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obviously Ridley Scott is going to tie in Bladerunner with Alien-verse in his Prometheus Sequel, David and Decker will meet on space Jockey plant, guaranteed box office success, cgi Harrison Ford


hannibal lecter makes a cameo as a murderous replicant who eats other replicants. he was being shipped to an ultrareligious prison planet under the supervision of deckard before their ship fell into a wormhole and crashed onto the space jockey planet. when they meet up with shaw, there is tension with david, who thinks hannibal wants to eat him. this occurs through a series of witty scenes as the four survivors wander through the barren alien landscape, looking for the space jockey city. once they reach the city, they find out that the space jockeys want to wipe out humans because they think humans are genetically programmed to be violent killing machines and the jockeys are afraid of humans turning against their creators. after learning this, the humans and replicants go on the run in a dramatic chase scene with plenty of obstacles and close-calls.


with a bit of bad luck, hannibal gets infected with black goo and turns into a cannibalistic alien-cyborg, becoming the only hope for the humanity's survival as the space jockeys' weakness is the alien lifeform, as seen in prometheus when their only weakness is the alien lifeform. however, david's new found emotions and "soul" (which are revealed in a touching scene in the desert where he has a heart-to-heart with shaw about her faith) make him unable to trust hannibal and he betrays the humans to the jockeys for their own good, acting like a judas figure (or maybe he's just a secret asshole).


the jockeys transform david into another alien-cyborg and he fights hannibal on the top of the space ship that shaw and deckard have somehow commandeered in order to return to earth. all through out the movie, a romance has bloomed between shaw and deckard and we see the culmination of this as deckard must go outside the space ship to activate the relay that allows them to safely navigate the wormhole back to earth. deckard leaves the ship in an emotional moment with shaw, saying "i'll be back." cut to the outside of the ship, where hannibal has thrown david off the ship and deckard goes to comfort him as he dies where we learn hannibal has learned the true value of friendship through his time with deckard. suddenly, david climbs back to the top of the ship and deckard must fix the relay antenna before it is too late, while dodging attacks from the violent cyborg. as deckard runs away, hannibal uses his last bit of strength to fling himself off the ship with david.


deckard fixes the relay and goes back into the ship, reuniting with shaw in a display of passion. as they set course for the wormhole, they find out they have a stowaway--the black goo has fused hannibal and david's corpses to make a super-uber-alien. this forces deckard to open the airlock to get rid of the super alien, however he is also pulled out of the ship and only shaw's grasp is holding him onto the ship. she shouts, "i'll never let go!" and deckard says, "i know." he lets go and hits the "close airlock" button conveniently placed near end of the airlock and it saves shaw.


the movie ends with shaw in stasis and the pod showing that there are two occupants....... it appears her abortion didn't work as well as she thought, setting up the sequel prom3th3us.


I'd pay good money to see that.


As long as it's shown in 2D, sepia tone, silent, and with those cards that pop up for the dialogue.

Edited by oscillik
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obviously Ridley Scott is going to tie in Bladerunner with Alien-verse in his Prometheus Sequel, David and Decker will meet on space Jockey plant, guaranteed box office success, cgi Harrison Ford


hannibal lecter makes a cameo as a murderous replicant who eats other replicants. he was being shipped to an ultrareligious prison planet under the supervision of deckard before their ship fell into a wormhole and crashed onto the space jockey planet. when they meet up with shaw, there is tension with david, who thinks hannibal wants to eat him. this occurs through a series of witty scenes as the four survivors wander through the barren alien landscape, looking for the space jockey city. once they reach the city, they find out that the space jockeys want to wipe out humans because they think humans are genetically programmed to be violent killing machines and the jockeys are afraid of humans turning against their creators. after learning this, the humans and replicants go on the run in a dramatic chase scene with plenty of obstacles and close-calls.


with a bit of bad luck, hannibal gets infected with black goo and turns into a cannibalistic alien-cyborg, becoming the only hope for the humanity's survival as the space jockeys' weakness is the alien lifeform, as seen in prometheus when their only weakness is the alien lifeform. however, david's new found emotions and "soul" (which are revealed in a touching scene in the desert where he has a heart-to-heart with shaw about her faith) make him unable to trust hannibal and he betrays the humans to the jockeys for their own good, acting like a judas figure (or maybe he's just a secret asshole).


the jockeys transform david into another alien-cyborg and he fights hannibal on the top of the space ship that shaw and deckard have somehow commandeered in order to return to earth. all through out the movie, a romance has bloomed between shaw and deckard and we see the culmination of this as deckard must go outside the space ship to activate the relay that allows them to safely navigate the wormhole back to earth. deckard leaves the ship in an emotional moment with shaw, saying "i'll be back." cut to the outside of the ship, where hannibal has thrown david off the ship and deckard goes to comfort him as he dies where we learn hannibal has learned the true value of friendship through his time with deckard. suddenly, david climbs back to the top of the ship and deckard must fix the relay antenna before it is too late, while dodging attacks from the violent cyborg. as deckard runs away, hannibal uses his last bit of strength to fling himself off the ship with david.


