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Aphex Twin 'Lichen' vs Seefeel' 'Cut


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I haven't thought of a witty name for this or anything, but I discovered that these two tracks mash together wicked well.


I first discovered it on accident, playing around with mixing on my radio show this morning (http://kcpr.calpoly.edu/, my show is 'Dawn Chorus' on Friday mornings, on the schedule).


So when I got home today I recorded it for portable listening, and so that you guys could hear it! Hope you enjoy it, I've included a youtube link to preview it, a download link to get it in 320kbps, and the 'remixed' artwork, which was just for fun.


All rights etc go to the artists and label [seefeel "Succour" Warp Records 1995] [Aphex Twin "Selected Ambient Works II" Warp Records 1994]





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Thanks guys :wub:


I really enjoy these tracks together too, or else I wouldn't have gone through the effort to record, post, and remix their artwork


Nice find, it's always good to add ambient tracks on beat ones, possibilities become infinite

honestly! on my show, I've thrown autechre beats over acapella rap records that we have at the station. It's good fun and offers endless possibility indeed


woo, that was cool man. will def check out the show some time soon.

thanks mate! I also run the Sunday Regular-Format show, Ill Mitch from 2-3pm.


If you want an even more legit radio station over the internets though, I recommend you check out Audio Video Radio. You can listen to them via podcast at http://www.audiovideoradio.com/ or from a live link here on Sundays at 11am PST http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=237452179617255. They play lots of good music

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Ok, first off, I just want to say how much I like your remixed Artwork from the 2 sleeves, seemingly simple but brilliant. These 2 warp albums are up there with possibly 2 of my favourite Warp releases of all time and for that reason, I'm pretty intimate with them. I like what you've done here but somehow, because I'm so familiar with both tracks (and albums) this didn't gel as well as I was hoping, I think that's mostly because of my familiarity with the tracks but I think I was expecting a more seamless mix with Seefeel's beats more in time with the Aphex track. I've given it a few more listens and I think it works a bit better than my initial reaction but I reckon maybe I'm just too defensive or close to both albums and artists for me to truly enjoy it as I should. Just 'Something' about it is stopping me from getting completely excited about it. Good idea though and I'm certainly not intending to take away from your interesting experiment! Kudos for this, I can see where you were going with it.

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Ok, first off, I just want to say how much I like your remixed Artwork from the 2 sleeves, seemingly simple but brilliant. These 2 warp albums are up there with possibly 2 of my favourite Warp releases of all time and for that reason, I'm pretty intimate with them. I like what you've done here but somehow, because I'm so familiar with both tracks (and albums) this didn't gel as well as I was hoping, I think that's mostly because of my familiarity with the tracks but I think I was expecting a more seamless mix with Seefeel's beats more in time with the Aphex track. I've given it a few more listens and I think it works a bit better than my initial reaction but I reckon maybe I'm just too defensive or close to both albums and artists for me to truly enjoy it as I should. Just 'Something' about it is stopping me from getting completely excited about it. Good idea though and I'm certainly not intending to take away from your interesting experiment! Kudos for this, I can see where you were going with it.

Justified response. It does change the meter of Seefeel's track, to the point where sometimes when focusing on Lichen, Cut will sound almost inversed. I don't have that "history" there with Succour, I just got the album this year. But of course I've listened to Lichen about a billion times, so I wouldn't put this out if it were disrespectful to that.. Seefeel is really brilliant though, I'm working my way through their albums now (only have Succour and their latest self titled.. which I realize are from 2 different eras)


On the radio its even more haphazard, I just unleashed both tracks and mixed their volumes, occasionally giving Lichen more space to breathe. When I mix acapella vocals over certain tracks, I'll sometimes manually work the turntable so its more in time and so the vocals get all pitched all over the place. Its a messy science you could say..

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Yeah sometimes Lichen sounds slightly out of time with the beats, but at points this works beautifully. Well done, real nice stuff. Also Lichen is one of my favourite tracks of all time :)

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I enjoy this mix more the more I hear it. Now I realise it's a totally live mix, the silly fan in me is letting me be much more forgiving. Good job. ;)


i thought all those tracks were untitled

Yeah, all the SAW 2 tracks were officially untitled apart from Blue Calx. The rest were given 'fan' names based on the corresponding pictures on the album which have been widely used since it first came out. I thought this was common knowledge?

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the only time i ever saw the tracks as actually having names, was way back in like 2001 someone from aphextwin.nu (now xltronic) ripped SAWII and posted it to the internet as mp3 files and named all the songs based on the richard d james photography included with the legit album. i think it's kind of unfortunate that this has become accepted as the norm because the album is epic and i dont think it was aphex twin's intent. its shallow, clashes with the intelligence of the tracks and detracts from the musical integrity

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Personally, I don't think the 'fan' track titles in anyway take away from the actual music, I mean If I'm listening to Saw2, I've never thought to myself, "I wish this hadn't been named 'Curtains' by fans because it feels like its got far less integrity now". It still sounds the same and as great as when I first bought it. Yeah, it's a deep album with a complex original structure that everyone who's a fan has NO excuse for not owning an original of (and yes, I also agree it's a fuller experience on Vinyl or CD with the art) so I can understand why you feel that way and it's admirable. I wouldn't let alternative names bother me so much that's all. Fans originally did it simply to make it easier to discuss the music online as MP3's became a more regular sharing format back then, rather than them having to say "So what do you think of Untitled, I think it's not as good as Untitled but as moving as Untitled". In the end, if making the album more accessible with easy to remember titles means that over the years, more people have discovered it for the first time online and know it with those titles and then have gone on to buy the original, then great!

