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Strange Pictures Thread


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At first, artist Mica Angela Hendricks didn’t want her four-year-old daughter near her new sketchbook. She is serious about her art, and she knew little Myla would want to scribble all over the pages. Then, her daughter said the words that changed everything. “If you can’t share, we’ll have to take it away.” She had used her own mother’s words against her, and now Mica had no choice but to indulge Myla. She let her daughter finish one of her sketches, and pretty soon, they had a whole collection of collaborations.











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Speaking of Koreans, i dare you to look at this plastic surgery transformation page.





i call FAEK, on this whole page




Whilst I have an hard time believing some of those transformations given the complete reboot of some of the girls faces or bodies. I posted the link on another site and a someone there found >> this website








Further, someone else from that board from korea posted the following.


see before and after pics on subway station ads all the time. shit is real. uncanny.


So whilst i am still somewhat unsure of the veracity of content in that page i originally linked to, i am more willing to entertain the idea that there is much that is possible. And just imagine what they'll be willing to do with the technology still in it's early stages of 3-d printing a matrix into which bone can be grown. Korea will perhaps be on the bleeding edge of what the future will look like once every pleb can easily morph into what they consider a more suitable visage.

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hah, JR. I want to see it from the different angles in order to gauge whether how i imagine they were able to realise the the illusion in wood and steal is correct or not. Hence my frustration at not having this revealed to me.

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Speaking of Koreans, i dare you to look at this plastic surgery transformation page.


Big chins are problem over there apparently ? Chen, care to chime in.


That is the deepest thing I've seen in this thread.


I am experiencing such a mix of emotions looking at it. Part of me is like "What the hell is wrong with you?" But the antecedent to that is a mixture of "Why would you get plastic surgery/why are your cheeks/chin so freaking huge?"

Edited by sheatheman
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The before-pictures have shitty lighting, no make-up, horrible image quality and white balance and the people don't make straight faces in a lot of them.

Still, that's extremely frightening:





I... don't think she can close her mouth, can she?

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Good lord !! I didn't think about that implication. I wonder if she has a drooling problem.


A sad thing with that picture is that she actually looks prettier in the before image. Anyway, strange pictures indeed.

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