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stupid first world problems you're dealing with

Guest KY

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I had subway for lunch. That's high in sodium. =(

Yeah, I feel like shit after eating there now. I can eat a sub somewhere else and feel fine, but subway makes me feel like I ate lead and desiccants.



It's pretty bad! Sweet onion chicken teriyaki is like 2000mg of sodium and that's if you don't get any pickled toppings (pickles,jalapenos, olives, etc).


That shitty feeling is probably just our kidneys shutting down lol

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Woke up with a headache (which I'm a complete baby about because I rarely get them)


Went to Five Guys for the first time, which is actually a FW success. But now my headache appears to've moved to my stomach.

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Guest Sprigg

Going to Five Guys, as tasty as it is, guarantees a violent discussion with the porcelain god.


FWP: I have more stir fry than I'll be able to eat.

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I don't want to go to school work tomorrow.


I don't want to go to work today. The lameness of it all !!! I'm a few days into 3 weeks without a break. After having a day off on wednesday following 2 weeks without a break. On top of that i didn't get a pay rise for my weekend shifts (My brother is getting shafted at his workplace with pay as well, it seems to be a consensus across australia that it's easy to fuck us all up the arse now we're on indivudual contracts and have weak unions. It doesn't help that we have 450,000 immigrants coming per annum here which crushes the worker's bargaining power by flooding the market with alternative choices for the employer (whilst similtaneously pushing up rents and putting massive pressure on the country's infrastructure (hospitals/schools/power grid/roads/etc.)).


I'm so pathetic, need to get out of here. mleh.

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my dad's bought a camera online from a dodgy company in hong kong. there's terrible reviews all over the internet about ripping people off, sending used, reconditioned, faulty or fake goods, zero support, non-existent warranty, the list goes on and on... no matter how much i warn him about this stuff, he still thinks he's got a bargain. a £260 camera for £190 is too good to be true!


:siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiigh: :facepalm:


well blow me down, he received his camera earlier than expected and everything seems legit.


yeah that's what i said but it's also the smallest so i lose.

Please let her know that a panel of electronic music enthusiasts registered a protest with the sunflower judging board, and our inquiry is pending.




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i had my feelings mooshed in the intergnats


When, where, how, why, who ... what?


You're going to need to be more specific.



That's as much info as you can expect from troon.

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i had my feelings mooshed in the intergnats


When, where, how, why, who ... what?


You're going to need to be more specific.



That's as much info as you can expect from troon.



Lol, yeah how dumb of me.

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I finally got a job earlier this month after a few months of being unemployed, and I HATE it...


I took a job offer doing some data entry and user & client experience testing of a program for the fairly new and growing company my mother works for, and it's terrible. It's not even working for the same company as my mother that's the problem. I just really can't stand this type of work, it's tedious and dull and try as I might I can't seem to get excited about what the company does at all. I feel bad because my mother and the company owner gave me a great opportunity to work for them. There is a lot of potential to grow and expand with the company, and the company has been doing well lately but... It's really not the type of work for me and I know this, I'm pretty certain my mother has become aware of this as well.

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You've only just started, give it more of a chance at least. Job is better than no job, and this one does sound secure (yeah, i'm pretty conservative).


Well I didn't just start I actually started last month rather than earlier this month (my concept of time sucks sometimes) But, yeah I know, it is a job and well that's something to hang onto in this recession. I'm not gonna up and walk out on them, but I think I may continue to look around for other options. I've been thinking of going back to school but not for audio production like I had been doing, instead I'd go for a 2 year degree in something. Been considering taking courses to become an EMT and maybe eventually a full Paramedic. Took a career assessment test a couple months back that said I'd probably enjoy that kind of work and I've been giving it some thought lately.

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I got fifteen quid stolen from my purse at work today. Happy Birthday to me.

where did you conjure the avatar from?


happy birthday btw. I had a shitty one too last weekend. I hate birthdays.

I made it in MS Paint years ago - I was depicting the upper-middle class pigeons (my mum was feeding them stale croissants at the time) that were frequenting my parents' garden. The thing that looks like an eye infection is supposed to be a monacle...



I did get the money back, and then spent half of it on a very large, very overpriced stiff drink ten minutes later, which seems a bit stupid now.

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