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Is the antichrist still in france

Alien Sugar

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If he is, he bought a very rare copy of Data Language Systems - "I Just Wanna Give You Headphones"


there's 5 copies that exist, maybe 3. I hope cos i only have a 320kbps copy. "In My Head" was a hope that i could get a ctc scan. Natural Disasters was made witht he idea of having a heavy metal band cos i play the guitar instead of this painful music that i love. recording music on the computer is harder than picking up and instrument and having someone else do the recording/mixing and mastering yourself as well. It's all very stressful but if you have others along the journey of the music creation process, more power to ya friend! i'm in a rampant rant of historic words today. i'm lonely and thin and big small like superman was as of recent.


Wish i was in that beutiful place in the country. sweetwater sound www.sweetwater.com is in indiana not a few miles from me in tennessee.


Run to the hills, run for your life. Maiden. I'm gonna roll down the hill for a coke.

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Two protons expelled at each coupling site creates the mode of force, the embryo becomes a fish that we don't enter until a plate, we're here to experience evolve the little toe, atrophy, don't ask me how I'll be dead in a thousand light years, thank you, thank you. Genesis turns to its source, reduction occurs stepwise though the essence is all one. End of line. FTL system check, diagnostic functions within parameters repeats the harlequin the agony exquisite, the colors run the path of ashes, neuronal network run fifty-two percent of heat exchanger cross-collateralized with hyper-dimensional matrix, upper senses, repair ordered relay to zero zero zero zero

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If you can imagine a furry humanoid seven feet tall, with the face of an intelligent gorilla and the braincase of a man, you'll have a rough idea of what they looked like -- except for their teeth. The canines would have fitted better in the face of a tiger, and showed at the corners of their wide, thin-lipped mouths, giving them an expression of ferocity.

Then came the night of the first falling star. It was seen early in the morning, rushing over Winchester eastward, a line of flame high in the atmosphere. Hundreds must have seen it and taken it for an ordinary falling star. It seemed that it fell to earth about one hundred miles east of him.

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Don't be so lame as to reply to this schmuck. The utter failure of his attempt at wackiness in the Afx subforum was EXCRUTIATING. I've never seen so much tumbleweed blow through a thread. TOTAL embarrassment and complete and UTTER failure. Delete all record of the creeps existence on this site for the sake of the feelings of BUTT-CLENCHING shame at even just the sight of his name at the start of a topic. He's shit. He's subhuman. 

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23 hours ago, BobDobalina said:

For what was the profit of man, who gained the whole world, but suffered the loss of his own soul

Also, drugs

are you telling me i can't have a business in music while learning history from the bible, friend?

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All I'm sayin brony (and I ain't your brony, jabroni), is that the antichrist is everywhere these days, don't just limit yourself to France mon ami

Bonuse protip: keep yr n00bian comportment here on the straight and narrow, lest the Shlitz-Obel brute squad smite thee, and thou shalt be smoten, deadass.


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Bathing in the blood of the fallen has its pros and cons. The benefits include superhuman strength, physical endurance, reflexes and healing abilities. For the cons, the blood fills you with primal rage and lust. It will destroy you if you have no control of it." Dawn took a sip of her coffee and put the cup down. "All that may or may not be a disadvantage depending on your personal tastes." Remy ran his hand through his hair. "So, if the gangers find me, and I kill anyone they tell me to, will I end up like that." Remy's mom looked at her.

"I'm so sorry, Corrine. Remy was a good kid, he didn't deserve this." "I hope he didn't die for nothing," Remy's aunt Rose said, her voice breaking, looking towards the bodies lying on the ground. Corrine tried to swallow back the tears. Her brother was gone. Her heart had never felt so heavy. She forced a smile. "There will be a funeral and we'll all do what we can to celebrate his life, I promise." "Sure," Corrine managed to say, the words coming out in a croak.

Pizza is very healthy, but I don't like too much cheese. So don't put too much cheese on your pizza. - If you want me to come over and play games or something, be sure to let me know. If you're too busy, just play one board game or do a puzzle for your family members. - Try to clean up the house so that we can get some housework done. We've got school tomorrow so we need to get school done. We'll be finishing our "Sand Castle". But, before we can finish it, we need to get things picked up.

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