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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I thought I wasn't going out tonight so I took some acid but now I am going out and aaaaah :music::w00t::wacko::huh::ohmy::wtf: Exai should turn this 2 hour transit into a fun journey!

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Guest isaki

I posted in here originally, a fwp, what I posted in the films thread... but I mean I didn't, I saw it below Zephyr's post (if I clicked back enough I could probably see it again)

you saw it, you posted then your post disappeared like a second later

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I posted in here originally, a fwp, what I posted in the films thread... but I mean I didn't, I saw it below Zephyr's post (if I clicked back enough I could probably see it again)


you saw it, you posted then your post disappeared like a second later


I was gonna move your post in the movie thread to this thread, but there's a bug with the mod tools at the moment, so I deleted my post where I was asking you if I should move your post to the FWP thread.

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Guest isaki

wtf :sad: here it is I'll put it in here


someone/something is phoning my mobile, only for there to be complete silence from the other end. not even white noise


also, genuinely every American I have on facebook posts nothing, instead they fill my newsfeed with "shared" pictures. I have never added an American that doesn't do this. thanks Obama

Edited by isaki
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I didn't delete or move any of your posts, though. So let's get back on track...


FWP: My master thesis is such a pain in the ass.

what are you doing, yo

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There is always a small hole in one of the dish gloves I use. Never both. And no, I'm not using the same pair over and over again --if only that were a possibility. WTF. Why is there always a hole in one dish glove? Fuck you.

FWP 1b. finger pruning has occurred on just my right hand. Fuck me.

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wtf :sad: here it is I'll put it in here


someone/something is phoning my mobile, only for there to be complete silence from the other end. not even white noise


also, genuinely every American I have on facebook posts nothing, instead they fill my newsfeed with "shared" pictures. I have never added an American that doesn't do this. thanks Obama


block their number, although it's probably unlisted or you'd have done that right.

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Guest isaki



wtf :sad: here it is I'll put it in here


someone/something is phoning my mobile, only for there to be complete silence from the other end. not even white noise


also, genuinely every American I have on facebook posts nothing, instead they fill my newsfeed with "shared" pictures. I have never added an American that doesn't do this. thanks Obama

block their number, although it's probably unlisted or you'd have done that right.



yeah they stopped but I'm afraid it'll be the same tomorrow. they just didn't give up... kinda creepy
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If it keeps going, ask the phone company about it. They might tell you to ring the police or know what's going on. For example, perhaps there's a call divert for a fax accidently going to your number or something silly like that. Given that you can't hear anything on the other end.

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A friend of a friend just killed himself, and I'm actually a little fucked up about it even though I only really met him once. I think it just comes down to the fact that it's the first time that someone my age, and in my circle of friends, has died.


Having said that, it's really put some of my shitty problems into perspective.

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Guest Ron Manager

A friend of a friend just killed himself, and I'm actually a little fucked up about it even though I only really met him once. I think it just comes down to the fact that it's the first time that someone my age, and in my circle of friends, has died.


Having said that, it's really put some of my shitty problems into perspective.


i can relate, as this basically happened to me recently, except it was a bit closer. a good friend and colleague (fellow PhD student who i'd shared an office with the last 3 years) died in a car accident in December. i'm 25 and it's the first time anything like that has ever happened to me, and frankly it's been awful. not a day has gone by where i don't think about her. so i understand this big time. it really shakes you up and you feel like there's nothing you can do about it. hope you and your friends manage OK.



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Thanks. Yeah like I said, I didn't really know him, but a good friend of mine was in a band with him and they were very close. I hadn't heard from him in almost two weeks until I sent him a message tonight and found out that he actually found the guy after he'd hung himself. I can't even fucking imagine what he's going through now. I'm just gonna try to help by providing musical distractions. That's all I really know how to do!

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Thanks. Yeah like I said, I didn't really know him, but a good friend of mine was in a band with him and they were very close. I hadn't heard from him in almost two weeks until I sent him a message tonight and found out that he actually found the guy after he'd hung himself. I can't even fucking imagine what he's going through now. I'm just gonna try to help by providing musical distractions. That's all I really know how to do!


Shit man I know exactly the feeling.


A year and a half ago a guy in my building--who lived on the 4th floor--just up and jumped out the window one day. I came home from whatever I was doing and there were cops and medics and yellow tape everywhere and a sheet placed over the body with a bunch of people in a circle just looking at him/it.


I didn't know the guy too well (I bumped into him from time to time) but for some reason I was semi-inexplicably devastated for about 6 months. Perhaps it hit home with me because he was a "creative type" (like me) who struggled with depression (like me).


Anyway, yeah music is always the answer.

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