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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. Can one of the mods move this thread to New Releases? @Joyrex? I don't know who else is a mod, lol.
  2. I'm sure I'll get used to this new Classic soon enough. Only real issue I'm seeing is the links in the top right (desktop) are barely visible. Also as I'm composing this message, it's odd that the text box is the same color background as the toolbar above and background of already-submitted post blocks themselves. Lack of differentiation.
  3. I think the album would have been more tolerable without the Rock On cover. I probably would have given it more chances.
  4. Finally ordered 7.2 vinyl to complete the set. One of my favorite Autechre as well.
  5. Does it suck now because it's dated, or did it suck in 1993? (I personally like it)
  6. I have a question. I don't think it's really been asked or answered here. But with all this dislike for the new cover (and I get that it's not mind-blowing or very unique but I also don't have much against it), is there an Autechre LP or EP cover that you think is worse than the one for SIGN? I've never taken issue with the simple covers for Tri repetae or LP5, for example, but I understand that the absence of a shape can be less offensive than the presence of a shape you dislike. Tri repetae was a nice color and LP5 had a cool solid gray CD case with the Autechre text debossed, so that was unique. But what about elsq? Solid black circles and squares on a solid white background, arranged differently for the different volumes. What about Quaristice.Quadrange.ep.ae? A large gray square centered on solid black. Again, it comes back to "nothing" or something super basic being less offensive than something you actively dislike. But I'm curious...is there anything worse in their catalog?
  7. Aside from the top few and bottom few it's hard to really rank them. I think elsq and NTS are near bottom simply because of their length and my inability to fully digest them within 4 years. Forget trying to rank them individually among the discography. Quaristice could actually be higher. Tri repetae Incunabula EP7 (cheating because it's that good) Amber LP5 Draft 7.30 Untilted Exai Chiastic Slide Confield elseq 1-5 NTS Session 1-4 Quaristice Oversteps
  8. I've been scrobbling religiously since 2006. To think of all the time I've spent ensuring that everything I listen to on and offline gets scrobbled...I'll never get that time back and I guess I'm ok with that because I'm still doing it. Too much history to stop now. I mean I visit the site a handful of times per day for some reason. Before some of the major redesigns I used it to track shows I wanted to attend, get some recommendations, chat with people on occasion. They've really fucked up some of those features unfortunately, but at least we can still track our listening habits. An odd word, indeed. But I enjoy having a record of everything I listen to. None of it listened to on the actual last.fm site (ok maybe a little bit of last.fm radio listening early on). It's just connected to my iTunes and Spotify to track what I play. And there are ways to submit physical media plays you've done offline too. I'm playing a record right now and as soon as it's over I will submit the tracks to last.fm, hahahah. ? Yes, that is definitely annoying, that to this day they haven't figured it out. Oh well, at least I know which artist I'm scrobbling.
  9. Yeah just found the singles and had the same thought as I started "Running Red Lights". Terrible, much worse than "Wherever You Go" but yeah this isn't gonna be for me. The title track with Blood Orange was fine but I don't need to listen to it again. Signing off.
  10. I didn't care for the last one, and thought their live show was pretty cheesy. Will keep an ear out for a single though, see what they're doing. And I like the artwork.
  11. I used to have Stryper poster. The band in front of their striped caravan. I didn't know they were Christian. And my favorite band at the time was Poison, so there's that.
  12. You know I was looking at that earlier and it made me feel better about my receding hair. Not like "oh I'm not the only one," of course I'm not the only one, but more like it doesn't hinder his looks. Attractive fellers indeed.
  13. Best news to wake up to. Was looking at this on my phone while lying in bed when I heard my girlfriend fall down the stairs. That was less cool, but she's fine. Love the normal album length and track times. Artwork is fine, no complaints. Always been a big fan of orange + gray (and green + gray as may come soon?). Album name is the most boring part about this. But whatever. This will great. I'm so excited. And it's not far away. I think I'll pick this up from a local shop when it's out. Was tempted by the t-shirt until I saw the back of it. That's gonna be a No.
