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Chinese first person shooter


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LOL, cool. What are the Chinese consoles called or is this for PC?


....despite the fact that with the exception of the Nintendo DS, the sale of video game consoles in China has been banned since 2000. Most video game consoles in the Chinese market are in fact the real thing, but they are mostly imported illegally or supplied by console makers who buy proprietary chips used in the actual systems.
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its a game (game)



the majority of human beings are retarded though...they can easily confuse it with reality



im not saying we should ban this stuff at all...but i find it very disturbing.

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trouble in the middle east? I blame the fucking video games.

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i like how you can pick up people and throw them at other people in "prototype"


also do a bodyslam from the top of a skyscraper


lol prototype rules


edit: Also, it seems like they've done a good job of taking the best parts of America's Army and incorporated into their own knockoff. I.E., shitty framerate, PS1 graphics, laughable physics, and generic gameplay. Huzzah!

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all FPS games are the same and they are all boring.


That's like saying playing tennis or chess is always the same. Of course it fucking is, and that's what i like about it. It's working out the same range of skills leading to the same good time.


;-p silly bear. :pedobear:

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fair enough, some FPSers i like:



Perfect Dark


but nothing more recent... i have COD4 for my PS3 and never play it coz it's fucking boring.

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If it was online though, and it really did pit Chinese kids (only) against real American kids (only), and the game was banned in other countries, then that could be badass.

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so should we blame the game or the retards that play them?


maybe we should be looking at why these people are so easily influenced by a video game in the first place.



i think we already have, and i dont think figuring that out is going to solve the problem.


look, its easy, people react too quickly whenever a statement is made about censorship, im not for censoring AT ALL.


read that sentence twice. dont be afraid, im pretty anti-censorship. what i am trying to address is that it is no doubt disturbing and more than likely more detrimental to society than helpful...just like gambling or alcohol (though to a far lesser degree...maybe?)


90% of it is the surroundings and makeup of the individual that pre-determines a proclivity to violence, certainly. but you cannot deny that something like a CoD video game is the catalyst, the 10%.


Once again, to reiterate so people dont shit themselves, im not saying there is an easy answer, and im certainly not saying the answer is in censorship of any form. but what i am saying is that its preposterous to assume these kinds of games dont further warp young minds, or perhaps be the catalyst that sets them off.



the CoD games and apparently this Chinese venture into similar territory seem to reinforce the "us vs. them", which appears initially harmless, but you combine that with a swath of patriotic ho-hum and 24/7 media propaganda reaffirming the message experienced in the video game, and you are far more likely to adopt a severe paranoia or xenophobic ideology.


this is probably all bullshit though.

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i would say for every time a video game has influenced someone to do something violent, it's also supressed violent urges in someone else on the planet, potentially stopping them from acting out their violent fantasies. things in life do tend to work out in that way and I don't think it's fair to condemn games just because of the few morons who ruin it for the rest of us.


a lot depends on the performance and visuals of the said game, if you're playing a game that is poorly optimized and got console graphics and is running at like 12 fps..such experience might not be enough to fulfill the violent urges and will only irritate you into going violent irl. on the other hand, a realistically looking and exceptionally gory true HD pc gaming experience will probably be more satisfactory in that regard.

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Why is the news channel called CCTV. It'd be a pretty stupid news channel if it was CCTV.


China Central Television

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