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Guest weed

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okay, heres the deal:


i've been with this guy for over 8 months...and each hint i put out there (for example some of my old writings that i found in the past, music, even fucking going on a bike ride) of things i'm interested in..he always disregards that or refuses to even acknowledge. how do i stay in a relationship with someone who obviously not interested in my passions? he listens to shit(music) and can only "stand" some of autechre..ect..ect. HE CANT EVEN WATCH SUBTITLED MOVIES FFS! any advice how to bring up after all this time for him to start branching out? even i've been willingly interested in the things he wants to show me ( how to fix a head gasket, all about his work at Mercedes Benz...i even listen to his nasty music ffs! FUCK! maybe its just me (im sure you'd all agree to that, ha)



im racking my brain around this one...any relationship advice watmm? (im sure this will turn into a disaster)

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just break up with him. don't draw it out, don't play mind games, don't do anything crazy.


my friend recently broke up with his girlfriend and he went insane because of her. he actually ended up deliberately cutting off his pinky finger

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Guest assegai

just break up with him. don't draw it out, don't play mind games, don't do anything crazy.


my friend recently broke up with his girlfriend and he went insane because of her. he actually ended up deliberately cutting off his pinky finger



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okay, heres the deal:


i've been on this forum for over 3 years...and each hint i put out there (for example some of my inane threads that i write all the time, deadmau5, even fucking going on a jagermeister binge) of things i'm interested in..everyone always disregards that or refuses to even acknowledge. how do i stay in a relationship with people who obviously not interested in my passions? they talk about poop and can't stand any of my posts ..ect..ect. THEY DONT EVEN LIKE MY BEWBS PICS FFS! any advice how to bring up after all this time for them to start branching out? even i've been willingly interested in the things they want to show me ( how to perform a 2 handed buffwipe, all about their neckfarts and Reaktor Patches ...i even listen to Essines' black metal ffs! FUCK! maybe its just me (im sure you'd all agree to that, ha)



im racking my brain around this one...any messageboard advice watmm? (im sure this will turn into a disaster)

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i know relationships aren't about sex but when the sex is good the relationship seems to just be that much better


and okay he has more than enough GREAT qualities


hes very interested in science, hes a good influence...has a great head on his shoulders..


and we have lots of things have in common but how do i get him interested in the thing i'm most passionate about


also this is first boy ive dated in a long time where ...we just cant talk about music. theres no discussion there on bpms or how the mix could have used this or that. also listening to 808 state seems like a chore for him. i really do love the guy and we dont plan on breaking up anytime soon


so my question to you watmm is : (any tips, suggestions, rude comments welcome)

how do i go about trying to make him at least appreciate the things i love?

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Guest assegai

He's great in every way except thinking Autechre is da bomb? Who cares. Does anyone go out with someone with all of the exact same interests? No. The best you could shoot for is 68% compatibility. Chances are if you have the exact same music taste they're either crazy or ugly. It has to balance out somehow.

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hey ryan lennox if you are reading this, :shuriken:



discussing music, any music is like a huge part of my life and music is not even a part of his life


doesn't really give one rats ass about it



and i know i know ezkerralden, only jenson falls into ect..ect...ect

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Guest ezkerraldean

Threaten to bite his balls off unless he changes to be how you want him to be. If he doesn't, actually bite his balls off.

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