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Guest The Vidiot

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It's about a man who trepanated himself. A trepanation is an operation where a little hole is drilled into the skull. He seeked to expand his mind and get to a higher level of consciousness by doing that - and it worked


no it didn't


Well, some would consider his mental state a neurological problem - but for him it worked, he feels high all the time now



You don;t think that could be down to the massive amounts of LSD he had taken?

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It's about a man who trepanated himself. A trepanation is an operation where a little hole is drilled into the skull. He seeked to expand his mind and get to a higher level of consciousness by doing that - and it worked


no it didn't


Well, some would consider his mental state a neurological problem - but for him it worked, he feels high all the time now



You don;t think that could be down to the massive amounts of LSD he had taken?


Yeah, it's probably because of the LSD. But still a fascinating story

Just imagine yourself drilling a hole into your own head, eww

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Finished Mao II by Don Delillo. Pretty great, eerie to see how accurate he was about the current culture 26 years ago, especially terrorism. And it was nice to read a book that isn't 500+ pages for once.


Next is Those Who Leave And Those Who Stay by Elena Ferrante. Which is a 400+ page book.

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I finally got around to reading some Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky & have thus far found it exceedingly enjoyable. Next on my bucket list is to try (yet again) to make it through Tristram Shandy in one go.

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fin: Yukio Mishima - Forbidden Colours


begin: J G Ballad - The Drowned World

Mishima is excellent. Have you read xThe Temple of the Golden Pavillion?
i haven't yet. so far i've read The Sailor That Fell From Grace With The Sea, Spring Snow, Runaway Horses and Forbidden Colours (read in that order).
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Antonio Damasio - Self Comes to Mind: Constructing the Conscious Brain


Very good and as easy as possible explanation of how the body (especially the brain) manages to create an experience of the outer and inner world. Very enlightening. Did you know that even single-celled organisms have a rather complex mind? They don't know though. We know and we even know that we know and we know that we know that we know and we can watch us knowing that we know that we know that we know that we have a rather complex mind. We call this process "self". I can recommend this book

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funny you say that because Sailor is one of my favourite books. none of his others have hit me as hard, though they are all very good. i might go for that one next, though Confessions of a Mask has my interest and i still have the final 2 books of the Sea of Fertility tetralogy to read.

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A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia




We are writing this book as a rhizome. It is composed of plateaus. We have given it a circular form, but only for laughs. Each morning we would wake up, and each of us would ask himself what plateau he was going to tackle, writing five lines here, ten there. We had hallucinatory experiences, we watched lines leave one plateau and proceed to another like columns of tiny ants.



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fin: The Drowned World (J.G. Ballad)


this was disappointing. a nice idea but poor execution. flat characters, too much repetition and a waste of a good world.


begin: The Outsider (Albert Camus)

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Satoshi Kon's Opus is a great comic, just as intriguing as his films were. That the ending chapter was found after his death and somehow makes sense of an unfinished story (sort of) makes it even greater.

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I started The Dream Quest of Vellitt Boe by Kik Johnson, who can do some great short stories. This is a short novel/novella and so far the premise and writing are good but I'm wait to see what sort of book it's really gonna be...especially since it's set in Lovecraft's dream lands. Should be interesting at least.



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A cheap bookshop sold a hardcover copy of Adam Sisman's John le Carré biography, which I am tucking into while at home. Sure is nice reading a huge book again, kinda missed doing that after Moore's Jerusalem and Pynchon (keep going Spiral! It's worth it!)

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i'm trying to read j r by gaddis but holy fuck is it tedious. 

Yeah? I enjoyed A Frolic of His Own. Been meaning to get around to JR or Recognitions.


Right now it’s Graham Greene’s End of the Affair & random poetry to decompress from a couple endless editorial slogs.


I discovered Zbigniew Herbert recently via this collection & some of it makes me very happy. I definitely prefer watching an artist fail in hopeless, naïve earnesty & being able to relate over the alternative of being successfully razzle-dazzled but coming away feeling more or less empty.

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