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haha i know, after i posted that i thought man that must make me sound bitter, its not something i am like angry about or anything, i just typed it off the top of my head

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also if you think about this this way though, someone who has never heard saw2 or aphex twin, might approach listening to these tracks with the misinformed notion that they actually have names, and this may affect their interpretation of the music, which was implemented by someone who stole/ripped the mp3s.

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They work really well together, but believe it or not, I don't own a single Seefeel album and hadn't even heard the original before. Whenever I tried listening to a track of theirs, I believe there was this rock- or guitar-aspect that put me off. What have I done wrong? Because this sounds great.


on my show, I've thrown autechre beats over acapella rap records that we have at the station. It's good fun and offers endless possibility indeed


You don't happen to have some of those online for display? I did the same thing for BoC recently.



i think it's kind of unfortunate that this has become accepted as the norm because the album is epic and i dont think it was aphex twin's intent. its shallow, clashes with the intelligence of the tracks and detracts from the musical integrity


hence I never read the track titles before I have listened to any album multiple times. I always like to come up with my own imagery first, then compare it to what the artist had in mind for it. Often it will fit, sometimes it won't. In SAW2's case, it depends. The titles are minimal enough not to affect the tracks very much, but I'm not sure I would have interpreted the tracks the same way, had I read them in advance. e.g. "Circles" always reminds me of a desert of a canyon, I don't "hear" the circles at all.


^I've made an almost identical post before at some point.

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also if you think about this this way though, someone who has never heard saw2 or aphex twin, might approach listening to these tracks with the misinformed notion that they actually have names, and this may affect their interpretation of the music, which was implemented by someone who stole/ripped the mp3s.


I hear that. I think it's safe to assume though that this pretty much would only apply to people hearing it first from some rip or torrent of it. It'd be nice to think too they'd be interested enough in the music to take 2 minutes to investigate further and find out these are Fan titled tracks. Anyone blind buying an original with packaging wouldn't be under such illusions that they're titled of course.


I don't own a single Seefeel album and hadn't even heard the original before. Whenever I tried listening to a track of theirs, I believe there was this rock- or guitar-aspect that put me off. What have I done wrong? Because this sounds great.


You should definitely check out 'Succour', it's fantastic or indeed their much maligned third on Rephlex "CH-VOX" which is darker and more ambient. Definitely underrated. If you hadn't heard before hand that they used guitars then I think you'd be quite hard pressed to realise they did. The guitars are so heavily processed and abstract that they really don't sound like the instrument at all. If you like the sound of "Cut" then "Succour" doesn't come recommended enough. "Seefeel" is brilliant too but Rawer and less electronic sounding possibly.

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"Circles" always reminds me of a desert of a canyon, I don't "hear" the circles at all.


Hmm, "Circles", interesting. I've never heard that title used before, I imagine there's quite a few alternative titles out there. As stupid as it is, there's an "Official" list of "Unofficial" fan titles. Maybe it's track 11 on CD 1 (AKA Domino) that's the only picture I can think of that has obvious circles on it?

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The supposed "Circles" is Disc 1 Track 8.


Noone ever told me how Seefeel used guitars, I must have identified them myself on some track of theirs, and I even thought they were quite clear. But I might be wrong. But I remember liking the track from the video clip on my Warp Vision The Videos DVD that I snatched off ebay like a total prick after plstik sent me the link to the auction. :facepalm:

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The supposed "Circles" is Disc 1 Track 8.

I think this is why I find this particular Aphex album endlessly interesting to discuss. The various editions and track omissions have caused some confusion on occasion. (Ignoring #19/ 'Stone in Focus' for a minute) This is because that for some reason track 4 on CD side 1 (AKA Hankie, which IMO is one of the most disturbing and dark tracks on the album) was left off the first US CD printing so depending if you have the US or UK CD edition, if the track you have named "Circles" is meant to be track 8, "Blur", it could either be track 7 or 8 on Side 1(Blur or Weathered Stone as christened by Fans). Annoying eh.


Noone ever told me how Seefeel used guitars, I must have identified them myself on some track of theirs, and I even thought they were quite clear.


Sorry if I wasn't clear, I wasn't meaning you in particular, I just meant, say someone heard them for the first time without that knowledge, then it might be surprising to the listener if they found out a lot of it was processed guitars later on. The guitars on the new album "Seefeel" are much more obvious actually but still twisted and manipulated to be extremely interesting and satisfying. On "Quique" too, they are a bit more recognisable as guitars than on "Succour", 'Quique' is beautiful, like a very electronic and even more spacey MBV.

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Great moments on this mashup. The conflicting time signatures mess with it a little, especially considering my own familiarity with both tracks, but there are some very nice moments regardless.

Now try mashing 'Rhubarb' with 'Extract' ;)

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i never bothered to match up what the "fan titled" tracks are with the track numbers, i just am familiar with the track numers for example i know that cd1 track 7 is one of my favorites. dont really see what the difficulty is in just referring to track numbers.

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