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squarepusher in twin peaks / black lodge



taking control of the drum machine


autechre by claude monet


autechre exai visualized


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Midjourney handed out 25 credits, that means more goblin pilot attempts. I had better luck with the prompt "orc Goblin pilot in aircraft, happy :: aircraft cockpit interior wide, goblin in pilot seat wearing pilot glasses looking through cockpit window :: goblin steampunk detailed, 3d render, close wide angle, interior, photorealistic :: --no extra anatomy, double anatomy, long anatomy, blur", and just requesting variations on that whenever it got something good. 






























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22 minutes ago, o00o said:

@chim how do I get access to midjourney - I always land on their discord server. do they have some kind of frondend? how does it work?

Newbie channels in the discord if you're freebie, just use /imagine. I think you need to use /subscribe and follow the instructions if you want paid options. 

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57 minutes ago, Real Human Bean said:



cool the official one? did you just wait until they added you?

55 minutes ago, chim said:

Newbie channels in the discord if you're freebie, just use /imagine. I think you need to use /subscribe and follow the instructions if you want paid options. 

Ah got it now you control the discord bot with commands. this is looks really sophisticated 

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9 minutes ago, Wunderbar said:

How are you able to express yourself creatively with this?

Take a look at the animations. What do you think?


12 minutes ago, Wunderbar said:

Is there more to it than typing text into a bar?

Typing a prompt into DALL-E 2 will output images but that doesn't have to be the beginning and end of your process.
I tend to prefer other tools (JAX, Disco Diffusion, Pytti, VQGAN etc.) as they're more customisable and enjoy the more abstract output.

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6 hours ago, o00o said:

cool the official one? did you just wait until they added you?

Ah got it now you control the discord bot with commands. this is looks really sophisticated 

Don't forget to check the prompt craft section for tips on prompts, some real wizards in there. Midjourney is super sensitive to the way you write. Adding a keyword multiple times, at any place, will increase its weight. Everything is weighed from left to right so your starting sentence is most important. The :: separator helps to further describe the scene but don't be afraid of repeating the subject! It's really good at forgetting important stuff... If you want a certain angle, like a full figure for instance, it helps to add keywords that suggest it in the scene, like shoes. The command --no helps to avoid some typical AI weirdo stuff, i.e repeating anatomy in the same figure and long necks, or just to narrow your search and avoid certain camera effects. The --no command stacks by using commas. But every "no" is a negative 0.5 and you can't end up with a zero or negative weight, so the positive keywords have to outnumber the negative ones. Midjourney is also well fed on a lot of styles by artists from Picasso to modern digital concept artists like Craig Mullins or Sparth, I think the command is --style. Lots of other stuff like aspect ratio "--ar 16:9"helps to give the result you want. 

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12 hours ago, chim said:

Don't forget to check the prompt craft section for tips on prompts, some real wizards in there. Midjourney is super sensitive to the way you write. Adding a keyword multiple times, at any place, will increase its weight. Everything is weighed from left to right so your starting sentence is most important. The :: separator helps to further describe the scene but don't be afraid of repeating the subject! It's really good at forgetting important stuff... If you want a certain angle, like a full figure for instance, it helps to add keywords that suggest it in the scene, like shoes. The command --no helps to avoid some typical AI weirdo stuff, i.e repeating anatomy in the same figure and long necks, or just to narrow your search and avoid certain camera effects. The --no command stacks by using commas. But every "no" is a negative 0.5 and you can't end up with a zero or negative weight, so the positive keywords have to outnumber the negative ones. Midjourney is also well fed on a lot of styles by artists from Picasso to modern digital concept artists like Craig Mullins or Sparth, I think the command is --style. Lots of other stuff like aspect ratio "--ar 16:9"helps to give the result you want. 

Thanks this one is really a game changer. I tried mostly the same keywords with Dall-E and it’s looks like total crap in comparison. Maybe I did something wrong but it’s worlds of a difference. I tried to illustrate a novel my girlfriend made up about a little girl living in a house unter a big tree and her dragon friend flying in the sky

this is midjourney:




this is DALL-E (and this was one of the better results)





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1 hour ago, o00o said:

cool this looks really good - how did you do it? engine / keywords?

It was Mid-Journey. I think I wrote “Twin Peaks concept art by David Lynch” and that was it. 

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44 minutes ago, Squee said:

It was Mid-Journey. I think I wrote “Twin Peaks concept art by David Lynch” and that was it. 

concept art works really well. just tried bladerunner concept art:




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ends with generated fake videos of any possible outcome of any situation, so that no one actually knows what is really going on at any point in time.  mass confusion and insanity caused by this increases violence and instability. like fake news but made by the thousands using keywords

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