deckard fixes the relay and goes back into the ship, reuniting with shaw in a display of passion. as they set course for the wormhole, they find out they have a stowaway--the black goo has fused hannibal and david's corpses to make a super-uber-alien. this forces deckard to open the airlock to get rid of the super alien, however he is also pulled out of the ship and only shaw's grasp is holding him onto the ship. she shouts, "i'll never let go!" and deckard says, "i know." he lets go and hits the "close airlock" button conveniently placed near end of the airlock and it saves shaw.


the movie ends with shaw in stasis and the pod showing that there are two occupants....... it appears her abortion didn't work as well as she thought, setting up the sequel prom3th3us.


I'd pay good money to see that.


As long as it's shown in 2D, sepia tone, silent, and with those cards that pop up for the dialogue.


And with a live piano player for the dramatic musical cues.

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Here's a really good article that I completely agree with.




I'm eager to see the director's cut though.


interesting, they seem to be trying hard whenever possible to fill in the plot holes, but at least they identify some unexplainably bad beats and pacing as just being... well bad

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What about evolution, did they plan all that too?


Or did they just kinda teach us to become more human and like to them. Probably not, because they're too similar in shape.


Weird. Or was it they evolved on earth before, went to outer space and came back to hassle homo sapiens. Are they ramapithecus?


whenever aliens look like humans, i always assume that convergent evolution is implied (which is pretty smug, saying that the human form is the pinnacle of evolution, but w/e).

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there are several scenes in the map room/planetarium where I feel they are trying to point out Africa for some reason or another




maybe it has something to do with this theory



Or maybe it's because Africa is the most recognizable continent?

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Can't help comparing theories on what <plot holes / action fillers / "I bet the audience will find this WTF-ish, hehe"-parts> (SHIT PARTS OF THE MOVIE) actually mean, with theories on how god/the gods mystically thought out things here on earth...

Only logic thing I've been met with so far, is that when critique was given on "the creator dying from alien-birth in the end, making it impossible for it to be in the chair in the spaceship later", it's answered with the statement by david that there are far more ships on the planet, and that it's one of these that they enter in Alien.

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Of all the plot holes in the movie, that sure as hell wasn't one of them.


It's not even the same planet, and that's established in-movie.

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Guest Backson

heres a nice little review on Prometheous for you guys. (highly doubt this was posted. but im not wasting 2 hours looking to see. lol)




That was bad. There are many criticisms to be made of this film but this guy got it wrong.


Sometimes he picks up on characters acting irrationally even though its obvious that they are doing so on purpose to further the plot, presenting them as though they are mistakes.


Edit: Lol, this guy is a retard.


Instead of explaining anything or answering any of these questions, the movie tries to be all coy and clever by making us guess what the director & writers were thinking. I'm so tired of movies and TV shows using this device in lieu of good story-telling.


Looks like he doesn't quite understand how fiction works. Why did you post this Frankie?

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Guest zaphod

maybe the sequel will have noomi rapace taking over as an engineer and giving her own dna to a primordial earth that she travels to through some kind of time dilation. she becomes god and it turns out that the answer was actually within all along. then she gets raped by a tentacle monster.

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maybe the sequel will have noomi rapace taking over as an engineer and giving her own dna to a primordial earth that she travels to through some kind of time dilation. she becomes god and it turns out that the answer was actually within all along. then she gets raped by a tentacle monster.


I smell Oscar!


Noomi should probably stay away from doing more movies with themes of sexual violation, though, or people are going to start calling her Noomi Rapeface

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Guest zaphod

heres a nice little review on Prometheous for you guys. (highly doubt this was posted. but im not wasting 2 hours looking to see. lol)




That was bad. There are many criticisms to be made of this film but this guy got it wrong.


Sometimes he picks up on characters acting irrationally even though its obvious that they are doing so on purpose to further the plot, presenting them as though they are mistakes.


Edit: Lol, this guy is a retard.


Instead of explaining anything or answering any of these questions, the movie tries to be all coy and clever by making us guess what the director & writers were thinking. I'm so tired of movies and TV shows using this device in lieu of good story-telling.


Looks like he doesn't quite understand how fiction works. Why did you post this Frankie?


i think he understands how bad fiction works. there's a difference between nuanced storytelling that doesn't spoonfeed an audience and ridiculous plot holes, character motivations and story beats that go nowhere. there isn't that fine a line between subtlety and nonsense.

