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what's the most obsessive nerdiest question you could ask about aphex twin?

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Why Aphex?


Did anyone help you with those cool anagram titles, or did you think of them yourself?


If it was Selected Ambient Works, when will you release the rest?


I don't hear 54 beats in that song, will you help me out?


What's the significance of April 14th?


(Video Version) of Ventolin? Where's the audio version?


Good lord, the edit for Icct Hedral is 6:00 long!....where's the original?


Did you mean to allude the the 28 Mix of On is meant to be the 28th song to SAWII? And by alluding that, is that the one true title of a SAWII track?


Did you and Glass compose together or separately?


How do you feel about people who say you kept getting more and more experimental until it got to a point where it was just too much (SAW85-92 --> Drukqs), is that the same as Autechre (Tri Rep --> Untilted)?


Why The Dice Man? Were you known for being good at craps in Cornwall?


How do your parents feel about your success? Also, pics


What's your workflow? Details please


Was there really a dead Richard D. James?


When people say you are the most inventive electronic musician in decades, how does that make you feel?


Any more vids with Cunningham?


Why all those #s on the AB3 album? And explain what each means


Care to explain the equation title?


What is your fondness with the sound 'ph'? (Aphex, Phlange Place, Headphuq Mix, etc)

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What do the other 6 versions of AFX237, 8 of Synthacon, 9 of Last Rushup, 10 of Naks, 5 of Meltphace, 16 of Ziggomatic, etc sound like?


Why does looking at Beskhu3epnm remind me of the word sperm?


Did you know that I was born in the same year as Digeridoo (live in cornwall 1990)? Were you thinking of me when you put that?


And another thing, what's up with the not-so-good ending of Yellow Calx? It started out amazing with the classic synth run, but come on dude. Take me with you to your studio and I'll show you how I've envisioned that song to end for years. Come on, really.

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I've been trying to think of what happens when a bike pump meets a bucket, but I can't figure it out. Explain?


.215061's number combination is odd. the two 1's enclose the 506, while the 2 is left alone. What's the significance of 2 and 506. February and May 6th? It seems as if the 1's represent your parents, shielding May 6th from February. What happened during those times? Were too young to remember the exact day of the Feb incident? If so, who told you, your mom or dad? May 6th is coming up soon, do you ever think about it? Is this how all of the AB3 tracks were named, important events in your life? I tried calculating it all, but it ended up to nonsense. Any tips on solving the puzzle?

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Guest Calx Sherbet

the dice man was a character from a book if i remember , who was somewhat like two face, flipping his coin


and i think it was the title. and he rolled dice

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Guest Masonic Boom

the dice man was a character from a book if i remember , who was somewhat like two face, flipping his coin


and i think it was the title. and he rolled dice


It was a really fucked up insane kind of book. He was a rogue psychologist who decided that all decisions in his life should be turned over to the roll of dice. And The Dice told him to, like, rape his neighbour and free all the inmates in a prison and ridiculous things like that.


I can't think of any nerdy questions to ask right now. If I had the chance to interview him, I'd probably blow it and just end up asking questions about his cock. Or the other way around. GOD what is wrong with me today? Someone put a bromide in my tea.

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Guest cult fiction

What do the other 6 versions of AFX237, 8 of Synthacon, 9 of Last Rushup, 10 of Naks, 5 of Meltphace, 16 of Ziggomatic, etc sound like?


What do AFX001-AFX236 sound like?

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