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i'm about to take lsd


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Guest analogue wings



The DVD has an interview with Morricone about the score! I was like "yeah I bet he doesnt even remember it and he had to check his notes", but it's actually REALLY TRIPPY.


He explains how, since the whole film is just foreshadowing to a suicidal banzai charge, he derived the entire score from European funeral marches - even the big heroic theme song.


Dude is deep.


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4 grams of liquid?! it must be really diluted, considering an active dose of pure LSD is about 0.0001 grams. onset is quicker the more you take. smaller doses take longer to kick in.

right on with those who said that to not expect anything and just relax and let it do it's thing. in the end the acid just "unlocks" your mind and it is you who create the trip. everyone i know, including myself, who took acid for the first time thought it didn't work at first, but realized afterwards that it indeed did it's job. the next time you drop you know what to expect and look for and can play with your imagination and have have a much nicer trip.

i wonder if this acid has found itself to your easterly neighbour. last time i did was a couple of months ago and i was on the brink of egoloss with the help of piracetam.

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i wish My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult didn't sample that acid again sample first because it's EXTREMELY hard for me to take that MBM song on it's own merits. hat album is pretty good, i just recently got into it after kind of dropping off the MBM radar post Subliminal Sandwich


I like that TKK song... I dunno though, it probably has to do with fond memories from middle school in the chicago area, them being a chicago band and all...

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usernames, Rambo and scones!


You guys is hilarious!



Hope Chimera's trip was fucked and saved by you guys....


or that he decided to get off the puter and just trip.........

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higher place




this is why i dont believe in god.


oh yeah, if the room starts to spin... dont spin with it, OK?

if the room starts to spin, you've had too much to drink!


edit: can we get this thread to page 6 already i'm trippin' out to that animated gif at the top of this page hahah.

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hi again. i'm on comedown now.. that's right, i ditched everything, kept listening to music, went into my own head.. and eventually fell asleep. My friend said he didn't feel anything.


I figured the dose wasn't very strong or hallucinogenic, but the mind experience was very interesting. Kinda brought back a spark to my life... interesting thoughts.. meaningfulness. which is something I hope I can take with me. So yeah, it turns out it does unlock your mind. What i thought was the most surprising about the trip was how natural it felt.. didn't feel like tuning out, more like tuning in. I wish to take more and stronger doses in the future.


it was pretty freaky to travel home while still being buzzed.. it was nice to ride the train, watching the spring scenery fly by as i was listening to boc. boc is way better on acid.. I thought my hearing was good, but so many little details become much more apparent. All those annoying superfluous effects like panning, sudden shit, become super awesome. I wasn't paranoid or anything, felt very normal on the outside when i was going through town, just a lot different on the inside.


I'm still enjoying music alot.. trying to digest the whole thing and deduct the parts that can continue to be an inspiration. listening to shpongle, lol.

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that sounds like the first couple times i took it. I took only a low dose and it was alot like that. Nothing heavy.. it was like the 3rd or 4th time where I experienced the wild side

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that sounds like the first couple times i took it. I took only a low dose and it was alot like that. Nothing heavy.. it was like the 3rd or 4th time where I experienced the wild side


that sounds good, so my trip didn't fuck up or anything. your avatar is very hypnotic by the way.

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on that path surely you will experience it sooner or later


i mean once you start with it it kind of drills at your head until you take too much


like curiosity etc

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