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Guest Calx Sherbet

bacon is quite possibly the most overrated food ever. i think also remember once seeing a burger with krispy kremes for fucking buns. when will the insanity stop? are we trying to kill ourselves?

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bacon is quite possibly the most overrated food ever. i think also remember once seeing a burger with krispy kremes for fucking buns. when will the insanity stop? are we trying to kill ourselves?


seriously just ban yourself.

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i dont really like bacon that much. thin and pathetic. give me a good sausage any day. dont get me wrong i enjoy it. but this forum seems to actually masturbate over it. fuck that.

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Guest Franklin

last night I was up writing some reports and suddenly felt a bit of hunger. So I get up and walk to the fridge... knowing that there was nothing there....


anyway I looked down and saw a wrapped plate of BACON. my wife left it for me.


fucking bacon is great. The idea of eggs and cheese wrapped in bacon is tops in my book. way better than Fred's breakfast burrito or gravy thing.

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god really outdid himself when he created pork. I love all the pork dishes in China, they don't quite rise to the level of Mexican pork dishes but they come damn close. I do love bacon but over here they have these cubes of pork with about 3/4 of an inch of pure fat on top that are like baby back ribs minus the bone, simply delicious.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

bacon is quite possibly the most overrated food ever. i think also remember once seeing a burger with krispy kremes for fucking buns. when will the insanity stop? are we trying to kill ourselves?


seriously just ban yourself.


i'm sorry, was i taking up space on your internetz, where your only life is?


i've never used it, but isn't there an ignore function somehwere? how hard is it to use it? come on people....


i dont really like bacon that much. thin and pathetic. give me a good sausage any day. dont get me wrong i enjoy it. but this forum seems to actually masturbate over it. fuck that.


i actually find the smell of sausage cooking to be worse than the taste.


okay watmm, that right there was called a disagreement. it is an opinion that is against the flow of other opinions. if you have a problem with it, please feel free to be a pissy little bitch and chew my ass about it. good day

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