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Everything posted by sidewinder

  1. Purchase from local record store? If that's not an option, online music shops in the US would surely have these as well. Spot on. TMI open Spot on. I JUST finished my 3rd listen to this since yesterday morning, somehow perfectly timed with me catching up with this thread and being ready to post. On first listen it was clear I was going to enjoy this more than SIGN. Immediate stand-outs, just more fun and better replay value for me compared to the dense and somewhat depressing SIGN. I value both albums, I'm glad to have them both and will continue to listen to SIGN, but this is what I needed. I had a strong feeling that would be the case, glad it turned out that way. Thanks Autechres!
  2. I've having another listen to ORANGE before I dive into GREEN.
  3. Would have loved to see them then. I didn't get to see them live until the reunion, but in all I saw them on 4 different tours in 3 different cities. I don't love any of their reunion albums but live, it works well with the classics. I had a standard Too Dark Park poster, that was fun on acid.
  4. Oh another thing I meant to add, they seem to have skipped Too Dark Park with these recent reissues for whatever reason. All other pre-Last Rights LPs have been reissued by now.
  5. Damn, forgot about this subforum. Been wondering if anyone heard this yet. Was hoping it would show up on Spotify but nothing yet.
  6. Yeah, this is key, and sometimes hard to avoid. Reminds me of "Disarm", one of my favorites when I first heard the album that completely changed on me after hearing it so much. Disliked it shortly after. Same as with "Tonight, Tonight" and "1979" but those are far worse. That also happened with RHCP's "Under the Bridge" from Blood Sugar Sex Magik. Loved the shit out of that album, and "Under the Bridge" really moved me until it was a single and then sounded totally different to me after that.
  7. Very nice, and it appears they'll be using the full size artwork as opposed to the scaled down version used on the 2009 2xLP +CD reissue. I have that one and the packaging is neat, but I've always loved this artwork so it's a shame it was so small. Wonder if it was due to lacking access to a higher resolution image. This was my intro to the band, in 1992. I'd been exposed to a bit of industrial rock in the year leading up to this, then a new friend after moving states handed this to me and said I needed to hear it. I took it home, listened to it while lying on my bed with eyes closed, and hallucinated. This was probably a year before doing any kind of drugs for the first time.
  8. I'm not trying to listen to the album piecemeal, will skip this new "suite" until I can hear the whole thing. A few tracks was fine but half the album? I'll wait.
  9. I'm dubious that a record store would have already received this information, but what do I know. Especially "to put on the store's website", before an official announcement? Even if it came with instructions to do so after a certain date, it sounds suspect. Also PLUS sounds kinda lame, but then again SIGN wasn't a super creative title either. I like the staggered approach, gives us time to digest the standard album material. What's the rush? What's a month or two to sit with one album? Would seem that way. Something completely different would be nice, but even as an addendum of sorts it could be wildly different.
  10. Chill album, played it once yesterday and almost through another interrupted play today. Gonna be a grower I think, lots of ambient parts just pass by if you're not attentively listening.
  11. I was into the album when it came out, having loved the previous two, but as soon as "Tonight, Tonight" and "1979" started getting airplay that was pretty much it for me and this album. To this day I detest those songs. Short of any post-Adore material, since I haven't bothered to listen to any of that stuff enough to remember any songs, they are the two SP songs I hate the most. I CANNOT STAND them. And yeah, this album is bloated. That said, Adore is underrated.
  12. Indeed, detached while doing dishes – certainly wasn't wearing headphones and hearing every little detail. Bluetooth speaker playing at low to medium volume. Low quality and volume can lead to wildly different comparisons than high quality attentive listens. Will be interesting to revisit the song today and perhaps give SIGN another spin.
  13. I was just shuffling some tunes from my phone while doing dishes and a song comes on and got me wondering, is that a track from SIGN or is it Coil? I really couldn't tell. So I checked after a few minutes and it was "Dark River" From Love's Secret Domain. Interesting that I had to wonder considering I just played that album yesterday but have only played SIGN 3 times and the last time was a 8 days ago.
  14. There's that, too. But it got my hopes up for more in this style.
  15. Didn't think we'd go this long after this single before news of a new LP. Maybe Covid got in the way? Impact on personal life, album production, etc?
  16. Coil - Scatology (1984) Coil - Horse Rotorvator (1986) Coil - Love's Secret Domain (1991)
  17. An all-time fav. Used to have the poster, made for some interesting acid trips. Couple years ago I had a scheduled tattoo session planned for some TDP-inspired creatures to be incorporated around the now 26 year old TDP-era SP logo tat on my forearm. The session was delayed and after reviewing the artist's direction I ended up canceling it, partly due to the cost of an upcoming overseas trip but also I'd wanted them to put more of their own style into it and that didn't really happen. Also maybe I wanted something a little less sinister, hahah.
  18. Never heard this one actually, will add it to my queue.
  19. Woah. Must be a Jerome thing (my name too).
  20. Played the album twice now, I do think there are a few too many guests. Maybe starting the album with guest vocals wasn't the best way to go either. That said, I've enjoyed it enough to play it twice in just a few days, and will play it again to get more familiar. At the moment I prefer Human Energy.
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