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Alien film: District 9

Guest joshier

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Guest analogue wings

oh shit so the trailer is going up before avatar day? hells yeah


Yep... and I would be seeing the Avatar Day Preview but I am busy that night. :(


Can't wait for the trailer though.


Now THERE's a film to ignore the hype for. It's a 3D action movie from the Aliens guy. Should be great fun. WON'T be the omg greatest anything ever they're already hyping it up to be.

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they're selling tickets for a preview? wtf is up with that? in fact where's all the hype for avatar coming from. wtf is avatar anywyay?


James Cameron's first movie since Titanic. He's been wanting to do this movie since early 90s.

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Wasn't this originally supposed to be "Halo", then M$ dropped out, and they just ran with the script replacing Master Chief with Dinkle Doonklyberry stupid guy?

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Guest assegai

Wasn't this originally supposed to be "Halo", then M$ dropped out, and they just ran with the script replacing Master Chief with Dinkle Doonklyberry stupid guy?


"After the feature film based on the Halo (2001) (VG) video game series which was to be directed by Neill Blomkamp fell through, producer Peter Jackson went to Blomkamp and offered him $30 million to make whatever he wanted. The result was this film." - IMDB

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what they don't say in that quote is that the idea for turning 'alive in joberg' into a full length movie was Philipa Boyens, PJ's cowriter on most of his films. Neil agreed it was a good idea and proceeded from there.

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yes they do, i was lucky enough to see D9 in a nice theatre completely filled with film geeks ala an ainitcoolnews private screening giveaway. it was the best theatre experience in recent memory. I swear to fucking god i cant remember the last time i saw a movie without some asshole at least ruining part of it.


also just got my Avatar preview 3d imax tikets for this Friday! booya! who is going to celebrate avatar day :) ?


Hey what's up free SF aintitcoolnews District 9 screening buddy! Aside from the wait the screening was very nicely handled.

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yes they do, i was lucky enough to see D9 in a nice theatre completely filled with film geeks ala an ainitcoolnews private screening giveaway. it was the best theatre experience in recent memory. I swear to fucking god i cant remember the last time i saw a movie without some asshole at least ruining part of it.


also just got my Avatar preview 3d imax tikets for this Friday! booya! who is going to celebrate avatar day :) ?


Hey what's up free SF aintitcoolnews District 9 screening buddy! Aside from the wait the screening was very nicely handled.


nice! universe synchronicity at it's finest ! did you get your tickets to avatar DAY DEWD!!?!?!


Boyens clearly didn't write the dialogue though.


hah why do you say that because shes a crap writer ? i cant particularly say i dislike or like her work because it's hard to tell whats her's and whats pj's

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it was entertaining, a very interesting story. on the other hand, the change in mood over time didn't really work for me, i wasn't huge on the dramatic scenes with the aliens, and i agree with some sentiments that by the end, you dont really care about any of the characters. overall, i'd watch it again, but i found it fun before anything.

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excellent sci-fi film, and a break from the Bay-tastic summer fare. deserves a sequel IMO. liked how the bugs went from being the baddies in the beginning, to the humans being the assholes in the end.

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excellent sci-fi film, and a break from the Bay-tastic summer fare. deserves a sequel IMO. liked how the bugs went from being the baddies in the beginning, to the humans being the assholes in the end.


the prawns were baddies at the beginning, and the humans good?

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FINALLY got to see this last Friday (been wanting to since I heard it was coming out) - Totally badass - I expected it to be topical and cerebral, but it was way more than just that. A perfect blend of action/emotion/social issues/and just general badassery.


It's one of those movies that was not only entertaining, but has me going back and thinking about various scenes/aspects well after I left the theater. Ace movie - doubt they will ever make a sequel though (or, at least not with Blomkamp's (sp?) involvement).

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Guest viscosity

saw this and inglourious basterds this week. both were excellent. def gotta watch inglourious again though, theater was packed and had to take the front seats.. had to turn my head 180 just to read the subtitles

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saw this and inglourious basterds this week. both were excellent. def gotta watch inglourious again though, theater was packed and had to take the front seats.. had to turn my head 180 just to read the subtitles


dude this happened to me in district 9, with all those closeups, shakeycam, subtitles, textures... it was harsh. Gonna definitely try to see it again in a cheaper theatre fore it stops showin

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i thought it was a wicked film, there was a short he did called alive in joberg or somthing which i thought looked better or the aliens did anyways. the thing i liked about D-9 was that it was so rando as in things started to get a bit boring then boom somthing amazing happens out of the blue. good film will buy the dvd when it comes out

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