excellent! Plus looking at the artwork up close is a treat. The colors really pop and the level of detail is incredible. Side by side with Toomorrow they make up some of my favorite album art in my collection
  18. This is really bizarre...there was that new Doom/FlyLo track released last week, got me on a big Doom kick. I was listening to him more than anything else. I even watched his whole 90 minute Red Bull interview on YouTube the other day. Unreal
  19. This is undoubtedly my favorite release of 2020. I generally don't like listening to live bootlegs (in any genre), so I'm hearing all this for the first time. Thanks so much for doing this
  20. If anyone cares, it seems like all the 's' tracks (s2n, s3d, s1c, s2c, & s5d) are all from his soundtrack to the PS3 downloadable game Nucleus:
  21. Didn't both of those come out when the Wagon Christ name was still locked with Ninja Tune? Maybe they would have been if he had the choice.
  22. Wow, samples sounds great. Can't wait to get into this one. Makesaracket has always been one of his top contenders for me. Mike's giving Aphex a run for his money in terms of volume of output though, at least throughout the 90's. Good lord, I had no idea he recorded that much music!
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