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i feel genuine sadness that Deltoro left the hobbit and is now working on a Peter Bergian Battleship esque movie 'Pacific Rim' .


i guess if it's set in japan it might be kind of a cool modern retelling of Godzilla or something, but i just feel bad he took on such a seemingly generic movie project.

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Sounds like the one that was posted earlier in the thread and AFAIK it's been debunked.


interesting that people are saying it's debunked, when the synopsis was released before the trailer, trailer comes out and practically confirms every single thing in the synopsis. Who knows honestly ,


but i'd be very surprised if all the 'hints' in the trailer such as the android saying


"some things have small beginnings'




"we wont have a home to go back to"


has no relation to the synopsis.


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Guest zaphod

i feel genuine sadness that Deltoro left the hobbit and is now working on a Peter Bergian Battleship esque movie 'Pacific Rim' .


i guess if it's set in japan it might be kind of a cool modern retelling of Godzilla or something, but i just feel bad he took on such a seemingly generic movie project.


i'm not sure he was the right fit for the hobbit but i'm pretty saddened that he won't be doing at the mountains of madness. especially in light of prometheus getting an r rating.


also if the del toro thing i posted is correct then the synopsis probably isn't far off at all.

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Apparently there's been some doubt cast on the spoilers I posted earlier. Who knows. I am glad that I don't get bothered by spoilers as some do.


the spoilers you listed are only the tip of the iceberg of what was leaked in the long synopsis 6 months ago, which is now more or less confirmed.


What synopsis, the one that was posted earlier in this thread with some time travel shit?


not sure if it was posted in this thread, but it involved





the android character being the only one who doesnt get infected, since he is not human.

each human character turns into a mutated monster and turns against the other hunmans

they are actually on earth, not an alien planet, but set billions of years in the past before life's beginnings on earth. they realize this at the end of the movie.

the android character's biology is absorbed by the intelligence of the space jockeys and they use him as the framework for man on earth, he is essentially 'adam' from the bible. . There was a lot more in the synopsis but this is all i remember






Well, that would explain why the movie is called "Prometheus" :derp: (other than the ship being named that)


Doesn't make me want to see the movie any less, as the journey to the end is what matters - the experience!


If true, that's a HUGE spoiler - gives away the whole plot in a few words.

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yeah, i think the 'synopsis has been debunked' was honestly damage control misinformation released by the studio itself.




If it's this one that you are referring to, then it has things that don't add up with the later information and trailers. Such as

Holloway being a security officer, when it's clear he's also a scientist and has a romantic relationship with Shaw prior to the trip. No mention of the ship ramming the alien ship or David getting his head ripped off. It just doesn't make sense when looking at the later trailers and other confirmed information


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Guest zaphod

it might not be exact and the synopsis may indeed be fake but i think the film will be remarkably similar in major plot points, especially if the lovecraft comparison holds. i would be extremely surprised if the major spoiler of that synopsis regarding creation is not true. which is disappointing because i'd rather have a lovecraft movie done well than a sterile science fiction horror film from a guy who hasn't made a decent movie in thirty years.

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Guest Blanket Fort Collapse

............. Just read that leaked synopsis super spoiler and a bunch of theories here:



Can't say I'm really that pissed that I read all that, I will still really enjoy the movie whether it's true or not.


I hope that's pretty accurate seems like it will be an even more amazing movie than I hoped for if so.

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it might not be exact and the synopsis may indeed be fake but i think the film will be remarkably similar in major plot points, especially if the lovecraft comparison holds. i would be extremely surprised if the major spoiler of that synopsis regarding creation is not true. which is disappointing because i'd rather have a lovecraft movie done well than a sterile science fiction horror film from a guy who hasn't made a decent movie in thirty years.


There are some beats that will come up in this sort of story, so it's quite possible that the synopsis would also have them. I am on the fence about that twist ending, it's a little bit Planet of the Apes or Twilight Zone-ish. I love Lovecraftian themes and would be happy to see something like that in the movie.

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Guest Gary C

it might not be exact and the synopsis may indeed be fake but i think the film will be remarkably similar in major plot points, especially if the lovecraft comparison holds. i would be extremely surprised if the major spoiler of that synopsis regarding creation is not true. which is disappointing because i'd rather have a lovecraft movie done well than a sterile science fiction horror film from a guy who hasn't made a decent movie in thirty years.


There are some beats that will come up in this sort of story, so it's quite possible that the synopsis would also have them. I am on the fence about that twist ending, it's a little bit Planet of the Apes or Twilight Zone-ish. I love Lovecraftian themes and would be happy to see something like that in the movie.



In the one I remember reading they weren't on earth all along, but the space jockey opens a portal that takes them back to pre-human earth and strands them.


In fact, I really don't see how they could use the on earth all along story because they all sign-up to be shot into space and spend months in stasis, right? Unless Weyland has secretly discovered the technology or science to travel through time or exploit a wormhole, then I can't see it happening.


I'm still inclined to believe that a space-jockey will take them back to pre-human earth and David will 'play God' by exploiting his crew to reshape life on earth. Something's got to remain to lay the groundwork for the starchart clues, though, so I guess that's for Prometheus 2.


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I might be posting old news here, so apologies, but this has been confirmed as a 15 in the UK and R in the US.


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The preview before the Avengers got my gf excited for this movie and she's never even seen Alien/s. Now I get to watch the trilogy with her before going to see this next month sup.gif

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I might be posting old news here, so apologies, but this has been confirmed as a 15 in the UK and R in the US.



*jots it down*

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Guest boo

mother fucking Odeon doesn't seem to be showing Prometheus in 2D at all.

that's what you feared, right?

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mother fucking Odeon doesn't seem to be showing Prometheus in 2D at all.

that's what you feared, right?


Indeed. There's still about a month to go, so Odeon could make room for 2D showings, I suppose. But it's not a good sign that their website lists 3D and 3D IMAX showings and doesn't make a single mention about any 2D showings.


I swear to fucking god, if there's no decent cinema showing a 2D viewing of Prometheus, I'll be publicly pirating the fuck out of this film.


mother fucking Odeon doesn't seem to be showing Prometheus in 2D at all.




Any time, any place.



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Oh dear lord jesus, this ain't happening, man... this can't be happening, man... this isn't happening!

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