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The Dark Knight Rises

Rubin Farr

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im not juding the movie, but the batman outfit and bane outfit look extremely fucking shitty. Why do they keep making batman's costume worse looking ? It's almost at batman and robin levels now.


if nolan had balls hed by the first filmmaker to make a serious batman movie with the non Tim Burton inspired batman costume (yes if you have forgotten this costume first appeared in the 89 batman film) blue and grey all the way baby

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Bane gets married to Catwoman.

lol apparently there was a random wedding going on during the filming, they showed a bride and groom checking out a tumbler in one of the shots.


he doesnt even have muscles, hes wearin a friggin sweater

the film takes place in the winter even though they are shooting it in the summer.. can you not see how much bigger his neck is? it's obvious he put on a lot of meat since Inception


i thought bane was supposed to be hulkish not just a guy whose moderately strong

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Guest Pennywise

im not juding the movie, but the batman outfit and bane outfit look extremely fucking shitty. Why do they keep making batman's costume worse looking ? It's almost at batman and robin levels now.


if nolan had balls hed by the first filmmaker to make a serious batman movie with the non Tim Burton inspired batman costume (yes if you have forgotten this costume first appeared in the 89 batman film) blue and grey all the way baby


maybe it looks bad because It's based on a bat. The guy has bat ears. It's a bat man, man.

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im not juding the movie, but the batman outfit and bane outfit look extremely fucking shitty. Why do they keep making batman's costume worse looking ? It's almost at batman and robin levels now.


if nolan had balls hed by the first filmmaker to make a serious batman movie with the non Tim Burton inspired batman costume (yes if you have forgotten this costume first appeared in the 89 batman film) blue and grey all the way baby


Like someone mentioned earlier in the thread it's all about the post production. I've seen raw footage of big big big movies before and it always looks like shit so I wouldn't worry if I was you.

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Guest Gary C

In defence of this shitty photo, it's labelled officially as 'Selina Kyle', not Catwoman. So it could be that this scene is early in Selina's evolution and her costume may get better. It still looks very Matrix to me though.


Personally I don't think she'll ever be referred to as Catwoman anywhere in the film though, and this is the final product.

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All this hate on Bane - what did you expect? Nolan would never have produced a faithful reproduction of the character in the comics, given that he's trying to keep things at least within the realms of possibility.

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Bane is an awesome character, it is just that they half-assed it last time with a gigantic wrestler pumped with green juice. Nolan is trying to make Batman more realistic. Hell, I've enjoyed the first 2 films and I'm sure the 3rd will kick ass too.

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Guest Gary C

Why the fuck did he choose Bane, the living proof of Batman's decadence in the 90s, to be the main antagonist of this movie?


Good point. Bane was created at a time when Batman was morphing from the relatively cool first Burton film into the sillier styles in Forever. Bane also fit the other popular young-male fad of the time in wrestling.

He's not the greatest character, but his arc gets much better after Knightfall. He's pretty much a mirror of Batman personally; revenge-driven, highly trained loner, intelligent, fascination with fear. He's just from a poor background and compensates for Bruce's wealth with Venom.

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Guest Gary C

On his own he's an anti-hero, but in the context of this film he looks to be a villain. He frequently flips between fighting against Batman to fighting alongside him in the comics. Hell, he even represents an anti-drugs stance in some of his stories.


But it seems as though Nolan isn't setting Bane's backstory in a prison and probably wouldn't bring in any paternal-issues which drive most of his comic-storylines. He looks like a big army-goon.

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