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yeah, it doesn't really work to try to fill in badly written stuff with stuff like 'the reason the scientists were so stupid is because they were stoned, lol!' wrong, if i was stoned i wouldn't take my space helmet off and call a never before seen cobra alien creature a rabbit and try to touch it, stupidest shit ive ever seen.


if i was just infected with an alien worm that came out of my eye, i would tell the person that i loved 'holy shit honey im infected with an alien virus, we need to quarantine ourselves because i just fucked you'

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Guest Frankie5fingers

heres a nice little review on Prometheous for you guys. (highly doubt this was posted. but im not wasting 2 hours looking to see. lol)




That was bad. There are many criticisms to be made of this film but this guy got it wrong.


Sometimes he picks up on characters acting irrationally even though its obvious that they are doing so on purpose to further the plot, presenting them as though they are mistakes.


Edit: Lol, this guy is a retard.


Instead of explaining anything or answering any of these questions, the movie tries to be all coy and clever by making us guess what the director & writers were thinking. I'm so tired of movies and TV shows using this device in lieu of good story-telling.


Looks like he doesn't quite understand how fiction works. Why did you post this Frankie?

i think he's pretty damn funny, but hey his works are not for everyone. you might like something else by him, at least give him a chance (there are some things i don't like by him too, but i still go back). but dont think that he's an idiot. trust me, he's not. he's actually very smart and a New York times best seller. if you've never heard of him or know any of his works then first read seems like he's being an asshole for just the sake of it. he's actually a nice guy, but likes to over exagerate to get more laughs. you actually might like one of his newest posts where he goes apeshit on a spam company.

if you were offended in any way im sorry. didnt mean it at all.

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yeah, it doesn't really work to try to fill in badly written stuff with stuff like 'the reason the scientists were so stupid is because they were stoned, lol!' wrong, if i was stoned i wouldn't take my space helmet off and call a never before seen cobra alien creature a rabbit and try to touch it, stupidest shit ive ever seen.


if i was just infected with an alien worm that came out of my eye, i would tell the person that i loved 'holy shit honey im infected with an alien virus, we need to quarantine ourselves because i just fucked you'


I already mentioned this but why isn't it a possibility that the Scientists were just Guinea Pigs to Weyland, he didn't want the best and brightest, all he needed was David to get him what he wanted. But having a crew on board allowed for David to experiment with the new dna and such. Point being the scientists barely even cared about the mission once they were briefed... they were more concerned if they were gonna get paid. They were grunts with little curiosity aside from Shaw mainly.

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guy doesn't even know maddox. he won't get it.


quote on that one review sums it up ".. characters act in ways that no human being would, functioning more in service of the action than having the action result from the expression of character. If none of that matters to you, then "Prometheus" might well be a great experience for you, but when I don't recognize basic human responses, then drama doesn't work for me. It's that basic."

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Also if the scientists were some of the brightest bunch, perhaps they would have had the glory of speaking to their maker before Weyland or at least that is what Weyland feared.


The thing about this film is that there are plot holes and poor execution of ideas, but there are also things that are left better unanswered. If they would have had a scene with Weyland where he flat out says the crew was picked for the reasons I said than that would have been pretty stupid imo.

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Guest Frankie5fingers

guy doesn't even know maddox. he won't get it.


quote on that one review sums it up ".. characters act in ways that no human being would, functioning more in service of the action than having the action result from the expression of character. If none of that matters to you, then "Prometheus" might well be a great experience for you, but when I don't recognize basic human responses, then drama doesn't work for me. It's that basic."

its fine, im actually quite surprised how many people i know that dont know who he is. ive been following him since he first started his page WAY back when.

but back on topic, Maddox has a valid point. the characters did not act at all like a person really would. i mean i get the whole "lets split up" cliche that horror movies use, if they didnt the movie would end. but in prometheous it wasnt even that. the whole crew sacrifices itself due to one guy giving a small speech? seriously? no that doesnt happen. people don't act like that. ever. its just bad writing.

as for my opinion:

this movie didn't even need to be told. everything you needed to know about prometheous was already stated in the first Alien. and the little mystery that they had in Alien about the ship is what added to the movie. just about every prequal doesn't need to be made. its usually just a last ditch effort to make a quick buck off a famous name. this doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to like the movie. but personal preference should not cloud your judgment that this movie was not well written.

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1. there are ways to pull that off gracefully.


2. that explanation is silly anyway.


How is it silly? He was already deceiving the crew with the video claiming he is dead.


Plus he had to appease the two scientists who discovered everything. He had to give them their rightful prize... or appear to do that. It's clear he didnt care about either of them though... even though he claimed in the beginning that they should really be in charge instead of Vickers (his daughter).


It's the same thing really as Ash letting the dude on board in Alien or the manipulation done by the corporate dude in Aliens. It's all means to an end of personal gain for Weyland regardless.

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because then you are saying that his masterplan is deliberately using incompetent people.


That's exactly what I just said...


Why would Weyland pay for the trip and let two other scientists get all the glory?

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