  14. I drank too much coffee today. I had two split-shot lattes.
  15. I guess this should've just gone in the Guilty Pleasures thread huh
  16. I'm not sure how to feel about this. I understand it's a re-recording of a thrash demo, and I listened to my fair share of thrash when I was younger, but I don't know if I'll listen to this more than once. Cool that they're having fun though. It's tough to say whether I wish for them to record new material or not, with this thrash-heavy lineup. Doesn't mean it would end up thrash, but there's a good chance. Who knows. Whatever. We'll just have to see.
  17. New song is fine. I've kept up with them (fan since Around the Fur) and I've kept up with them but I think at this point I've just outgrown them (probably a long time ago). The last one I truly enjoyed was the self-titled and that's because I was more into they style when it came out so it stayed in rotation for a while, I actually got to know it as much as the previous ones. It's solid, quite under-appreciated for some reason (likely the curse of being a follow-up to the fan favorite White Pony). When Saturday Night Wrists came out I don't think I picked it up right away (probably didn't care for the single "Hole in the Earth" and still don't) but a friend eventually persuaded me to check it out. And I thought the cover art was great so what the hell. Anyway, it was decent but I didn't spend a whole lot of time with it (tried played it a week or so ago when Ohms was announced and it was tough getting through that awful first song). I did think Diamond Eyes and Koi no yokan were quite good and superior to SNW, and played them a good bit when they came out. They each contained a few songs with fantastic riffs. But Gore was a disappointment and I probably only spun it 2 or 3 times. It's probably me, but this might be the first album of theirs I don't bother listening to. I've changed, and they really haven't.
  18. I have followed Drowned in Sound on Facebook for a long time (for music news basically), but never joined the forums. Any time I've popped in there the format annoyed me so I never bothered. I guess it looks ok right now, still not great UX though. Never gotten used to Reddit for similar reasons.
  19. There's something about this that's keeping me away. Seems kind of cheesy? I don't know. I liked the main actor, Matthew Rhys, in The Americans, he seemed like not the best actor but it fit the role and the style of the show quite well. Not sure what to make of him in Perry Mason. Maybe I'll give it a shot someday. Continuing with season 3 of Narcos: Mexico and season 10 of Shameless as time permits (watching these alone). Started Snowfall on Hulu with the girlfriend, and it's good. Bit more violent than we expected, but we're enjoying it.
  20. So I've been playing a lot of Machinedrum over the last week as a result of this thread. First I revisited Room(s) and Vapor City as I didn't recall enjoying the footwork direction that much, and that proved worthwhile. I ended up revisiting Room(s) a second time over the weekend, maybe Vapor City another time today or soon. But also I decided to play Human Energy for the first time, and despite some obvious slightly cheesy bits here and there, I found it quite good and fun. Ended up playing it a second time quite soon after. I regret ignoring it, but then again, maybe I wouldn't have liked it at the time either. But glad I came around. Also revisited Want to 1 2? yesterday, which I liked upon release and liked better than Room(s) and Vapor City when those came out. Now? Well I still like it, but it's not necessarily better. Currently I'm revisiting his debut Now You Know, fully knowing what to expect as I had always spent more time with the early glitch-hop stuff than anything after (although in my memory the first 3 albums all blend together). And ok it's good and certainly impressive in 2001 when he and Prefuse 73 both dropped their debut albums. Funny thing, I always preferred Prefuse, perhaps because I heard him first, but now in listening to Machinedrum's debut, this may have aged better. It's got more cutting-edge IDM elements, maybe less repetitive, dunno. I think I may be coming around to realizing that Travis Stewart has been a better producer all along – especially considering P73's downward trajectory in the late 2000s (even if I appreciate some of his mid-career albums more than most) and Travis' continuing to explore new sounds in a more successful way. My initial reply in this thread was favorable toward these new tracks as I hadn't fully liked anything since Want to 1 2?, but now, after listening to the full tracks and all the album revisits stated above, I'm not sure how to feel anymore. The tracks are fine but not better than anything released in the last decade. Anyway, anticipating this more than I was since I'm a revived Md fan.
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