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Star Wars films coming to theaters in 3D

Rubin Farr

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I can't watch 3D anymore, it gives me a headache, I end up taking the glasses off 2-3 times during the movie

me too


think it's cause i where glasses though, i have to put the 3d glasses over top, no good

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the idea for a movie where you need some specail face gear for watch it is sorto dumb i think anyway. pluse i dont know will they fit over my shades??

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Will not be seeing these movies. Watched the prequels in the theaters, because I liked Star Wars, but acknowledged they were utter shit. I haven't bothered seeing the original trilogy on DVD after I saw those restored and digitally manipulated versions on VHS. Why did no one tell George Lucas that farting aliens aren't that funny? The man has surrounded himself with a bunch of sycophants who will go on to do any whim of his knowing full well what he wants is more than likely going to be stupid and shit.


But knowing the SW fans, Lucas is going to make a fortune from it and it will encourage him to further dilute and destroy the SW legacy. Yes, the original Star Wars is a predictable Campbellian mytharc, but damn was it cool when you were a kid.

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I wonder if they're going to add even more retarded cgi, pointless extra scenes and edits to the original trilogy. I bet they will, so we will have to buy it again when they decide to release the ultra deluxe extended cocksucker 3D edition in 2020.

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They should go back and redo all the effects for the prequels though, because they all look emberrassingly dated already.

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lol... when you're a ten year old they're pretty big mr joyrex!


I was 8 when I saw Empire in the theatre in 1980...


Im still waiting for the I - VI Blu-ray box


Next year!


They should go back and redo all the effects for the prequels though, because they all look emberrassingly dated already.


They just need to fix Yoda in Episode I. That was worse than the puppet they used in Empire and Jedi... can't understand how Lucas could sign off on that as Yoda. I mean, FFS:





Not even similar - skin colour, facial features, eyes, etc. Then, when technology supposedly allowed Lucas to do a CG Yoda properly, they finally hit paydirt with this:


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I only wanna see 0:50 in 3D and with theater quality sound.


Yes, that was one of the highlights of the prequel trilogy. Lucas still showed moments of brilliance at times throughout the films.

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I only wanna see 0:50 in 3D and with theater quality sound.


Yes, that was one of the highlights of the prequel trilogy. Lucas still showed moments of brilliance at times throughout the films.


The best thing about that scene are the sound effects. I hate Attack of the Clones (just look at that title) but those bombs always put a smile on my face and makes me want to be a sound designer. But I honestly don't think that Lucas had anything to do with those sound effects. I think he leaves it all to Ben Burtt and lets him do whatever he wants to do. Remember the sound of Grievous' bike-thingie from Episode III? Oh yeah. *fiddles with balls*

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  • 4 weeks later...

IESB has learned that as soon as George Lucas converts his "Star Wars" movies to 3D and re-releases them in theaters, he will shift his focus on bringing a completely new trilogy to the big screen.


The goal is to re-release "Episode I: The Phantom Menace" in 3D in 2012 and be done with the entire saga by around 2017. Within two years after that, the first installment in the new trilogy will be released.


The new films will be financed by the profits from the 3D re-releases and will have nothing to do with the live-action TV series that's currently in the works. In fact, it will have very little to do with the Skywalker storyline. Instead, the plan is to further explore the "Star Wars" universe by making three sequels that will take place many years in the future.


So get ready, new "Star Wars" films are only a decade away!


Source: IESB

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There was a time when the idea of new Star Wars would have made me excited, but the abysmal prequels ruined the whole thing for me.


Same here. A few years ago I would have objected against three new movies because of how awful the prequels were, but now I don't give a shit. They have already ruined the Star Wars universe for me with all the expanded universe stuff and they can't really ruin it more than that, so in a way I would gladly sit through 3 new movies. Even though the new ones were awful they were still entertaining and the sound design was flawless.

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