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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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hotspot shield and netflix are not compatible on my girlfriend's comp at the moment, which means in order to watch the movie we want to watch we'll have to use my computer which gets shitty audio. It makes all the far left and right audio really loud and all the centre audio really quiet. THAT'S FUCKING BULLSH... n/m it's working now.

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My Saturday sucks very much so far: I had to wake up at 7:30am because of work, I spent the whole day hungover and nobody seems to reply to my messages tonight. I'll probably go to sleep early like a total loner.

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The guy I was going to buy a rare piece of gear from decided to sell it to someone else. I really want that fucking thing. I want it bad.


Which one?

Akai S612.

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The guy I was going to buy a rare piece of gear from decided to sell it to someone else. I really want that fucking thing. I want it bad.


Which one?

Akai S612.

Are those rare now? Bummer. Those start & end faders on the front look like a blast.

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started out with this awesome future-grime beat idea in mind, and it ended up turning into shitty trap music.


what the fuck

Wow, it sounds like a completely different song when the main beat kicks in

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Every time I sit down to make music I end up wasting time on the internet, if I do manage to get my music on I eventually go get a cup of coffee, and plant myself in front of films/xbox while drinking it instead. Curse you, endless supply of fun distractions!

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started out with this awesome future-grime beat idea in mind, and it ended up turning into shitty trap music.


what the fuck


lol, don't feel too bad, I started on a fun psych rock / electronic blend a few days ago and it decayed into weird psych butt house before i even knew what happened. haven't really known who i am since

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Every time I sit down to make music I end up wasting time on the internet, if I do manage to get my music on I eventually go get a cup of coffee, and plant myself in front of films/xbox while drinking it instead. Curse you, endless supply of fun distractions!

Oh god, yup.








I imagine my obit reading "would-be musical genius that instead spent his time looking at cat pictures on the internet"

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Got one: just found out bandcamp doesn't always log the visits my page gets despite what its stats headings would have me believe. (got one incomplete play so far today but no visit.) Possibility #2 is that someone was already on the page yesterday and stayed there until today, then played the track. New FWP is that I'll never know for certain whether bandcamp keeps an accurate log of page visits.

Edited by Zephyr_Nova
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