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The Walking Dead - AMC TV Series (spoilers everywhere)

Rubin Farr

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Just let her die Morgan, you're wasting scarce resources on her.


PLEASE Morgan, she's easily the most annoying character.







carol is awesome

Edited by pyramidpanes
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Well I caught up on Series 6 last night, I quite enjoyed it to be honest.  As with most TV series, I tend to enjoy them the most when binge watching a whole series at a time.  Quite happy to wait until I can do that.


There was some dumb shit throughout that is completely out of character, like when Rick is driving around with Daryl and he sticks the radio on full blast with the windows down.If you really don't want to attract the attention of zombie hoards or murdering biker gangs, then don't do that.  Rick (and the scriptwriters) should know better tbh, and Daryl says "Rick, don't"

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  • 3 months later...

yes, will it be over soon?


To be more specific: it already is. I've some insight information (source is Moby) AMC is broadcasting TWD over and over again but nobody knows this because the zombie apocalypse is already happening. Yes we are zombies. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

yeah, fuck that shit, i don't even have a slightest desire to hatewatch it. it's just such a nasty, dire piece of shit of a show.  just thinking about it makes me feel kinda unclean for watching it till last season.


mods, please delete thread. it's over.

and i'm back :facepalm:

there's just some itch i can't ever completely scratch when it comes to this post-apocalyptic stuff (probably since the original fallout games)...the slow rebirth of societies, the paths they choose to follow and how they develop and adjust. about 40% of the show is about all that and i guess it's enough to overcome the turgid shit. and now with that negan thing it became even more interesting as the core group is basically enslaved.


i think it's the third time i'm ditching it and coming back to it, lol.

Edited by eugene
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I like where it's going but it's going too damn slow. They should have been gearing up and sharpening pointy sticks several episodes ago

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Exactly. There's only 3 episodes left. Unless a conflict will spill over into season 8, they're at risk for hard-to-believe silliness

Bets on the season finale being the start of the uprising, with season 8 being the war against Negan...


yeah, fuck that shit, i don't even have a slightest desire to hatewatch it. it's just such a nasty, dire piece of shit of a show. just thinking about it makes me feel kinda unclean for watching it till last season.


mods, please delete thread. it's over.

and i'm back :facepalm:

there's just some itch i can't ever completely scratch when it comes to this post-apocalyptic stuff (probably since the original fallout games)...the slow rebirth of societies, the paths they choose to follow and how they develop and adjust. about 40% of the show is about all that and i guess it's enough to overcome the turgid shit. and now with that negan thing it became even more interesting as the core group is basically enslaved.


i think it's the third time i'm ditching it and coming back to it, lol.

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After this shit is over, someone will inevitably edit the seasons down into the 37 minutes of actual plot the entire series contains. And I'll watch that.


37 minute fart-death reel of every character on the show, extras and zombies included.

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