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Recommend me some of the scariest movies you've seen


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The Human Centipede was pretty fucked up in concept, but it wasn't really that scary more-so just awkward... I've been meaning to see The Descent, might watch it later tonight if it's on Netflix. and I really wanna see that remake of The Crazies


it's scary in the fact of what you don't see, the things that are left up to the imagination, the feelings, the smells, the total loss of free will, mobility, and human dignity. that they are no longer human anymore, but a human centipede. a collective human organism forced to work as one, several times during the film they tell him just to kill them. in fact one of the most disturbing parts



her best fried dies, the one at end of the centipede because she ate nothing but twice digested human shit for days, and the middle piece couldn't comfort her, say anything, or even turn around and look at her in the face when she's dying, just nothing. it's all the sounds that get to me, that is true horror



if have you seen salo the 120 days of sodom, this movie is on the same level. i still can't wait for the sequel that they are filming now though, it's supposed to include a 12 person centipede, can't wait to see that

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yes Evil Dead still freaks me out...


just got back from Pirahna 3D and I am not sure I am ok...


so much blood...


so much tits....


so many severed tits! :wtf:



might be the best film ever....so real, so so real, must kill John Lennon!

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The original Funny Games is an all time favourite.


Yeah indeed. Haven't seen the remake yet but I doubt it will be as good.


Also if you're looking for scary not in the sense of some fucked up mentally disturbed concept (as the above) but more classic giving-you-goosebumps -creepy, I thought The Others was quite horrifying. Sure it doesn't shock you in terms of violence or whatever, but as a classic ghost story its atmosphere is very thick.

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Human Centipede... that looks really fucked up.


I love the Shining, Event Horizon is a good film too.


I also really enjoy The Grudge (the original Shimizu version).

Some freaky as fuck sounds, great use of lighting (as in theres plenty of it, but its a really weird light especially when in the house), and generally just creepy. The sequel was quite good too, but as usual the hollywood remakes were pretty poor.

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btw I'm serious about the wizard of oz. that film is fucked.

The 2nd Wizard of Oz is even scarier... like ten times scarier. Mind you I'm just going off childhood memories, but that film fucked me up.

Return to Oz still haunts me today. Those fucking tin meanies on wheels, their arms had wheels for hands and oh fuck, you got me started. Fuck that film right in the ass.

Yeah I was gonna post this too, so many freaky bits - the whole electro shock therapy setup, Momby (I think that was her name), The Wheelers (naturally), the whole tension of Gnome king finale section. Bloody ace though.


A film I saw recently that I thought would be shit but was surprisingly good (for a hollywood blockbuster anyway) was 1408. It takes a little while to get going, but there's some definite freaky shit going on there. Plus it reminds me of Silent Hill 4 (The Room) so it gets bonus points there ....

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btw I'm serious about the wizard of oz. that film is fucked.

The 2nd Wizard of Oz is even scarier... like ten times scarier. Mind you I'm just going off childhood memories, but that film fucked me up.

Return to Oz still haunts me today. Those fucking tin meanies on wheels, their arms had wheels for hands and oh fuck, you got me started. Fuck that film right in the ass.

Yeah I was gonna post this too, so many freaky bits - the whole electro shock therapy setup, Momby (I think that was her name), The Wheelers (naturally), the whole tension of Gnome king finale section. Bloody ace though.


A film I saw recently that I thought would be shit but was surprisingly good (for a hollywood blockbuster anyway) was 1408. It takes a little while to get going, but there's some definite freaky shit going on there. Plus it reminds me of Silent Hill 4 (The Room) so it gets bonus points there ....

1408 is a great film. it totally makes you feel trapped. i later had a a similar dream that was working in circles and couldn't for the life of me force myself to wake up.. freaky shit

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Guest Billov

Lost Highway & Mulholland Drive - These movies still scare me to death each time I watch them.



I recommend these, particularly Lost Highway. The first half of that film has this constant building sense of dread.

The second half of the film has this constant sense of



With Mulholland Drive that behind-the-wall poopoo monster completely scared the shit outta me, but know that I've seen it a few times I just laugh at his smelly face :D


I'm not a big fan of shocker/screamer movies... They just really piss me off and stress me out.

I tried to watch Drag Me to Hell once when I was hung over... and I ended up skimming through it cause it looked stupid and was full of jumpy scenes where the sound design just fucks with your head...


I find the original Texas Chainsaw Massacre a load of fun, good wholesome manic gorey fun, "HIT HER GRAMPAWW HIT HER"


oh and the Wheelers scared me shitless



brilliant movie though, great stop motion and costume/creature designs..

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Has anyone seen "The Beyond"?

That shit is scary.


based on your recommendation i downloaded this and managed to stick with it for about 30-40 mins before i had to turn it off for being so bad/cringeworthy (the acting, special effects and everything else).


i skipped through the rest and it ended just as i had predicted 5 mins in.


i should've known better though, it's early 80's lucio fucli, unless you can't get enough of closeup gore shots for 90 minutes, the only reason to keep watching is usually the soundtrack.


edit: thanks for the jacob's ladder recommendation though! 8/10

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Lost Highway & Mulholland Drive - These movies still scare me to death each time I watch them.


Shutter (the original from Thailand) - I actually turned this movie off because it really creeped me out. I finished it later on though.


certain scenes in both of those movies are absolutely terrifying. The phone-call scene from lost highway 'i'm at your house right now' made me afraid of the dark for month after i saw it.

of course the opening scene in the diner to Muholland Drive is still one of the creepiest things Lynch has ever done.


Inland Empire and Eraserhead are his most creepy movies for me, i feel deeply uncomfortable almost for the entire duration of both movies

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yes Evil Dead still freaks me out...


just got back from Pirahna 3D and I am not sure I am ok...


so much blood...


so much tits....


so many severed tits! :wtf:



might be the best film ever....so real, so so real, must kill John Lennon!


i'm kind of a purist when it comes to gore and from what i saw on the preview there is an overload of CGI blood and flying pirahnas, do they balance this with some actual practical effects blood + Gore?

I'm getting really sick of movies that only use CGI gore effects, like Zombieland. Beyond the makeup of the actual zombies every single blood plume was bright red particle animation. Same with kick-ass, if that little girl cutting off people's legs was done with a practical effect the visceral impact of it would have been much higher. otherwise it just feels like a cartoon. Watchman irked me for this reason too


Has anyone seen "The Beyond"?

That shit is scary.


Also, I haven't seen it in a long time but I remember " The Serpent and The Rainbow" scaring the piss out of me, when I was a kid.


Serpent and the Rainbow is definitely wes Craven's best film of the 80s besides the first Nightmare on elm st. Some of it is cheesy now but it's still a very cool and unique horror movie.

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Not a movie, but Chris Morris' TV series Jam is pretty damn scary. Being an ambient comedy series, it's also incredibly funny (if you can handle pitch black comedy). And to top it off, it uses some tracks from Aphex Twin's Selected Ambient Works 2.


Give it a try, and if it's somehow not tangled and warped enough for you, have a go at the remix version, Jaaaaam.


Here's the intro to episode 4:



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Pirahna 3D is mostly visual effect mastery, so horrible and amazing....some cg gore but it is the best I have ever seen and the worst(know what I'm sayin, well not yet you don't!) just go see it....most fun I have had at the movies in years! Not sure if the 3D is necessary but it does add to the horrifying nature of some of the scenes. :spiteful: and VING RHAMES! is the shit! GET OUT THE WATA! :emotawesomepm9:

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