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should I quit watmm?


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Guest futuregirlfriend

Just consider the Craig Anderson:People who aren't Craig Anderson ratio if you quit.

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Guest Adam

I don't want you to leave but if you would decide to, please do it after you have voted for Dew Covered Insects and Tesla on MIDMT. Thanks. :sup:

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Guest Gary C

Fuck it then.


Joyrex turn off the servers!


OK but not before the IDM Tournament is over plz.


We all know it would be the most IDM ever if we couldn't finish because WATMM imploded.

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Guest sirch

Hi Jules, i don't know you but.. from what you've said...


You strike me as the type of chap we need more of


i agree with this post by Coalbucket PI.



also, i agree with goDel... should get rid of the facepalm emoticon and that whole attitude.

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Guest Calx Sherbet

i had no idea he was 35


kinda sick of :facepalm: myself. it feels like it takes on a new meaning here, and i don't think i've used it until this post

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Guest Coalbucket PI

I also don't like facepalm usage on watmm, it's just snobby and unconstructive

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I hate the facepalm emote. Really overused.


Jules, you could just take a break for a while and come back. I took a year break once (the forums really sucked that year). Came back and everything was hunky-dory (until recently I guess, still good enough for me).

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I have nothing here. I try to contribute but it's mostly lolz because there are funny people here. but mostly everyone is too cynical even for me when it comes tonserious conversations. musically, I think I'm too old to understand the com truise love or even the burial/dubstep stuff. that stuff is either jokingly simple or clinging to a time I know no one wants to remember especially if they were alive then.


I don't ever understand all the crazy threads when people get banned because I'm not sure how you guys know someone so well from an online persona. I do well in real life but I struggle here and it's become a source of stress. I have enough stress in real life to worry about a site that was an escape for me at one time. I don't get why people rally against jr for doing what he does because this is his site. but if you side with him, you're a kiss ass.


i think I've gotten lost in my old age and that feels more idm than windows 95, space stations, 3d glass paintings and even fucking moss.


I'm not looking for anyone to say please stay, in fact I'm expecting this thread to go by the wayside like every other thread i kill just by posting in. why the fuck am i even posting this to a bunch of strangers? this is part of my issue I guess. damn it.


I totally understand, and I think a lot of the same things but I don't see this site as something to take seriously. I don't try to build up an online reputation, because what would be the point, you know? I see this board as the most like-minded gathering for my musical tastes, and I like a lot of the funny threads.


I really agree about disliking a lot of the new music. I think it's way past time we moved on from the 80's kitsch fetish. Occasionally, I get cynical too. Especially when a favorite artist of mine releases something and I know they can do better in my view. But when I vent about this, it's usually coming from a time of initial disappointment, and I end up thinking their new stuff is decent, anyway. This was the case with The King of Limbs and Shobaleader.

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if something is really and truly getting you down, then yeah you should give it a rest. for what it's worth, i regard you as one of the most level headed people on here.


you've got a lot going on, i know. you got married fairly recently right? and you've got a little 'un now. you got something that some of us disgusting plebs who're sat here pecking away at keyboards (mostly talking about me here btw, watmmers) won't have. if you feel like you're wasting time on here when you could be sorting out stuff that matters, then go for it. you're one of the cool guys.


plus there's awesome pictures of you where you look like a genuinely happy and cool guy. i would think an alcoholic beverage with you in a group setting would be rather awesome.

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You strike me as the type of chap we need more of jules


I agree. You took one of my lamest posts and converted into a lovely pie chart. One of the best things I've seen on this forum, ever.



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Guest Adam

Oh, I forgot you've made Official Clark Subforum Logo. That's really cool. Don't leave.



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