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Guest The Vidiot

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Guest tht tne

kaufmann & baird's philosophic classics series

raymound roussel - locus solus

robert walser - jakob von gunten

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Just started Thoreau's Walden


You're in for a treat! I found his style of writing something I had to gradually get used to, but when the meandering intertwining thoughts and ideas really hit their stride he really creates some great scathing, soaring and hilarious passages. Also, I highly recommend reading this outdoors for full effect (in a beautiful place out in the country)

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Hardcore Zen - Somewhat preachy in the start about questioning everything, which almost made me put the book down at once. But as soon as Brad Warner goes into his past as a member of the early Ohio hardcore punk rock scene, and his unexpected transition into japanese b-movie making, it gets wildly hilarious. It's extremely rare for a book to make me burst out laughing, but this one does. The "buddhism for dummies" sections are far less entertaining, even though it's stripped off all the superstitious fluff really well, but I guess I'm not the target audience for those parts. A retelling of a crazy encounter with Gene Simmons gets interrupted by an almost insultingly patronising dissertation on why time is an illusion, and how we're all ripples in a pond, man. But just as quickly, it's about experiences like having to sit with a guy who can't hold his gas at a Zen meditation center, and I have to keep myself from guffawing loudly while reading this at work. It was very weird to alternate between sections where I absolutely couldn't put the book down and sections where it's all I wanted to do. But Warner's a decent writer and an interesting character - overall, I really enjoyed it.

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So far, I'm finding this highly enjoyable.

If you haven't already, read The Psychic Soviet.

Both of these books read like academic essays but both are basically humorous bathroom books.

So much fun, especially for music nerds.

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Learning Processing


nice one dude, that book is great! (i'm slowly working through it myself)


have you seen his other book, "The Nature of Code"? It's free online and covers some really interesting topics.



I'll check it out. Thanks!


Also. I don't know if you already know this, but there's a site called Coursera, which are like free courses from universities and stuff... There's this one https://www.coursera.org/course/digitalmedia which is about Processing. One of the teachers is Yee-King :P


You should check it out too.

Edited by logakght
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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard

Just read stephen king's 11/22/63 and enjoyed it. a page turner for sure.


now back to GOT

Loops. A fine book about the history of electronic music. Recommended.


who is this by?

I really want to read the warp book by rob young but it's not on kindle and is silly expensive otherwise



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Loops. A fine book about the history of electronic music. Recommended.


I think it's a book from Spain (therefore, in spanish), and the autors aren't that recognized (or at least I don't know them well: Javier Blanquez and Omar Morera.

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Guest Jimmy McMessageboard


Loops. A fine book about the history of electronic music. Recommended.


I think it's a book from Spain (therefore, in spanish), and the autors aren't that recognized (or at least I don't know them well: Javier Blanquez and Omar Morera.




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Catcher in the Rye. Second time reading it, read it like 3 years ago. I really enjoy the stream of consciousness writing style and im fascinated by Holden but sometimes i feel like the book has underlying themes that go way over my head. Sometimes i'm really bad at deciphering classic literature

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Guest tht tne

Catcher in the Rye. Second time reading it, read it like 3 years ago. I really enjoy the stream of consciousness writing style and im fascinated by Holden but sometimes i feel like the book has underlying themes that go way over my head. Sometimes i'm really bad at deciphering classic literature


no disrespect meant but that book is pretty facile, it is not very symbolist or hidden-meaningist or whatever

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"Going Clear: Scientology, Hollywood, and the Prison of Belief"

By Lawrence Wright



I'm just starting this. It's pretty cool so far. I can already tell there's gonna be a ton of wtf-fucked-up-ednesss to come.

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Guest No Pomo

Got Tao Lin's Tai Pei. Only reason I haven't already finished it is I just moved and am still unpacking. Many moments I take a break and read and just want to sit there and finish it but I can't. A verry nice continuation of his style honed even further, though also expected I feel he's toned down some of his more ironic/experimental aspects of his writing which is probably for the best but I still lament for what ever reason.

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