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Guest The Vidiot

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Wittgenstein used to beat kids when he was a teacher so I guess we must dismiss his thoughts entirely too


btw thanks limpy for filling the Jev shaped hole in WATMM's soul

Oh, I see you downloaded Wikipedia onto your computer

Good on ya, m9!


Wittgenstein was way more savage than that, though:

He forced his (non-math) students to study math for 2 hours/morning

And would backhand them in the face if they got an answer wrong

(Span: I love your enthusiasm for disagreeing with me, though!)


Here's my specific issue with DFW (and his effect on our culture):





I actually think DFW was a genius

But I think he had a very mixed effect on the people who read him


DFW was able to shake off the tradition-of-insincerity of postmodernism/deconstructionism/etc (of the 60's/70's Barthelme/Barthe/Pynchon sort)

But he couldn't shake off the tradition-of-nihilism of that perspective

(It's not inherently nihilistic, but if your diet consists almost entirely of cynical postmodernism and cable television, then well...)


DFW wrote with an amazing mathematical elegance (e.g. using fractals and modal logic/system-k and -b trees as structure...which is not merely academic-masturbation, that's how to make a novel resemble how the world actually acts at all its various levels, which is genius imo)


However, I was never fully-convinced that he was actually interested in overcoming his so-finely-tuned cynicism about the world (from either his video interviews or his writing)


And the bummer is that he probably thought that orientation was entirely unrelated to his chronic suicidal depression...







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Limpy, are you on Adderall or anything of that nature?

Serious '?' I'm not even havin' a go at you.





Nah, drug-free

(save for cigarettes, coffee, and crack cocaine)


But I've decide to talk in over-the-top sarcastic gestures

So that people who talk in over-the-top sarcastic gestures will understand me

Otherwise my words are just black lines on a white screen




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Forgot to mention I'm also reading a little book of short stories by Nicola Barker, Heading Inland, which includes a man who feeds his hand to an owl. Classy stuff. And I have a copy of White Noise to work when I finish Shark by Will Self. Looking forward to it!

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Just starting Michel Houellebecq's Submission. Chuckles within.


His Bloody Project by Graeme Macrae Burnet was really excellent. Some p clever Rashomon-y type stuff goin' on in there.


The Oprah and Sam Walton chapters alone would make The Unwinding by George Packer worth the price of admission.


Getting into Rick Perlstein's joints on Goldwater, Nixon and Reagan soonish.

Edited by doublename
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Just finished Norwegian Wood by Murakami. My first dip into his realm and I honestly feel exhausted after reading it! I'm not sure what to try next if that was a measure of what his other literature is like haha.

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Just finished Norwegian Wood by Murakami. My first dip into his realm and I honestly feel exhausted after reading it! I'm not sure what to try next if that was a measure of what his other literature is like haha.


Wood is his most normal book I hear (yet to read it but will). Try Sputnik Sweetheart or After Dark, both are quite short if with additional elements of the supernatural.

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Just finished Norwegian Wood by Murakami. My first dip into his realm and I honestly feel exhausted after reading it! I'm not sure what to try next if that was a measure of what his other literature is like haha.


Wood is his most normal book I hear (yet to read it but will). Try Sputnik Sweetheart or After Dark, both are quite short if with additional elements of the supernatural.



Thanks for the rec, will give them both a try!

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My promise to myself of getting back into reading, hit the buffers (after a very decent spell) with three books that were binned because I just couldn't gel with them and were killing my enthusiasm. On the Road, Carrion Comfort and 11 22 63 (Stephen King) were all ditched. Thankfully I'm back on track with Clive Barkers Books Of Blood volume 1 to 3, and after a week or two I'm almost done.


Have to be honest I'd like to find a couple of authors I could really get stuck into, but I'm struggling to find them.

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Chaos by James Gleick

The Raga Guide






lol good thing I'm clever or else my constant cynicism might be seen as a vice instead of a virtue lol



But Keanu is a total delight, isn't he?

*spends actual time making meme to ridicule Keanu*

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Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus by Rick Perlstein


You ever read any Laird Barron, Beerwolf?




Just had a quick look on amazon, looks good and my cup of tea. I'll give him a go.

Edited by beerwolf
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My promise to myself of getting back into reading, hit the buffers (after a very decent spell) with three books that were binned because I just couldn't gel with them and were killing my enthusiasm. On the Road, Carrion Comfort and 11 22 63 (Stephen King) were all ditched. Thankfully I'm back on track with Clive Barkers Books Of Blood volume 1 to 3, and after a week or two I'm almost done.


Have to be honest I'd like to find a couple of authors I could really get stuck into, but I'm struggling to find them.



have you read Blood Meridian by Cormac?


its yuuuuge, head & shoulders above his other work & would personally guarantee you finish it in days (ideal 4 a rainy weekend)


visceral & ungodly one sec, landscape diary the next, with a snaking plot, philosophy, genius characters & fate all in 1


get some

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My promise to myself of getting back into reading, hit the buffers (after a very decent spell) with three books that were binned because I just couldn't gel with them and were killing my enthusiasm. On the Road, Carrion Comfort and 11 22 63 (Stephen King) were all ditched. Thankfully I'm back on track with Clive Barkers Books Of Blood volume 1 to 3, and after a week or two I'm almost done.


Have to be honest I'd like to find a couple of authors I could really get stuck into, but I'm struggling to find them.



have you read Blood Meridian by Cormac?


its yuuuuge, head & shoulders above his other work & would personally guarantee you finish it in days (ideal 4 a rainy weekend)


visceral & ungodly one sec, landscape diary the next, with a snaking plot, philosophy, genius characters & fate all in 1


get some



I'll check it out, thanks

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Bought The Thackery T. Lambshead Cabinet of Curiosities edited by Ann & Jeff Vandermeer because it contains the last Ted Chiang story I have yet to read (but now have and feel sad there is no more Chiang to find :( ). Looking forward to reading the rest of the stories and hopefully finding a few new authors to follow.

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I think unless you're reading it as a teenager On The Road is pretty shite.


Took a break from reading about Jack the Ripper to finish The Fisherman by John Langan. Echoes of Pet Semetery and not as effective but it mixes personal loss with huge Lovecraftian horror well. Has a nice sitting round a campfire being told a story vibe too.

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