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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

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dr lopez is cool stfu


I like Dr. Lopez


I hope he knows I'm only teasing, playfully



and that I wish him only the best in life and love



yea me too, obviously glunk cant handle my youthful good looks and charm :beer:


I haven't fucked yet



Edited by dr lopez
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i don't see how to be motivated to really do much of anything partly due to a mostly atheist slant. but not only that, but then you have all of these scientists who are constantly working to prove that there isn't any point to anything.



and then the whole stupid thing of the possibility of infinite multiple universes where every possibility is true in at least one. then that means that there are infinite uses and a you who is good, bad, evil, murderous, rapist, whatever. so which is real? any?


there's no point to any of this. why even come here and post? oh wait, it's because the laws of thermodynamics made me.


Edited by MisterE
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I think the whole point of life--the whole predicament--is that we have to create our own meaning. That's what plagued Sartre and Camus and Dostoyevsky and Kierkegaard and Kundera and Eliot....


Firstly I'd say narrow your focus.


There's a quote from Adapation (which I think was directly yoinked from The Orchid Thief) which helped me out and brought some focus and clarity to my life: "I was starting to believe the reason it matters to care passionately about something, is that it whittles the world down to a more manageable size."


Just find something that brings you joy and do that.

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I'm trying to play "cums": and "shits" on my current Scrabble turn, and it's insisting that "cums" is not a word when it obviously is. They'll accept "cunt" and "jewed" but not fucking "cums". wtf is this shit. I can't believe I'm in the version of the universe where the Scrabble dictionary is so goddamn inconsistent.

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every now and then I am confronted by the fact that I probably need to be making more efforts to open up to people and take risks and have more human interaction in my life. always painful to confront this. I'm fucking irritable today because I'm bugged about it.


I have the exact same problem... I don't know why I'm so anti social

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I always get left out of the good WATMM drama. FWP fo sho


You only missed it by a page or two. I'd recommend not going back to read it though, unless you want to pinpoint the moment in which the good doctor's heart is removed and thrown to the floor

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My parents tend to take things way out of proportion. I took a photo of a sheet of gold crucifix stickers to send to a friend with the aim of using them in our pisstake witch house band, and ever since then my mum has been pointing out every crucifix on clothing or jewellery. It's just a joke, mum!

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I always get left out of the good WATMM drama. FWP fo sho


You only missed it by a page or two. I'd recommend not going back to read it though, unless you want to pinpoint the moment in which the good doctor's heart is removed and thrown to the floor


Aw, poor D-Lo. :(






(...clicks 2 pages back...)


Glunk seems like a tough nut to crack tho. Every time I'm in CHATMM and she shows up, she's gone in about 30 seconds.

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