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wage labor brainwashing

Ivy Zemura yvI oo ii oo

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each morning from the early hours of 7-9am, our kommissar assembles us downtrodden helpless proles in strict formation and has us drop pants and bend over for our daily 'indoctrination', viz. being anally raped with a roughly hewn miniature bust of Herr Marx as we recite selected passages from Das Kapital. we're told this is necessary to lift us as a people out of the dim ignorance of the capitalist hegemony. it's a little uncomfortable tbh but I endure it for the sake of our Great Project.

also sometimes our femoid officers will steal my cum and attempt to hold me ransom with it on pain of inseminating themselves. this I am less willing to tolerate as it is a form of economic exploitation that is (as yet) unsanctioned by the state.

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I had a sales job once in which they attempted to brainwash me. the job was to sell insurance plans to people working in strip mall stores. low income people who's bosses didn't provide any form insurance coverage to them. those were the targets. we would go soliciting them with a whole planned out sales pitch to try and get them to sign up. it was a rip off and I knew it. I got a pay check for the 1st 4 months regardless if I sold anything. I stuck around for 4 months, sold nothing, hung out in my car a whole lot, then quit.

anyway, every morning we were required to meet in a crappy little office (that we had the option to enter into through the side door of a dry cleaning place) so we could get our morning brainwashing session. the leaders of this racket would recite passages from some book that was written by the owner of the company. I shit you not. there was a whole section all about "positive mental attitude," or PMA as it was called. they would literally chant "PMA" and some other hokey slogan stuff while standing around in a circle. I realized what they were doing. they were trying to make me believe this crap. I remember there was a Russian guy there who totally bought into it. the communism thing must have helped make his mind more susceptible. he was like a fucking robot by the end of the session. he and I kept in touch for awhile after I left and used to tell me all sorts of scammy ass shit they were doing. he snapped out of it after a year or so, called me after he left to tell me he finally quit. 

that is the most obvious wage labor brainwashing example I can think of. 

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7 hours ago, milkface said:

getting pressured and guilt tripped into working 55+ hours a week because "we're understaffed" and the things you'd normally expect.

I've had a similar thing in the past, perhaps even worse. Bosses have demanded me to work 70+ hours per week every week, without any payment for overtime work. The bosses acted like this is a completely normal thing to demand from their employees. If you don't comply, serious guilt tripping, bullying and gaslighting will ensue. The same bosses themselves of course never work more than 40 hours per week

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40 minutes ago, ghsotword said:

I've had a similar thing in the past, perhaps even worse. Bosses have demanded me to work 70+ hours per week every week, without any payment for overtime work. The bosses acted like this is a completely normal thing to demand from their employees. If you don't comply, serious guilt tripping, bullying and gaslighting will ensue. The same bosses themselves of course never work more than 40 hours per week

this happens to me too, all unpaid because of salary.  the worst part is, my boss actually does work this long, every week somehow.  I can only conclude he has literally no life or is avoiding his wife or something

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Because of my path in school / university, I've been pretty lucky to have never had a job that paid hourly (except one for a few summers and it was fine), and my salaried jobs have been pretty sweet thus far.

Guess that makes me the bourgeois and ur all beneath me.  :nelson:

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My first job was on a factory that produces optical shit (like systems for fighter jets, rescue helicopters), it was a so called "defense plant" during Soviet times. I was just a clerk for contacting Ministries of Defence. So everyone of us was asked to suggest some type of innovation every month in a written form. I wrote abstract poetry of technical gibberish.

My father, who worked most of his life there, was requested to take courses in Scientology, because the guy who privatized the factory after the Soviet Union collapse went to America (Boston area, I think) and got seriously hooked on all the practices shown to him there. During my time, the guy installed cameras everywhere and had an observation room for himself (the head of security told me that, because he knew my father well). I was nevertheless sloppy in front of the camera and consistently late on the checkpoint, but never got serious talks about that in my 1,5 years there.

My other boss in a much smaller private enteprise was seriously into astrology or some shit, had a dedicated advisor who did mystikal checks on staff and sometimes interfered with logos and branding names. It was dropped when the amount of money lessened considerably.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, doublename said:

 a thing or two we’re grateful for. 

Tell them you’re grateful for no-pants Friday and then take off your pants (regardless of the day of the week).

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